Sky Cultivation

Chapter 314 Bet

Compared with speed, the tooth demon tiger is more dominant. Its four hoofs trembled slightly, and its body has disappeared into the air. With Zhao Tian's eyesight, only a trace can be seen.

The confrontation between the two is simpler. There are few fancy spiritual skills, which are basically touched by physical strength. The strong defense force makes Zhao Tian's eyelids jump.

"Spirit Grass!" Zhao Tian held up his defensive spirit while watching the battle between the two monsters, and suddenly such an idea came to his mind.

Seeing the nine-curve exquisite grass with strong aura, Zhao Tian's eyes showed a trace of cunning. Taking advantage of their lack of time to pay attention to themselves, why don't he take away the nine-cured exquisite grass?

Thinking of this, Zhao Tian no longer hesitated. With a trembling of his sword, his body turned into a streamer and went straight to the nine-cured grass.

Feeling that the aura around the air is getting stronger and stronger, the solemnity on Zhao Tian's face is also getting heavier and heavier, for fear that the two monsters will find their purpose.

It's getting closer and closer, thirty feet, twenty feet, ten feet, five feet!

"Roar!" Roar!"

Two nearly faint roars came from a distance, and the whole space trembled in the roar.

Zhao Tian secretly shouted bad, but at this time, he was very close to the spiritual grass. After retreating, it was still the near-crazy attack of two monsters. Maybe there were still some opportunities to escape.

"Bet!" Zhao Tian bit his teeth fiercely, and the speed under his feet increased by one point again.

Five feet away is usually just a blink of an eye, but at this time, Zhao Tian feels as long as centuries.

A semicircular blade like a storm, mixed with terrible power, cuts through the void and follows a green beam of light. The beam contains almost invincible venom, which is as fast as lightning and makes people unable to defend.

"Puff!" Even if she used her bodyguard and armor, Zhao Hou's back was sunken. No matter how strong the defense was, she was still seriously injured in the face of such a similar attack.

With this impact, Zhao Tian saw the exquisite grass, forcibly resisted the chaotic aura in his body, grabbed the grass, and entered the space ring almost instantly.

Did not look back, hold your breath, step on the golden streamer that may disappear at any time, and escape to the distance.

Zhao Tian almost gave up his defense, and all the aura in his body was added to the speed, and the speed had reached an unprecedented height.

The two monsters almost followed Zhao Tian closely and constantly launched their own attacks to harass Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian didn't know how much blood he spit out. He only knew that his mind was getting less and less awake, and the huge loss of blood volume made Zhao Tian feel weak.

Shaking their heads fiercely, the two monsters have given up their respective attacks and chased Zhao Tian at high speed.

The speed of the tooth demon tiger is very fast, but Zhao Tian tries his best to use his clever skills. Even the eighth-level martial artist needs to take some time, mainly because there is a demon scorpion behind him, chasing Zhao Tian while being alerting against the attack of the demon scorpion.

has reduced its speed a lot, and it is difficult to catch up with Zhao Tian for a while.

Looking at the two warcrafts like rubber candy behind him, there was no one around him. His mind moved slightly, and the aura nearly ten feet away disappeared in an instant and surrounded Zhao Tian's body.

"Silent Finger!" Zhao Tian felt the aura consumed in his body and was constantly recovering. He suddenly turned around and pointed out. The golden light ball instantly formed, dragging the long golden flame, covering all the two monsters in it.

"Roar!" In front of the toothed demon tiger, after looking up to the sky, a red light blade quickly formed in the mouth of the fangs, and the red light blade collided with the finger light almost instantly.

The golden ball was cut in half almost in an instant, but how could Zhao Tian's silent finger condensed with aura be broken in this way?

The semicircular golden balls diverged and ran towards the demon scorpion and the toothed demon tiger.

"Roar!" The tooth demon tiger's eyes turned red and he was reluctant to give up Zhao Tian. A crimson light appeared in front of him and hit the golden semicircular ball directly.

