Sky Cultivation

Chapter 224 Robbery

"Esbyterian Zhao Tian!"

The next morning, a loud voice woke the two sleeping people up.

Lei Qian is still in plain clothes, but her face is full of a happy smile, like a docile little sheep, snuggled in Zhao Tian's arms, and even the corners of her mouth smile when sleeping. However, when he was awakened by this foreign voice, he was obviously very dissatisfied and looked out unhappily.

Zhao Tian looked at Lei Qian's expression and was very helpless. He kissed Lei Qian gently on the forehead: "Qian'er, I'll see who it is!"

Lei Qian enjoys Zhao Tian's caress. Love, a girl who falls into the abyss of love, will obey her partner in everything.

Zhao Tian and Lei Qian broke through the gap between them last night and finally tied them firmly together with the shackles of love, but both of them were new to their first love. They were quite shy and just hugged each other all night. ( There is no progress as everyone imagines, cough, everyone knows.)

Standing outside the door is the little housekeeper who brought Xiaocui and Xiaolu last time.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhao Tian's face was obviously a little unnatural and said quietly.

The little housekeeper hurriedly looked frightened: "The little one unintentionally disturbs the elder's rest, but the owner, the second son and General Manager Jiang are all in the hall, waiting for you to discuss together!"

Zhao Tian remembered that today is the day to go to the Demon College. Yesterday, he completely forgot about Lei Qian.

"Well, I know. I'll go now. You go down first!"

Yes! Yes! The little one is leaving!" The little housekeeper looked nervous. For a foreign elder, it is absolutely impossible to enter the Shui family without absolute strength. Even if he has a hundred heads, he is not enough.

"Is Zhao Tian going to leave today?" Lei Qian didn't know when she stood behind Zhao Tian, and her voice seemed to shock people's bones.

Zhao Tian nodded with some embarrassment on his face. After all, he had just expressed his love with Lei Qian, and he was about to separate so soon. Zhao Tian was also a little reluctant.

Seeing the expression on Zhao Tian's face, Lei Qian naturally knew what it was for. Yanran smiled and said, "Zhao Tian, don't worry. I didn't say yesterday that I naturally have a way to enter the Magic College. Anyway, I will follow you in my life!"

"Hey, isn't it!" Zhao Tian showed a smile at the corners of his mouth, and the aura under his feet turned. He instantly appeared in front of Lei Qian and took Lei Qian into his arms.

"Ah! You big bad guy! Bullying me again!" Lei Qian screamed and could only let Zhao Tian hold herself.

"Okay, stop it. Get out of here!" Lei Qian patted Zhao Tian's chest, breathed the familiar smell greedily, and said reluctantly.

Zhao Tian nodded. After only a few breaths, he appeared at the door of the conference hall, gently put Lei Qian on the ground, smiled gently, and took Lei Qian's hand and walked in.

"Zhao Tian! You finally came, but fortunately you didn't disappear!" Jiang Shang saw Zhao Tian, and his slightly old face smiled.

Zhao Tian nodded: "Zhao Tianxin, the new elder, has met the head of the family! I've met General Manager Jiang!" When Zhao Tian said this, the other hand still did not let go of Lei Qian.

The people present were also known by Zhao Tian. There were only three people in total. Shui Yuehua didn't mind. His face was full of kindness: "Ha ha, Elder Zhao Tian, you're welcome!"

Shuixiang saw that Lei Qian had been being held by Zhao Tian. Not only did he have any intention of resistance, but there was a trace of yearning. Shuixiang's bright eyes looked a little dull.

"I don't know if Elder Zhao Tian has anything else to prepare?" Shui Yuehua asked Zhao Tianyou.

Zhao Tian showed a smile on his face: "You don't need to be ready to move at any time!"

"That's good! The Magic College will start in 15 days. There are five days to rush, five days to prepare in the Yuling Mountains, and the rest is to refresh yourself and participate in the assessment of the Magic College!" Shui Yuehua said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Zhao Tian nodded.

The carriage is still the kind of carriage that Zhao Tian used when he went out last time, but this one is much bigger and luxurious.

Zhao Tian pulled Lei Qian into the carriage. Jiang Shang moved his mouth several times and didn't say anything. As for Shui Yuehua, he would not care about this matter. As long as Zhao Tian completed the task assigned to him according to his own requirements, everything else was none of his own business.

Zhao Tian, Lei Qian and Jiang Shang sat in a carriage, and Shuixiang Shui scales and some outdoors were in the second carriage.

"She is my inner wife. Brother Jiang doesn't have to doubt it!" Zhao Tian saw the expression on Jiang Shang's face and said with a smile.

