Sky Cultivation

Chapter 381 Crisis

"Gu Yan, the task has been completed. You can go back!" Zhao Tian said with a smile.

"Yes!" Gu Yan suddenly nobbed his head and was about to leave. Suddenly, a long and sad roar spread throughout Fengcheng in an instant. After this long roar, there were bursts of bells. The bells were as gentle and long as the ancient temple in the Qing Dynasty, stirred everyone's mind.

When Gu Yan heard this sound, his body suddenly stopped, with a little surprise in his childishness.

Zhao Tian and Miao Yun looked at each other and saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes.

"Lord, this is the special alarm of Fengcheng. The long roar just now is made of the feet of Warcraft. The long roar is the first-class alarm, but with this bell, it is different. I guess something has invaded Fengcheng!" Gu Yan paused: "And I'm afraid Fengcheng can't keep it! This bell is a signal to evacuate.

Zhao Tian's face changed dramatically. He suddenly grabbed Gu Yan's chest, lifted it up and said coldly, "How can it be? I know I can't keep it yet!"

Let alone mention the hundreds of thousands of residents of Fengcheng, the order of the empire and Xuan Ning's life alone made Zhao Tian have to do his best to defend Fengcheng.

"Lord, my subordinates dare not deceive. This is Fengcheng's order. I don't know what's going on!" Gu Yan quickly said respectfully and felt the real murderous atmosphere outside Zhao celestial body, and even the air around him was stirred into nothingness.

Zhao Tian slowly put down Gu Yan, and his face showed unprecedented solemnness: "Go back and tell Kuang Linggong that everything is up to him, and you must withdraw from Fengcheng from time to time!"

Zhao Tian said this because he had already felt the violence on the streets of Fengcheng. Moved, the man's roar, the woman's scream, and the child's cry sounded outside, obviously ready to escape.

"Go, go to Dongying!" Zhao Tian turned around and pulled Miao Yun and moved towards the East Gate at a very fast speed.

In the middle, Zhao Tian thought that Miao Yun's speed was too slow. He directly grabbed Miao Yun's slender waist and applied the teleportation method to the extreme. In the street, he moved quickly to Dongying like teleportation.

"Quick! Hurry up! All the troops, all up the wall, all up the wall, and strive to resist the people of the demon clan to rush into the city!" Above the gate of Dongcheng, the vice general in black armor shouted at the top of his voice.

Thousands of soldiers climbed up the wall quickly like a tide.

Zhao Tian jumped directly up the wall without any hesitation. When he saw below, his face suddenly changed and became angry.

Outside Fengcheng, a large area of demon soldiers, like dark clouds wandering in the sky, pressed towards the city of Fengcheng with thunderous momentum. The number of soldiers in the East City was not less than 50,000!

The neat square array stepped forward, and the whole earth trembled with this neat step. All the demon soldiers were excited, and the surrounding air was solemn.

The strong sense of oppression is like the top of Mount Tai. The soldiers defending the city on the wall are pale, breathing heavily, clearly audible, and the arms holding weapons are full of earthworm-like blue veins.

After all, the demon soldiers outside the city are not 5,000, but the real 50,000. The defenders in Fengcheng are only 30,000, and they still defend four gates, that is to say, on average, the defenders of each gate are less than 10,000.

"Did the demon clan put the key attack on the East Gate!" Zhao Tian showed a trace of doubt on his face and said secretly in his heart.

In Zhao Tian's eyes, the demon clan can't have so many soldiers. After all, when they besieged the water family, it was only 50,000.

"General Chang, General Xiao, you lead the headquarters to the East Gate to support! Thank you very much!" Zhao Tian was very polite at this time. What he has to do now is to go to Ziyun League and ask how many forces there are in Fengcheng that can participate in the war.

The premise here is that the main attack of the demon clan is the East Gate!

The soldiers of the demon clan just stood quietly under the wall and did not want to attack, as if they were waiting for something.

Since there is no attack, Zhao Tian will seize the time to participate in all the forces that can be mobilized. If he can win one more point, Zhao Tian still has no intention of giving up Fengcheng.

