Sky Cultivation

Chapter 436 Robbery

'Yes, Lord, since brothers have chosen this industry, they will never be afraid of death. As long as you say something, we will be obliged to follow, even if we die!"

"Exile foreign enemies, the lord of the cabinet! Expell the foreign enemy, the lord of the cabinet is powerful!


Three days later, on a wasteland in Fengcheng, countless black shadows moved forward like ghosts at night.

"Brother Tian, is it suitable for us to do this? What if we are ambushed by the demon clan and Wu Yunguo?" Ling Long looked at the fast-moving figure behind him and showed a trace of worry on his extremely mature face.

A few days ago, Zhao Tian gave You Feng to Doulong. With his personality and means, Zhao Tian believed that he could get what he wanted in a few days, and the only collective action this time was to cut off the grain and grass line of 300,000 troops in Fengcheng.

This goal, even Ling Long felt a little incredible when he heard it, but when he saw Zhao Tian's confident face, he resisted it.

Zhao Tian looked at the sky and smiled and said, "Since we are going to help Luangcheng, we can't go empty-handed. Anyway, we should bring some gifts. What's more, this is just an opportunity to train members. Don't miss the opportunity and never come again!"

"Tell the brothers to work harder and try to arrive before dark. The last time I came, I had already figured out the route and cut it off 30 miles away from Fengcheng, otherwise a large-scale fight in the wasteland will easily attract Fengcheng's attention!"

Ling Long nodded, shook his body and disappeared into the air like a shadow.

A neat team of soldiers in this wasteland slowly passed by. There were more than 3,000 people in this team, and they were even more well equipped.

"Brother Li, you see how beautiful the moon is. If you enjoy the moon with your wife at home now, how sweet it is. I don't know when you can go home!" The two generals at the front of the team looked at the moon with a yearning face, and there was a trace of sweetness in their mouths.

"Yes, but who let Your Majesty and the Tenglong Empire go to war? If you want me to say that a small country like Tenglong will surrender directly, and it will have to waste our time!" Another general also agreed.

"It's okay. Now the Tenglong Empire is getting weaker and weaker. It may not take long for us to be completely captured, and then we can go home!" The general smiled and continued.

Suddenly, at this time, the smile had not completely stopped. I only felt that my neck was cold, my body suddenly lost support, and my head and body separated in an instant.

For a while, dozens of soldiers behind them fell almost at the same time.

It was not until hundreds of soldiers died in this team that someone found it and immediately shouted, "Enemy attack!" Enemy attack!"

"Moon dark wind high killing night! Attack!" When Zhao Tian saw this scene, he smiled at the corners of his mouth and made an offensive gesture that only they could understand.

Immediately, he jumps out first, and the golden light flashes. On this bleak moonlight night, it looks particularly dazzling. Every time the golden light flashes, dozens of soldiers will fall to the ground, and their figures are like dragons entering the sea without any harmony.

The masters of Tiange behind him are also extremely brave. It is simply useless to deal with ordinary soldiers with their strength. For a moment, they screamed everywhere, adding a bit of darkness to this dark night.

This suspenseless battle only lasted for half an hour and has solved the battle. In addition to hundreds of people who fled, the enemy attacked more than 2,000 people and intercepted hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and grass. It can be said that it has gained a lot!

Just the second day after the interception, Zhao Tian once again took 10,000 Tiange disciples, including 800 internal disciples and more than 9,000 external disciples, mixed with hundreds of thousands of pounds of Liangcheng.

On the third day of the incident, the news had spread all over the Tenglong Empire, knowing that a mysterious force could not get used to the journey of the demon clan and Wu Yunguo and cut off its grain and fodder for more than half a month.

"I didn't expect that Fengzhou still has such a powerful force to fight Liangcheng, which has 300,000 troops in Fengcheng. If there is a chance, I will definitely meet this person!" In the imperial study, Ning Yichen looked at the * in his hand, and his old face was full of smiles and laughed loudly.

'Ha, yes, since the Zhao Tian boy of the Shui family disappeared, I haven't heard anything very happy!" Ma Jinhong, sitting on the main hall, also looked much older, but in his shining eyes, there was still a light of wisdom, smiling.

"Your Majesty, do you think this is done by Ziyun League? I remember that only Ziyun League has such great strength in Fengzhou!" Ning Yichen turned his eyes and guessed.

Ma Jinhong shook his head. During this period, Ma Jinhong took advantage of the war to exempt dozens of high-ranking senior officials for the reason of treason, and then replaced all his trusted people and truly talented people.

"I guess it's impossible. A few days ago, the elder of the Purple Cloud League sent someone to write me a letter, hoping that I would provide them with some elixir to help them treat their alliance leader. As far as I know, their so-called alliance leader should be heavily poisonous, and all the medicinal materials they want are cold and yin, and they are all That kind is extremely precious!"

"There is such a thing. To tell you the truth, the current leader of the Ziyun League is Lei Kuang, an old friend of the minister. I hope your Majesty can help the Ziyun League for the sake of me!" Ning Yichen's face changed dramatically when he heard this, and his original joy suddenly dissipated and pleaded with Ma Jinhong.

"Haha, Ning Aiqing, I have known what you said for a long time, and I have sent those medicinal materials, but Aiqing, I have an extremely important thing to give to you!" Ma Jinhong looked up to the sky and smiled softly.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for listening!" Ning Yichen's face relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief, and said respectfully.

"Most of the blind ministers in the field have been eliminated by you and me, but this is only the first step we have just taken, and there are more and more dangers behind...!"

'What does Your Majesty mean? Ning Yichen also withdrew his contempt and became solemn.

A trace of cunning flashed in Ma Jinhong's eyes: 'For example: Fujino family!'

"What! Your Majesty, you and I are weak now. I'm afraid it's not enough to fight against the Fujino family!" Ning Yichen's old face suddenly changed and exclaimed.

"Ning Aiqing, don't be excited. I didn't say to deal with it head-on. I think the Fujino family has developed so far, and there has been a lot of hatred!" Ma Jinhong smiled and said thoughtfully.

Ning Yichen's eyebrows pressed together, meditated a little, and whispered, "Your Majesty means to unite secretly?"

"Exactly! I think there is a dispute with the Fujino family in the imperial capital, and they are willing to help the court. Ning Aiqing knows more than me!"

Ning Yichen suddenly sweated coldly on his forehead. Originally, it seemed that his majesty was so incompetent and had nothing to do all day. Unexpectedly, he was forbearance. Such superb skills deceived the Wenwu of the whole dynasty.

In the past few years, he has investigated the information and privacy of almost all ministers clearly, and it is really the most terrible to meet such a person.

"Yes, old minister, I will do my best to do this!" Ning Yichen nodded quickly until he left the palace, and his heart was still beating, and a windy feeling of depression swept his whole body.

"Ling Long, haven't you heard from Ziyun League yet?" Baking in the scorching sun, Zhao Tian looked at the yellow sand in the distance and asked Ling Long.

Ling Long shook his head and frowned tightly: "I have sent many disciples out to look for it, but the territory of Fengzhou is too large. It is still difficult to find a force here!"

"Alas, after such a long time, I'm worried that the life of their alliance leader is in danger. If there is only the last half a year left in time, if I can't find it, I won't be able to explain to Qianer in the future!" Zhao Tian sighed when he heard Ling Long's answer, and his handsome face showed a little helplessness.

"Don't worry, Brother Tian, I'm going to send some more manpower, and I will find Ziyun League as soon as possible!" Ling Long felt Zhao Tian's state of mind, and his face showed a trace of firmness, and said very seriously.