Sky Cultivation

Chapter 389 Flattery

"You are not allowed to hurt my father. If you want to deal with it, just deal with me. I would like to take my father to be punished!" Ye Qing ran out at some point, and the sword in his hand was also thrown to the ground, blocking Ye Ting's body, and his handsome face was full of stubbornness.

Zhao Tianmoran looked at Ye Qing who rushed out and was slightly stunned: "Did I say I would deal with you?"

"Ah!" Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what this young water parent always wanted to do.

Zhao Tian glanced around and found that most of them looked at themselves with a look of doubt and panic and touched his nose: "Our common enemy now is the demon clan, not our own people. Now Fengzhou has been occupied by the demon clan. Our line of defense must not let the demon clan pass, otherwise the empire will really be in danger. It's close."

"Ead Elder Zhao, that's right, our current opponent is the demon clan, not our own people, alas! I have lived for most of my life, and I haven't been sensible before Elder Zhao. It seems that I really live in vain!" An extremely fat man sighed and shook his head as he spoke, as if he had really lived for nothing for most of his life.

Seeing this scene, Qi Kuo couldn't help holding his mouth and showing contempt in his eyes. The folding fan in his hand suddenly opened and shook the fan alone.

"Yes, what Elder Zhao said makes sense. We should give up all disputes, resist the demon clan with all our strength, and completely drive the demon clan out!"

"I have long seen that Elder Zhao is definitely a person who has done a big career and will not pursue these small things. I am ashamed of myself!"

As soon as Zhao Tian said this, the businessmen below flattered again, competing for fear of falling behind.

"Ha ha, Lord Ye, I hope this is the end of this matter. Even if we are dealt with, we will focus on dealing with the demon clan in the future." Zhao Tian looked at Ye Ting and said lightly. Then he felt something was wrong and added, "Yang Yun is my fiancee, and no one can change it!"

Ye Qing's face has long been full of iron blue. Looking at his beloved man with other men, he talked and laughed, and he was still so close, but he didn't care about himself. And beside the teenager, there was another charming woman. No matter how you look at their relationship, it is not very normal. .

An unknown fire burned in Ye Qing's heart, burning straight into the viscera along his eyes. Looking at Zhao Tian's departure back, his fists clenched tightly.

"Bunbo Yang! I haven't seen you for so many years, you are still strong and majestic!" Zhao Tian looked at Yang Xiao with a smile on his face and joked.

Yang Xiao's face showed a trace of bitterness: "Xiaotian, you haven't returned in recent years. I thought you..." sighed: "I hope you don't blame me. I'm also for Xiaoyun."

Yang Yun held Zhao Tian's arm tightly, but his eyes did not look at his father at all, and his pink little face was full of anger.

"Abo Yang, I completely understand your position. I will talk to Xiaoyun. I believe she is just angry at this moment!" Zhao Tian looked at the deep wrinkles on Yang Xiao's face and said seriously.

"Thank you, I'm relieved to give this girl to you!" Yang Xiao nodded and said gratefully.

Zhao Tian blushed slightly and said nothing.

"Ha, well, this is your young world. It's time for me, an old man, to go back!" Yang Xiao smiled charityly and looked at Yang Yun again. Yang Yun still did not look at his father. There was a trace of bitterness in his eyes and turned away.

"Xiaoyun, your father is also for your own good..." Zhao Tian looked at Yang Xiao's back, full of depression. For a moment, his heart was a little sour. Thinking of his parents, there was another tingling in his heart.

It has been decided in my heart that as long as the demon clan is expelled, the Fujino family will be completely eliminated! If this heart demon is not eliminated, then you will have to experience more ups and downs in practice, and maybe it will stagnate.

"Hmm! It's too hasty to marry me without even asking me. I doubt if I'm his daughter!" Yang Yun directly interrupted Zhao Tian's words, twisted his eyebrows and said angrily.

Yang Li came out from behind with some hesitation: "Sister, my father may be forced to be helpless. Just now, you also saw that Ye Ting relied on his own power and also suppressed us. I guess my father was also forced. In the bottom of my heart, my father is still very good to us!"

Yang Yun's face was low and he pondered a little, and his tone was obviously a little lacking in confidence: "Even so, you can't help but ask me!"

"Okay, Xiaoyun, don't be angry. Uncle Yang also has his grievances. We have to go back to the inn first. You'd better go back and apologize to your father!" At this time, Miao Yun also came forward to dissuade him.

Yang Yun was interrupted by everyone's words. Although Yang Yun was much more mature than before, his heart was still not much different from the little girl. He was so innocent and cute.

"Okay, okay, I know, but I'm not going back tonight. I'm going to be with you." Yang Yun looked at the crowd impatiently and held Zhao Tian's arms again, with a posture of not leaving.

Seeing this scene, Yang Li smiled helplessly: "Since you won't go, I'll be the only one to go back!" Anyway, with Brother Zhao Tian accompanying you, I don't worry about what will happen to you!"

Yang Yun made a grimace at his brother, and then took Zhao Tian's arm with a proud face.

The three and Qi Kuo have a total of four people, but Zhao Tian asked Qi Kuo to go out of the city to inform Chang Chun and Xiao Xian, and let the army enter the mixed Luo City in batches. It is more secure to do everything.

Of course, a thousand were unwilling and ten thousand unwilling, but in the face of Zhao Tian's smiling face, he finally gave in.

Whether it is day or night, the three people naturally belong to the kind of people who have a rate of turning back on the street. Even at night, they can't bury their external brilliance.

After more than half of the circle around the city, the three also tasted a lot of special snacks and left contentedly. When they arrived at the inn, they found that almost every inn was full of guests or was wrapped by others.

However, just as the three were about to leave, a hurried figure ran almost at a speed of 100 meters and bowed to Zhao Tian with great respect.

What is it? As long as you like that room, you can stay in that room. Food and accommodation are free, and the fee is all included.

Among the three, only Yang Yun was surprised, but when it came to the room, Zhao Tian was embarrassed. When he was in the barracks, he almost slept on the same bed with Miao Yun every day, but because the warriors spent most of their time practicing and the reservedness of the two, nothing has not been done so far. However, Zhao Tian was very reluctant to separate, and he didn't know how to choose for a while.

In the end, Miao Yun saw Zhao Tian's thoughts, his face turned slightly red, and he asked for three rooms. This smile stunned the inn for four or five seconds before he realized it and quickly prepared for the three of them.

Looking at the empty room, a trace of loss flashed in Zhao Tian's heart. For the first time, he found that it was so good to have a woman beside him.

Sitting on ** cross-legged, a ring of golden energy, constantly surrounding the outside the body, the aura from the outside world to the body, the continuous circulation is to absorb the aura in the atmosphere in this cycle to strengthen the aura in the body.

The pure aura is constantly circulating in 104 meridians in the body. Zhao Tian has not been idle for a period of time. While trying to break through the shackles of four or five meridians, he felt that there was a powerful aura in the fifth sealed meridians, which was caused by the failure and the aura was blocked.

Zhao Tian is confident that if the fifth meridians are successfully dredged, his strength should be improved again.

Another is the fourth layer of the divine decision. The gas gathers in Dantian and rotates at the top. Coincidentally, the limit of the martial arts master is the same as the martial arts king. As long as you feel the fourth level of the divine decision, even if you do not reach the realm of the martial arts king, you can fly in the air. For a time, Zhao Tian has more expectations for breaking through to the fourth level of the divine decision.