Sky Cultivation

Chapter 165 Color Whirlpool

After the two sides persisted with each other for a while, Zhao Tian's face was already very pale, and suddenly looked like an inanimate dead man.

At the beginning, the golden aura controlled by Zhao Tian was gradually pulled by the pure aura.

Zhao Tian gritted his teeth, and the aura all over his body came out without reservation, but the resistance was pale and powerless in front of the aura. His aura was still uncontrollably slowly pulled by the tens of millions of aura.

Zhao Tian also encountered this situation for the first time. He didn't expect that the aura transmitted by the jade pendant could be counter-guest to attack himself.

Although Zhao Tian has never seen it, it does not mean that he will give up. He shouted secretly in his heart. Suddenly, his body was like there were countless whirlpools, and the greedy absorbing every trace of aura in the air. The golden light beside Zhao Tian is getting stronger and thicker, and it has gradually become dazzling.

Fortunately, Lei Qian and Liu Yanran are not around. Otherwise, Zhao Tian will probably be regarded as a monster.

I finally stabilized my body again, but I don't know what happened. The thousands of aura filaments, as if they had been stimulated something, suddenly became chaotic. Countless aura filaments danced in Zhao Tian's body, and Zhao Tian's hard-won's body was shaken again.

The aura silk was like noodles thrown up in the sky. After waves, Zhao Tian only felt that his body was about to burst, and his face had changed from pale to iron blue.

Just when Zhao Tian completely lost his resistance, a powerful aura fluctuation flashed from the long-lost place. Zhao Tian didn't know what had happened when he saw that his body had been covered by the golden sky. It's like a golden ocean.

Not only that, under this golden light, Zhao Tian feels like he is soaking in a hot spring, with countless pores all over his body, absorbing the aura of the outside world as much as possible. This taste made Zhao Tian intoxicated.

At the same time as the golden light, Zhao Tian's room is also covered with a faint layer of gold. The intensity of the aura can be completely compared with the valley of autumn water, and even a little stronger.

The sunset glow is the most beautiful time of the day, except for the sunrise, and the whole sky is dyed red by the afterglow of the sun. The clouds in the sky are like auspicious clouds, showing off their glory to people.

But when people were intoxicated in this charming sunset glow, the sky seemed to have been broken by some sharp weapon. Immediately after the sky changed, the place of "loopholes" quickly formed a huge whirlpool in the air. Those clouds reflected in red and gold by the sun no longer had the original arrogance and also participated in That huge whirlpool.

Suddenly, there was thunder in the sky, and the rumble was loud, and the sun was like a mirror, quickly broken in front of this huge whirlpool until it was smashed.

Xiongba, Lei Qian, Liu Yanran... all came out of the house. As soon as they looked up and saw the colorful whirlpool above their heads, their faces suddenly changed greatly and they didn't know what had happened.

People in Fengcheng also looked at the sky with a stunned face. Some strong people thought that some treasures were born when they saw color. No matter what, they rushed to the huge whirlpool. As for those civilians, they all knelt down and could launch such a vision of heaven and earth in their eyes. Except for gods, no one could have this strength.

But Zhao Tian knew nothing about all this, because he was still intoxicated in his dream. That's right, it's a deep sleep. Zhao Tiangang woke up and was already very weak. After this toss, his whole body was already exhausted, but he still persisted with one breath.

Until the change of the jade pendant completely controlled the changes in Zhao Tian's body, Zhao Tian only felt that his whole body was warm before he fell into a coma, just like in the morning sun. And I have been sure that there should be nothing wrong with me.

Then he fell asleep again, but in Zhao Tian's consciousness, Zhao Tian only knew that some changes had taken place in his body, but he had to wait for Zhao Tian to wake up.

"This... Why did this appear from the vegetable garden of Ziyun League again? What on earth is going on? Is there any treasure in Ziyun League? An old man with a wrinkled face and like a dead branch on his body stared at the colorful whirlpool and said in disbelief.

"Hu Lao, we don't have to worry. It's those people's turn to worry this time." An old man with the same white hair and beard, but his face is red and energetic. He looked at the old man with a smile on his face and curled at the white eyebrows and Peng Ye in the distance with deep meaning.

When the old man heard this, he immediately understood: "Suddenly a smile, hehe, yes, I'm afraid it's their turn to worry this time."

"What the hell is this? It appears on the territory of Ziyun League, and I don't know what the hell they are doing?" Peng Ye saw the huge colorful whirlpool and wanted to see it, but when he saw that the whirlpool was on the territory of Ziyun League, he immediately cursed bitterly.

