Sky Cultivation

Chapter 244 Son of the King

The campus of Magic College is larger and looks like a small and medium-sized city, with unreclaimed grassland, gorgeous buildings, luxurious and rare decorations, and a beautiful college...

Everything here exudes its long history, and the ancient charm of vicissitudes constantly enriches this century-old college.

When people walk in it, they can't help but be infected by it. The students of the college look at these new students with curiosity and give a friendly smile from time to time, which makes people feel as comfortable as the breeze in March.

"Accommodation 2078?" Zhao Tian looked at the student's certificate, which had a few words written on it, and couldn't help looking at Shui Xiang doubtfully.

Shuixiang smiled. He was originally a handsome man, which naturally attracted the attention of many women: "20 refers to the twentieth building, 7 refers to the seventh floor, and 8 refers to the dormitory."

"How do you know?" Zhao Tian couldn't help looking at Shui Xiang doubtfully.

"Ha ha, if you don't figure it out when you come here, you will suffer a lot of losses." Shuixiang smiled and said softly.

Zhao Tian couldn't help nodding. He really didn't think of this.

"Cyan, what's yours!" Zhao Tian looked at Lei Qian and couldn't help asking curiously.

"278" Lei Qian blushed and said slowly.

"Building 2, No. 8 on the seventh floor!" Zhao Tian also looked curiously and couldn't help feeling that it was a little too coincidental, just one number missing.

Wei Chen and Wei Yan also came up, and their eyes were wide open and their faces were incredible.

"What's wrong with you?"

Wei Yan was a little embarrassed to hand over the blue card to Zhao Tian: "278"

After watching it, Zhao Tian's face was also full of surprise: 'I didn't expect you to meet on the first day, so predestined, even the accommodation was together.'

Wei Yan's pretty face was a little embarrassed, with a slight blush. She looked small and cute. Shui Xiang's eyes never left Wei Yan's face. It was not until Zhao Tian pushed Shui Xiang that Shui Xiang reacted, and then his face also blushed inadvertently.

"The students of Magic College, regardless of any fast and slow classes, are all ordinary classes. As long as your class has strength, it can completely overwhelm other classes. In addition, the school has prepared various competitions specially to encourage students to learn.

For the resentment among the students, a martial arts arena has been set up. All hatred can only be resolved in the martial arts arena, and the rest of the place is not allowed to fight privately.

It can be seen that this college has worked hard for these students.

As the top college in the Tenglong Empire, it covers such a large area, which naturally has its own advantages.

The martial soul stone is only one of them, but more is what Zhao Tian is looking forward to.

Several people agreed to go back to the dormitory first, and then meet in place and have dinner together.

Lei Qian took Wei Yan's hand and ran happily to her dormitory. When she left, she did not forget to spit out her lovely tongue to Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian returned to his dormitory and found that there were two people in it (it is stipulated that four people live in a dormitory.)

A relatively elegant-looking, clean robe, white face, faint eyebrows, very easy-going, quite aristocratic style.

There is also a figure that looks a little stronger, and the appearance also looks a little rough, some messy hair, covered above the head, tiger-like eyes, domineering, tied muscles all over the body, high bulging, and the beard looks a little sloppy, but the simple face is given to Zhao Tianyi. A sense of honesty and weight.

Zhao Tian pushed the door and entered, which naturally attracted the attention of the two people.

The white young man looked at Zhao Tian and didn't know what to call him for a moment. Zhao Tian looked like a teenager, but he exuded a mature and sophisticated atmosphere, as if he were an old man in the Jiazi era.

A pair of deep eyes seemed to be able to see through other people's minds. Next to the beautiful face, the corners of the mouth naturally curved into an arc, looking at the two people with a smile.

"Haha, another one, hello! My name is Ma Tengjie, and we will be your roommates in the past few years!" The rough man smiled wildly at Zhao Tian and stretched out his right hand.

Similarly, the white-faced young man also stood up: "Hello! My name is Lu Qing!"

Zhao Tian felt that Ma Tengjie was very suitable for his appetite and had no restrictions. Everything seemed so natural and simple, but such people often suffered losses.

Zhao Tian shook hands with them one by one and smiled, "Hair, my name is Zhao Tian!"

"Ha ha, now there are three, one, but there are still a few beds. You can choose one by yourself." Ma Tengjie smiled casually, without any taboo.

Zhao Tian nodded and casually found a place to sit down.

The dormitory of the school, even the inn in Fengzhou, is incomparable. The snow-white walls and the place where four people live are not only not crowded, but also have a lot of space.

The three-foot-sized balcony is decorated with all kinds of vegetation, adding a touch of green color to this boring white.

Through the window, you can clearly see the lush green trees outside, the mountains, and sleep in it like a paradise.

Looking at the sky, it was almost the same time as they agreed. They stood up and said, "Lu Qing, Ma Tengjie, I need to go out. My friend is still waiting for me outside, so excuse me first."

"We were supposed to wait for our last roommate to come and go out for dinner together. Since you still have friends, I won't keep them." Ma Tengjie said with a smile.

Lu Qing also nodded slightly, but also stood up.

"I, Zhao Tianxin, have received the kindness of the two of you. It won't be long. I will invite everyone out to dinner then!" Zhao Tian arched his hand casually and said sincerely.

"Haha, OK!"

By the time Zhao Tian came, Shui Xiang and Wei Chen had arrived, but they did not see Lei Qian and Wei Yan.

"Two..... What about Lei Qian and Wei Yan? Zhao Tian looked at the two and asked doubtfully.

Shui Xiang and Wei Chen are also confused: 'They haven't come yet, and we don't know!'

"Maybe there are some party affairs. Let's wait for a while!" Zhao Tian frowned, stretched out slightly, and said calmly.

Neither of them has any objection. Thinking that this is the Magic College, both of them are students and nothing will happen.

But something happened.

The time of incense has passed, and it is much different from the agreed time. Suddenly, I saw a slightly familiar figure in the distance, but at this time, I was a little panicked.

"Wei Yan!" When the three saw the anxious look on Wei Yan's face, they shouted secretly.

"No, Sister Lei Qian was surrounded by a rich man. They won't let us go. We can't beat him at all, but fortunately, their target is only Sister Lei Qian, so I came to tell you quickly." Wei Yan's tone was eager, and her face was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Where are they?" Zhao Tian's face was a little gloomy, and there was already a little cold in his voice.

All three were shocked by Zhao Tian's cold breath and felt that the blood flow in their bodies was a little slow. It can be imagined that Lei Qian's importance in Zhao Tian's heart.

"Our dormitory is downstairs!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Tian's figure had disappeared in place, and the next second, it had appeared more than ten meters away.

"What a fast speed!" Wei Chen and Wei Yan both looked shocked, but Shuixiang looked relatively flat on the surface.

"What on earth do you want to do? Why did you stop me from leaving?" Lei Qian's voice sounded, mixed with a little anger and helplessness.

Looking at the more than a dozen young people in front of him, their strength is already above the martial arts level, but the leading young man, Lei Qian can't see through it.

is gorgeous, with auspicious jade hanging around its waist, and a gorgeously decorated ring on the middle finger of his left hand. If Zhao Tian sees it, he will be shocked. This is the space ring that makes the strong man of Wu greedy.