Sky Cultivation

Chapter 152 Spiritual Skills Reorganization

Xiong Ba and others have long been trained as an elite by Zhao Tian. Seeing Zhao Tian's eyes, they immediately understood and followed Zhao Tian upstairs.

"Lord Dong, what should we do now?" Ruan Fei walked behind Dong Yuan, looked at his injured brothers all over the ground, and said bitterly.

There are too many members of the Sword League injured, and there are no fewer disabled people. The treatment of the magic bead just now can only treat internal and external injuries, and there is no way to deal with disability.

"Alas! The lightly injured brother helped the seriously injured brother to rest and was looking for several people to find some elixir pharmacists to treat these brothers. The dead brothers distributed 500 gold coins to each of them, and each of the bodies had to be handed over to their relatives in person, saying that Dong Yuan was sorry for the brothers!" Dong Yuan's eyes were a little red.

"Yes, I know." Ruan Fei also said sadly.

As soon as Zhao Tian returned to his room, he immediately remembered the strange madness of the wandering wind and the magic beads of the old man with white eyebrows.

Suddenly, Zhao Tian suddenly remembered that Dong Yuan once said that the appearance of the Tianmo clan would be a huge conspiracy, but Dong Yuan knew about this matter, so the You Feng and the old Bai Mei elders naturally also knew, so why did they let others guess their relationship with the Tianmo clan?

There must be some unspeakable secrets in it.

However, at this time, Zhao Tian has no extra time to think about this, because Xuan Ning has run to Zhao Tian's side, looking like a good baby: "Big brother, what are we going to do recently?"

Zhao Tian's thoughts were interrupted. Seeing Xuan Ning's appearance, he couldn't help smiling: "Well, don't you want to go out to play? Well, I'll satisfy you and take you out tonight."

"Good!" Xuanning was happy to jump and jump.

"But you have to promise me one thing first, otherwise I won't take you out." Zhao Tian smiled at the corners of his mouth. Every time he saw Xuan Ning like this, his heart couldn't help but relax.

Xuan Ning was not scared by Zhao Tian's words at all, but he still made a gesture of listening.

"If you don't bother me until tonight, I want to practice, otherwise..."

Before Zhao Tian finished his words, Xuan Ning quickly made an oath: "Okay, big brother, I promise I will never disturb you from now on."

With that, he ran to the room of Xiongba and others.

Zhao Tian showed a helpless look, but there was also a trace of sympathy.

It was just after a while that I heard screams as high as 10 million decibels. Wow, if you don't play with me, I'll tell my big brother." Now Xuan Ning is constantly wiping tears with two small fists, how miserable it looks.

In the end, Xiongba and others kept buying this and that for this aunt who can't afford to be provoked, just don't let her cry.

In fact, Xuan Ning was used to it when he was a child, and he was also used to loneliness, but he just wanted to tease Xiongba and others. Due to the particularity of Xuanning, Xuanning did not dare to lean too close to them. In case something happened, she did not dare to make Zhao Tian angry.

"The white-browed old man is so strong, I'm afraid that the seven- or eight-level martial artist is nothing more than that! At that time, if the body had not been restrained by spiritual pressure in time, it would have been estimated that the current aura in the body would have been in a mess. Zhao Tian pondered, felt the aura in his body, and said gladly.

A powerful golden aura rose from the room, like boiling hot water, and the whole fog floated up and filled the whole room. At this time, the aura sitting in Zhao's body under the golden fog is rapidly reorganizing.

is like removing a part. Then assemble it the same. Zhao Tian decided to reorganize the aura just to avoid the old man's aura from causing trouble to his cultivation in the future. It sounds difficult, but this is brought in the formula, which may be impossible for others, but it is just a little more difficult for Zhao Tian than drinking cold water.

The mysterious jade pendant on Zhao Tian's body, no matter how much aura is needed, it will be replenished, so that the aura of the whole room is thick and sticky. Every pore and cell on Zhao Tian's body is being moistened by this golden fog.

If this room hadn't been released an aura barrier by Zhao Tian, it would have been difficult for the whole Fengcheng to be in chaos. Is there any powerful weapon unearthed? Is there a powerful spirit beast somewhere? Such a situation is not uncommon in the realm of Fengzhou.

But even so, as long as you walk out of Zhao Tian's door, you can still feel how huge the aura in the whole room is.

About half an hour passed, Zhao Tian jumped into the sky, and the golden light on his body instantly expanded, which seemed to be a little stronger than the sun. The golden fog around him seemed to be attracted and gathered madly towards Zhao Tian.

is getting thinner and thinner.

Until the golden fog completely disappeared, the air in the whole room became fresh, fresher than the morning air of nature.

At this time, Zhao Tiancai slowly fell to the ground, sat down cross-legged, carried the aura that had just entered the body, and began to operate, in order to adapt more to this recombined aura.

With the passage of time, Zhao Tian has been immersed in this wonderful cultivation.

When I opened my eyes, a sharp light suddenly shot out of my eyes, and a pair of clear eyes also became mysterious at this moment, just like an ancient existence thousands of years ago. Obviously, the aura increased again at this time.

Zhao Tian took a deep breath and looked at the sky outside. It was already Hai and the night was already dark. Looking at **, Xuanning was lying quietly and sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, just like a sleeping princess.

"Yan Er, Yan Er..." Zhao Tian gently touched Xuanning a few times and tried to wake her up.

"Hmm... What's the matter!" Xuanning's eyes had not been opened, so he said impatiently.

Zhao Tian couldn't help smiling bitterly. This little lazy pig can sleep as long as he has time during the day and can still fall asleep at night. It's really awesome.

"We went out to play. You are waiting for us to come back." Zhao Tian shouted loudly at Xuanning.

Hearing this sentence, Xuan Ning, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes: "Big brother, take me with you."

Zhao Tian smiled with satisfaction when he saw Xuanning getting up from **.

The Fengcheng in the middle of the night is so quiet that there is no sound, but only the white moonlight on the ground, adding a trace of color to the dark night. At this time, every family is preparing for a rest and preparing for tomorrow's work.

At this time, two figures, one large and one small, slowly walked to the depths of the alley. As he walked, his hands kept waving.

At this time, I only heard the smaller figure, made a happy shout, and then climbed to the larger figure.

This is Xuanning and Zhao Tian who just came out. When they came out again, Xuanning kept shouting for Zhao Tian to carry him, but Zhao Tian did not agree.

But this did not make Xuanning difficult. He played a game for Zhao Tian, saying that he would play scissors, stones and cloth. The rules were like this: if Zhao Tian wins, then forget it. If Xuanning wins, Zhao Tian will carry Xuanning behind his back.

When he heard such rules of the game, Zhao Tian's head was big. Is this still called a game?

However, seeing Xuanning's poor appearance, Zhao Tian had no choice but to finally agree to this "fair" game. He won Xuanning five times in a row. Before Zhao Tian was happy, he was cut off by Xuanning for the sixth time.

In the end, he had no choice but to carry this Xuanning, who had been getting fat, for the rules of the game.

"Oh, big brother, hurry up, it's too slow." Xuan Ning lay on Zhao Tian's body, with an excited face, as if he were showing off himself to Zhao Tian again.

Zhao Tian couldn't help but glance at Xuanning: "Yan'er, have you eaten anything recently? Why have you become heavier?"