Sky Cultivation

Chapter 310 Spiritual Grass Reproduction

The pink light outside the bull's body became brighter and brighter, and soon formed a large pink ball.

"No, the bull has used special spiritual skills. Stop it!" Fang Tianxiong's face changed dramatically and shouted at everyone.

The five people also naturally saw that they burst out their strongest spiritual skills and went straight to the bull.

Zhao Tian endured the boiling of blood in his body, carried enough aura, and shouted, "The weakness of the bull is behind!"

Everyone's faces are full of solemnity. According to the Bull's action this time, this special spiritual skill is absolutely not simple. If it is to be released, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Zhao Tian's golden sword light easily broke through the bull's defense, leaving another horrible sword mark on the bull's head.

The bull screamed, and its hoofs had just been raised to release the spiritual skills in the body, and everyone's attack had also arrived.

The colorful spiritual skills broke out in an instant, dispersing in the back of the bull like fireworks. The aftermath of the hot explosion spread around in the form of water waves, and everyone's body shape was also shocked by this strong impact and flew out.

"Puff!" Zhao Tian spewed a large mouthful of blood in the air and smashed dozens of trees in a row before stopping.

He didn't care to look at the surrounding environment and see the shadow of Miao Yun, and his figure flashed over.

Seeing that Miao Yun's face was only slightly pale, a small amount of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth and suffered some minor injuries. Seeing the sudden appearance of Zhao Tian, he smiled.

Zhao Tian quickly put a few elixirs in his mouth, smiled gently, and gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth for Miao Yun: "Fool, don't rush up next time. I will feel sorry if you get hurt!"

When Miao Yun heard this, his cheeks turned slightly red, and he heard the painful groans of everyone, and quickly lowered his head shyly.

"Hehe! Let's heal first, and there won't be any big monsters in a short time!" Zhao Tian smiled awkwardly when he saw the shyness of Miao Yun's little girl's house.

"Ye" Miao Yun was red from his cheeks to his earlobe, and his voice was as small as a mosquito flying wings.

When Zhao Tian saw the almost dry aura in his body, a wry smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. He could not take out the jade spirit stone or use the jade pendant, so he had to recover by elixirs.

The elixir melted in the mouth and turned into a pure aura pouring into the body, moistening the dry meridians in the body, and a feeling like soaking in a hot spring, pouring all over the body.

A wisp of pure aura surrounds the body and eventually turns into its own aura, treating injuries outside the body.

In this battle, Zhao Tian relied on his own speed and had an absolute advantage. The main attacks of the Bull dodged, and only a few attacks reached his body. Although the last blow of the Bull defeated his defense, there was only a little left to really reach the body, and he could only traumat himself.

Time passed slowly, and Zhao Tian's lost aura and external injuries were recovering at an alarming rate.

At noon, when the hot sun was the most poisonous, Zhao Tian, who closed his eyes, slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a tired face.

As soon as Miao Yun saw Zhao Tian open his eyes, he smiled tiredly and asked a little anxiously, "Zhao Tian, are you all right?"

Seeing Miao Yun's appearance, Zhao Tian felt a little pain in his heart: "Well, Yuner, how long have I practiced?"

"Three hours, not long!" Miao Yun answered softly.

Zhao Tian looked around, and almost everyone was trying to restore their aura, and only a few Fang's guards were patrolling around.

Zhao Tian hugged Miao Yun into his arms and adjusted a posture to make Miao Yun comfortable and said, "Yun'er, there is still some time. You can rest for a while!"

Miao Yun just wanted to resist, but how could her strength be compared with Zhao Tian? She could only lie obediently in Zhao Tian's arms, her cheeks seemed to be as red as fire, and she was a little panicked and did not dare to look directly at Zhao Tian's eyes.

When Miao Yun woke up, the sun was close to setting, and all the people had been rectified. Zhao Tian also gave all the materials on the bull to Fang Tianxiong. Zhao Tian still didn't care about this little money.