"Eader Luo! Elder Luo!" Zhao Tian returned to Ziyun League and entered the conference hall directly without any obstruction.

Zhao Tian already had a bad feeling in his heart. The whole headquarters of Ziyun League was also in a hurry, and everyone looked anxious.

Luo Qiong was solemn at this time, constantly walking around the hall, frowning, as if she were thinking about something.

Seeing Zhao Tian coming, his face only turned slightly, and there was still a solemn look above his eyebrows; "Zhao Tian, where did you go just now? Why did you come back now?"

"Forget it, I want you to help me with one thing!" Luo Qiong hurriedly said again without waiting for Zhao Tian to answer.

Zhao Tian also frowned. His voice was a little cold, and the momentum outside his body suddenly dispersed. For a moment, the tables and chairs took off and the room was messy: "What's going on?"

Luo Qiong felt the fierceness outside Zhao celestial bodies, and her withered face was also stunned. Thinking of the scene of the fierce battle between Zhao Tian and the demon clan in the third battle, then showed a trace of bitterness: "Zhao Tian, now there are 170,000 troops outside Fengcheng, and the east, west and north sides are blocked by 50,000 demon army, only at the south gate. 20,000 demon soldiers, but even so, there are only more than 30,000 soldiers defending the city in our Fengcheng, and the small forces are only 40,000. How to fight!"

Hearing Luo Qiong's words, Zhao Tian was also shocked. When did the demon clan burst out a 170,000 army? It is impossible for the emperor not to notice such a military force.

"How could this happen! What about the sentry soldiers in Fengcheng? Why didn't you inform them earlier!" Zhao Tian's face turned red because of anger and said coldly.

"Since the last time Fengcheng forces were secretly killed outside, the soldiers in Fengcheng only put the sentry position within ten miles. This time, so many demon soldiers suddenly appeared, which was unexpected." Luo Qiong sighed, looked desperate and said lightly.

Zhao Tian didn't know what to do for a while.

When Miao Yun saw Zhao Tian's appearance, he felt a little unbearable. He gently held Zhao Tian's big hand and still didn't say anything.

"Brother Tian!" At this moment, a high voice came from outside the door.

Zhao Tian turned around with a gloomy face and saw Qi Kuo with an anxious face: "Brother Tian, I finally found you. This is a secret letter from the Shui family. General Chang asked me to send it to you!"

Zhao Tian took the envelope and opened it directly without any hesitation. On the two pieces of paper as thin as cicada wings, they were written with dense characters. The font was strong and powerful, and the pen was sharp, and a wild atmosphere emanated from it. This was obviously waterless handwriting, at the age of water. It is impossible to write such a vicissitudes of font.

Zhao Tian, yesterday, the four legions of our empire swept away the remnants of the 50,000 demons hidden in the dense forest, and the four legions also lost more than 20,000 people. Unfortunately, the golden demon Lu Batian and other masters led by the first battle of the demons fled, and His Majesty also transferred Li Hun's 200,000 army back to Fengzhou. At the northern border, all affairs of Fengcheng should be careful. It is estimated that the demons will not give up the meat of Fengcheng. Now there are more than 100,000 Li's soul in the western part of Fengzhou and dozens of cities in the south. 200,000 troops have gathered and are stationed in the south of Fengzhou to form a siege against the demon clan. Elder Zhao Tian, please be sure to control Fengcheng. Hands, once lost, the form of the empire is in danger, remember! Remember!"

When Zhao Tian finished reading the letter, his face became helpless. The aura in his hand flashed, and the two thin paper instantly turned into a ball of ashes, which were blown away by the wind and melted into the air.

"The letter from the elder of the Shui family said that Lihun has led 200,000 troops to station on the northern border of Fengcheng, and there are the same 200,000 troops in the south. In the west is the Tianfu Mountains, and only the east is a primitive forest, among which demons are everywhere and dangerous, as if the legendary thunderous swamp is also among them. ." Zhao Tian looked at Luo Qiong with a dejected face and said faintly, with no joy or anger in his tone.