The demon scorpion was also unwilling to look at it. The red pair of pliers crossed in front of him, and the speed did not decrease at all, rushing towards Zhao Tian.

Seeing that the two monsters almost rushed towards him desperately, Zhao Tian's face tightened, and the long ink sword came out of its sheath in an instant, and there was a buzzing sound on the sword body.

"Sword Shadow Type III - Instant Sword!"

"Sword Shadow Type III - Instant Sword!"

Two identical swords, like the same thin paper, cut through the air. The whole space seems to have this sword left. There is no trajectory, no strong deterrent, but only the power that seems to pierce the space and pounces on the two monsters again.

The toothed demon tiger broke the golden semicircular ball, and the red light on its head supported that it was fragmented like a lens in less than half a breath, and the ball directly devoured the whole body.

The tooth demon tiger feels the energy contained in this hemisphere, at the expense of the aura in the body, and the red light is great outside the body, directly dispersing the golden ball at one time!

When the tooth demon tiger rushed out of it, the fur of the whole body became messy, and the whole body was black, and a smell of burnt hair spread out in the air, looking embarrassed. Only the copper mausoleum-like tiger eyes were still full of anger.

In contrast, the demon scorpion is more relaxed. The double pliers directly blocked the golden semicircular ball. With a little green light on the scorpion's tail, the golden semicircular ball is like a broken balloon, which quickly shrinks and finally disappears into the air.

However, what they faced again was Zhao Tian's instant sword. The instant sword broke out in an instant. The tooth demon tiger was so keen that its body quickly dodged and dodged most of the attack, but a small part of it still hit the back of the tooth demon tiger fiercely.

"Roar!" A earth-shaking roar came from the mouths of the toothed demon tiger and the demon scorpion respectively. A horror sword of more than eight feet appeared on the back of the toothed demon tiger. Above the sword wound, a large amount of blood kept overflowing from it, instantly dyeing the body of the tooth demon tiger.

The demon scorpion is also uncomfortable. On the super hard shell, there is also an almost horrible sword wound, and the dark green blood donation also surged out.

The previous blow only caused some trouble for the two monsters, which had completely broken their defenses and angered the two super monsters.

In the face of two monsters that were about to go crazy, Zhao Tian was not in a hurry, his legs were slightly bent, and his hands kept drawing circles in the air one after another. At the same time, his thoughts moved, and the surrounding air squeezed again, replenishing Zhao Tian's lost aura again.

With Zhao Tian's dance, the aura in the whole space is gradually restless, and the clouds above the sky are also constantly changing.

A golden aura goes straight to the sky from the top of the head, like a huge whirlpool, absorbing the clouds above the sky.

Finally, the flowing clouds turned into a huge palm print. Due to the aura, the palm of the hand changed again and slowly turned golden, becoming towering and spectacular.

Hanging in the air, there are no clouds around the cloud palm. The cloud palm carries the power of destroying the world and falls rapidly to the position of the two warcrafts.

Where the huge palm print passed, all the air was dodged, compressing a large area of space into a vacuum, and countless explosions sounded in the whole space.

In the eyes of the demon scorpion, the green light is great, and the eyes like mung beans become deep and psychedelic.

The whole front half of the demon scorpion is raised, and the strong green light shines directly from the eyes, connecting with the two giant pliers, forming a triangle.

The eye-catching green instantly turned into a green light curtain, blocking itself. The strange green rubbed with the air and made a sneer, as if the high temperature was met with water.

The tooth demon tiger did not dare to neglect it. It quickly slowed down, and the red outside the body became stronger, turning into golden spiritual silks, constantly wrapping its body. Finally, it turned into a huge red ball, and the center of the ball was a toothed demon tiger, which was similar to Zhao Tian's sword lotus.

Although Zhao Tian was curious, it was not the time to be curious. The golden palm fell, and he didn't look at it at all and fled directly to the distance.