Jiang Shang just nodded and began to introduce the Magic Academy.

Magic College is located in the southeast of the imperial capital, occupying the entire Yuling Mountains. It is the junction of Fengzhou and the eastern part of the imperial capital. The whole mountain range has more than 50 peaks, and it is famous for producing jade spirit stone veins. ( Jade spirit stone is a kind of stone with strong aura, which can be used for cultivation, and also has the effect of absorbing aura, which is very precious!)

The whole Yuling Mountains also received so many disciples because of the jade spirit stone vein, and the intensity of the aura is stronger than that of the imperial capital.

It was occupied by the people of the imperial capital thousands and hundreds of years ago, and the Moling College was established, that is, a school made by the whole Tenglong Empire. Even if it looks at the whole continent, it is quite famous.

After Jiang Shang said that, Zhao Tian had already fallen into meditation. Yulingshi had not heard of it before, not to mention the strong strength behind the Demon College.

Zhao Tian thought about asking such an idiot's words: "How about the overall strength of the Magic College?"

Jiang Shang laughed and glanced at Zhao Tian: "The principal of the Magic College has reached the realm of King Wu more than 200 years ago. Now that such a long time has passed, you don't need to think about it. Even the Holy Lord of the Temple probably does not have the strength of that old guy."

"So awesome!" Zhao Tian was stunned. The existence of the temple was already the royal family of the imperial capital and did not dare to disturb its development. He thought that the saint of the temple was already the first master of the Tenglong Empire, but he did not expect that the principal of the Demon College still had such a strong strength.

"I'm afraid it's far more than that. Now whether it is the temple or the Magic Academy, the royal people can only watch the development of the two and be suppressed by the forces they originally cultivated, which also makes the royal people very depressed, but I don't know why the temple has always been the guardian royal family, and the Magic Academy is even more It is a large number of talents sent to the Royal Temple every year. Jiang Shang said with some amusement.

"Isn't that equivalent to saying that the Temple and the Magic Academy are still royal forces on the surface?" Zhao Tian frowned and had a headache about these political things.

Jiang Shang showed a helpless look at Zhao Tian: "I'm afraid it's much more than that. In recent years, the Fujino family has developed the fastest, which has also attracted the attention of the temple and the royal family. Even the Magic Academy has been intervened by people from various families. As for our Shui family this time, they just want to stop the Fujino family. The ambition of the clan.

That's true, but how can it be true? I'm afraid Shui Yuehua's eyes have never left the fat meat of the Magic College.

Although I think so, I should still be polite: "Yes! The ambition of the Fujino family is a little scary!"

Jiang Shang just smiled when he heard Zhao Tian's words. What plan was behind the smile was also a mystery in Zhao Tian's heart.

Compared with Lei Qian, it was much simpler. She just took Zhao Tian's arm and sat quietly beside Zhao Tian without saying a word. She even moved slightly for fear of disturbing the conversation between Zhao Tian and Jiang Shang.

Why doesn't Zhao Tian feel "Life has come to this point, what can I ask for?" I couldn't help holding Lei Qian's hand a little tighter.

Two huge carriages ran wildly on the streets of the imperial capital, but no one dared to rail, eye-catching two huge water words, deeply stimulating everyone's hearts.

All the way out of the gate of the imperial capital and ran straight to the north.

The day before, Jiang Shang was doing some things and some things to pay attention to at the Demon College with Zhao Tian, but the next day, he couldn't stand the warmth of Zhao Tian and Lei Qian and went to the second carriage and said that he would talk to the second son.

Before leaving, he also left Zhao Tian with the same man's eyes, which made Zhao Tian's face unnatural for a long time.

A huge luxury carriage is like a couple space specially arranged for Zhao Tian and Lei Qian.

Holding the jade man in his arms, he remembered the heavenly elixir in his arms, and unconsciously thought of the strange pharmacy owner. Before leaving, he said to himself that he had something to help him, but the boss's strength could not even see through himself. Obviously, he had superb strength. What would happen? It can make a powerful cultivater live in seclusion in a small pharmacy in the imperial capital.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt that the carriage trembled violently. The carriage had been modified by some craftsmen. As long as it did not touch some relatively large deep pits, the general dirt road was like a flat ground. Such a violent shaking, obviously something happened.

"Cyan, don't come out. I'll go and have a look!" Zhao Tian's face also changed, and he quickly said to Lei Qian in his arms.

Lei Qian saw Zhao Tian's face and knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately nodded, "Be careful!"

Zhao Tian clicked a little and turned out of the carriage.

"Haha..." Zhao Tian just went out and heard a rough laugh before he could see what it was, and then the rest were some strange words that he couldn't understand a word.