"You can't be more clean. Take a closer look at what kind of whirlpool this is. I don't feel any change in the aura around my body." The old man with white eyebrows frowned tightly and couldn't help shouting coldly when he heard Peng Ye's words.

"It's only when I feel that there is no change in aura that I'm so anxious. In case it's a treasure, isn't it in vain to fall into the hands of Ziyun League?" Peng Ye said angrily. Obviously, after the last incident, Peng Ye was also very unhappy.

"What else do you want to do? Are you going to rush in and rob, or are you going to take your brother to destroy the Purple Cloud League?" The old man with white eyebrows said to Peng Ye with disdain on his face, and his tone was not euphemistic at all. Obviously, he was not polite to this Peng Ye at all.

However, although Peng Ye was angry, he was still awake. The strength of the white-browed old man was obviously above himself, and his face was a little red. He hummed from his nostrils: "Don't talk to me, I'm afraid you dare to rush in!"

"Okay, don't quarrel with the two of you. Look." Another old man in cloth, wearing extremely simple clothes, a gray face gives people an illusion, just like a wall. I'm afraid that if this old man stands under the wall, others may not be able to tell which is the wall or him!

Sure enough, with the old man's eyes, the huge colorful whirlpool was slowly shrinking. At this moment, the peaceful aura around him became manic in an instant. It's like a rough man who can't stand the heat of the weather.

Everyone's faces changed color. Just as they were about to retreat, they suddenly saw some people in the Ziyun League rushing out in a hurry. Lei Qian and Liu Yanran mainly ran outside the vegetable garden, obviously feeling the abnormality of the whirlpool.

followed by Xiongba and others. Miss, what the hell is this? How can it appear in our vegetable garden of Ziyun League? Liu Yanran ran to Lei Qian and said with a solemn face.

"I don't know. That's what happened when I woke up." Lei Qian also looked confused.

Suddenly, Lei Qian's figure suddenly stopped in the air, and her face immediately sweated, and there was a trace of worry in her voice: "Oh, the prince and the little girl are still inside." Liu Yanran, who had been holding Lei Qian, was also shocked by Lei Qian's movements.

"What." Hearing this, the hero behind him suddenly became furious. Watching the change of the aura around you become bigger and bigger, like a sandstorm in the desert, you can swallow people up at any time.

Xiongba gritted his teeth and just wanted to rush back. He was pressed by a strong palm, and he could smell a fresh fragrance. However, Xiongba was not in the mood to be intoxicated at this time. He turned around and just wanted to drink loudly and teach the person who blocked him a lesson.

But as soon as he turned around, he was stunned, because it was Liu Yanran Liu Hufa who grabbed his shoulder!

"If you go back, your strength is not good. I guess you will be swept away by this whirlpool before you arrive." Liu Yanran's eyebrows were locked, and her eyes never left the colorful whirlpool, with a commanding tone in her voice.

As soon as Xiong Ba wanted to resist, he found that Liu Yanran had drifted away. Looking at the flexible figure in the reiki turbulence, Xiong Ba couldn't help but be a little grateful.

It happened that Xiongba and others were not far from the vegetable garden. Lei Qian and others slowly walked out, not caring about the eyes of those people outside the garden, and their eyes were always staring at the colorful whirlpool.

At this time, the whirlpool in the sky rotated more and more rapidly, until finally it could not be seen how the whirlpool rotated. This time, the whirlpool affected nearly ten miles, causing the soldiers in Fengcheng to think that someone was going to attack the city and had entered the first-class battle preparation.

The city owner felt the aura of this turbulent stream with a depressed face, but he couldn't imagine who had such a great ability to attack the city when all the heroes in Fengzhou gathered. It was then that the reconnaissance soldiers came to report that there was a huge colorful whirlpool in a small station of the Ziyun League outside the city.

Finally, the city owner took a large group of soldiers out of the city and went straight to the whirlpool.

At this time, a large number of practitioners have gathered in the distance of the whirlpool. It looks crowded, but no one dares to approach. Even the white-browed old man and Peng Ye standing at the front end just stay still.

After the emergence of this whirlpool, those who do not know the power of Fengzhou can also see it. The stronger the strength, the more forward you stand, and the worse you have to lean far aside, because it is the best way to verify a person's strength in this chaotic space.

Liu Yanran just returned to the place where Zhao Tian lived and stopped. This is the most central part of the whirlpool and the most chaotic place of the aura. One staggered to the ground and hurriedly resist, but the moment Liu Yanran closed her eyes, she suddenly saw an incredible scene.