Sky Cultivation

Chapter 473 News of the Altar

The voice of this inquiry naturally went to the only informed He Ting. At this time, He Ting's situation was also a little bad. She held a sharp sword in her hand, and the cold light shone on the sword body. A fierce murderous spirit suddenly appeared from above it, bouncing away all the tentacle branches. Although it was good, the touch There are so many hands. Although they bounce a lot, they are also embarrassed. What's more, those touching vines also have the effect of consuming aura. In this way, He Ting's situation is even more dangerous.

But in such an environment, He Ting tried her best to resist. Hearing Meng Xue's inquiry in the distance, her pretty face was pale, and her chest was magnificent and undulating. She looked ** infinite. She gasped and responded to Meng Xue: "Xue commander, what these tentacles are most afraid of is fire. But we have no fire attribute attack at all, and there is nothing we can do about this tentacle all over the jungle! Why don't you withdraw first?"

As soon as He Ting finished speaking, she heard Yang Lao's old and round voice: "This is the wild emperor vine. They seem to be part of the banyan tree, but in fact, they are a plant that grows against the sky. They can specially absorb the aura in the air to nourish themselves and strengthen themselves.

However, they are often attached to the bodies of large plants and surround them tightly, and then eventually absorb the aura and blood in those plants, leaving only one shell, and then they will look for another target.

The reason why we were attacked by them is probably that the aura in our bodies is too strong, which attracted their attention and attacked us almost crazily in order to absorb the aura in our bodies.

If you want to crack fire, because fire is the nemesis of all plants, don't be afraid. The second is to remove the aura outside the body and ensure that a trace of aura will not leak out, so that they will give up the attack on you.

Saying that Yang Lao took the lead in withdrawing his aura, allowing the wild emperor vine to wrap his body, his whole body relaxed, the aura was restrained, and did not put a trace outside. Then everyone was surprised to find that the wild emperor vine wrapped around his body slowly retreated and never touched him again, but rushed to another place.

When Yang Lao saw this scene, there was a trace of excitement on his old face. His thoughts were proved and he shouted at the crowd: "Don't pay attention to those wild emperor vines. Don't let your aura converce all your body. If you have been wrapped around your body, don't resist. Relax your whole body and also converage. What attracts them most is Reiki. As long as there is no Reiki, they will not attack us!"

Sure enough, with the shout of Yang Lao, everyone gave up their own aura and converged into the body. All the wild vines attached to them were separated and newly integrated into the banyan trees.

Seeing this scene, all the people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and the cold sweat on their faces flowed down. Xiong Ba sat on the ground, and his rough face showed an indescribable panic.

Zhao Tian smiled. Although he was confident that those wild emperors could not hurt him, those low-strength people could not resist. If the wild emperors were allowed to attack, I'm afraid it would be difficult for more than a dozen of them to come out alive.

"I didn't expect it to be so dangerous here. It's really unexpected that the wild vine, which can only be owned in the wild land, will appear here!" Yang Lao looked at the expression of everyone for the rest of his life after the disaster, sighed and whispered.

Chu Fei nodded: "The outermost area is the wild vine in this wild land. I don't know what else can appear in it!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was a little silent, and no one expected what would happen later.

Suddenly, at this time, Xiong Ba came up with a sentence, which shocked everyone's faces: "With this ghost thing, no one can use spiritual power. What should we do in case of any danger later?"


Not long after Xiong Ba's voice fell, he heard a shocking roar, and everyone's faces changed, looking at Xiong Ba angrily.

Zhao Tian also nodded helplessly and looked at the place where the roar came. I saw a big bear with a height of several feet rushing at the crowd. The big bear was covered with brown hair, with huge eyes like copper bells, sharp fangs all over the cold light, and its cracked mouth was still dripping saliva to the ground. Obviously, it regarded itself as a good meal.

"Brown bear, the state of a five-level martial artist, baa! There is no aura in this brown bear's body. It's strange!" Although everyone can't use aura, the perception above the level of martial arts is still there.

Hearing Meng Xue's words, everyone released their perception. Sure enough, the information received was exactly the same as Meng Xue's perception.

"I'll try it!" Xiong Ba is also a bear, but his bear is different from other bears. Since he was born, he has an arrogant bloodline and looks down on any warcraft. It was the same when he was a child, and it is the same now.

Zhao Tian not only did not worry, but was very curious. He knew that Xiong Ba had many little beast brothers, but he never knew how Xiong Ba subdued.


Everyone was full of surprise. What came out of Xiong Ba's mouth was not the language they were familiar with, but a roar of Warcraft, which was also full of majesty, which was a kind of high and inviolable.

Under everyone's surprised eyes, the brown bear also roared, but the roar was just a simple roar and did not contain any other reason.

Then, the brown bear's roar became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. The huge bear looked at everyone with a trace of confusion. Finally, he nodded and stood on the ground with both feet, looking very funny.

"Brother Xiong Ba, how about it?" Zhao Tian looked at Xiong Ba's proud face, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and asked softly.

Xiong Ba smiled wildly and nodded, "What else can I do? Can my old bear have an accident?"

"Ha, Brother Xiong Ba, what the hell is it? Tell us!" He Ting also learned from Zhao Tian and asked Xiong Ba to call her eldest brother directly, but her pretty face was a little anxious, coupled with her plump figure and charming smile, she thought she was seductive.

Xiong Ba's face turned red, scratched his head shyly and smiled, "Nothing. That guy said that he was not here, but somehow he came here by chance again, and the aura of his whole body could not be used, as if it had been sealed, and even this forest could not be access."

"Listen like this, I guess that's how the predecessor caught it in order to protect this forest!" Hearing Xiong Ba's words, Chu Fei's face showed clear understanding and analyzed.

"So that's it. Then ask him what else is in this forest, or what other different buildings there are." Zhao Tian frowned slightly and continued to ask.

Xiong Ba grinned, looked at Zhao Tian, and laughed.

Zhao Tian suddenly understood and suddenly smiled, "Haha, Xiong Ba, what else did he say to you? Say it quickly!"

When Xiong Ba saw that his trick was exposed, he was not angry, but smiled and his voice was deliberately low, but everyone could still hear it: "He said that there was a stone house in the deepest part of the forest, and there were many stone statues, and there was aura and sufficient there. He was there every time. The most important thing for cultivation is that there is no wild imperial vine within ten miles!"

"A stone house and a stone statue?" Yang Lao and the older old men changed their mind, and then exclaimed, "That's something that only the altar has!"

"The altar!" Everyone was shocked by their words, and then their faces showed excitement.

(Finally, it's almost New Year's Day. Life is now here to congratulate everyone on a happy New Year and an auspicious Year of the Snake. Whether you read my book or not, you'd better congratulate me first. There will be a new beginning in the New Year. 13 years of life will work harder and add some fuel for yourself! @.@)