Fang Tianxiong thanked Zhao Tian again. When the team set out again, the main core of the team had become Zhao Tian, including those mercenaries who have experienced hundreds of battles. Although their realm is higher than Zhao Tian, their real combat strength is far inferior to Zhao Tian.

More than 30 miles away, people have not encountered any stronger monsters, but they still encounter a lot of small monsters.

The first wave encountered was a demon rat. Its strength was in the realm of level 7 or 8 martial artists. It rushed out from the ground to attack the enemy, but it had long been discovered by Zhao Tian's super perception.

Everyone formed a defensive formation and walked forward. There were still five people in front of Luigi opening the way. Luji's long knife faced the magic rats hidden in the ground, and almost all of them were several magic rats.

The other four are also unambiguous. Each attack will take away the lives of many mice. Soon it will pass, and everyone will have almost no damage.

The second wave is a group of earth demon wolves, the realm of eight-level martial arts masters, and the realm of the first-level martial arts of the demon wolf king. The magic wolf's attack power is very strong and very cunning. They know that there is a strong existence among the crowd and do not fight head-on. Every time they are activities around the crowd. As soon as the spirit of the crowd was relaxed, the magic wolf rushed up. .

However, under the strong output of Zhao Tian and Luo Ji, every time the magic wolf left a dead body to retreat.

However, everyone still paid the price of a Fang family guard and completely left the harassment of the devil wolf.

The third wave is two rock bears, the realm of three-level martial arts masters. Their strength is infinite, and their total strength is not less than 30,000. However, this time Zhao Tian did not participate. A relatively thin mercenary around Luo Ji is in the fifth-level martial arts realm, whose name is Yuan Jian.

This man also uses a long sword, but the understanding on the sword is far from Zhao Tian, but the aura attribute on his body is very rare and dark.

Yuan Jian is one against two and does not fall behind at all. The dark attributes are very corrosive, which just restrains the defense of the rock bear.

Its own speed is not weak. With the corrosion of speed and darkness, only a few dozen breaths, the rock bear's head has been separated from the body.

After three Warcraft shock waves, Zhao Tian and his party walked forward for dozens of miles again. Zhao Tian suddenly felt that the aura of the surrounding world was much stronger, and there was a faint mist in the distance.

The rest of the people also felt that everyone's spirit was obviously shocked. There were many places where spiritual grass grew in the moon forest. If they were lucky enough to meet one or two places, no matter how many losses they were, they could be saved.

A spiritual grass plant, if replaced with elixir and gold coins, can be equivalent to the income of a small family for several years.

The spiritual grass not only has many spiritual grass, but also has the source of spiritual qi. It may be a superb spiritual grass with extremely rich aura, or an underground spiritual vein, hiding various rare ores in the spiritual vein, and even some peerless treasures.

No matter which one is obtained, it completely makes people crazy. It can also be said that you can find the reproductive land of spiritual grass, but you can't swallow the reproductive land of spiritual grass alone.

"The front is..." Fang Tianxiong's eyes were wide open, his face was stunned, and he said in disbelief: "Spiritual grass reproduces!"

Although Fang Tianxiong couldn't believe it, the fact was in front of him, and he couldn't accept it for a while. Such a magical place actually let himself explore it.

All the happiness in my heart swept by. I brought a total of 30 guards, eleven died, eight were injured, and eleven were intact, but the appearance of this place, not to mention the loss of eleven, even if all the losses, I can have the ability to recover again in a very short time, even compared with Originally stronger.

Fang Mu, the captain of the escort, was slightly stunned, and then there was a glow of excitement in his eyes: "Let's work hard. The place to collect medicine is ahead!"

Everyone was relieved when they heard this sentence. Their spirit was tight all the way, and they did not dare to relax. Once they relaxed, they may become a thing of Warcraft and can no longer return to their homes and enjoy the warmth.