Sky Cultivation

Chapter 523 Attack Fujino

However, Zhao Tian did not stop here. His fists were as fierce as if they were cast by King Kong. When they passed, Xiang Yang was not careless. His fists turned into the shadows of the sky in mid-air, virtual, hazy and unpredictable, but every punch could accurately hit Zhao Tian. The fist.

Suddenly, in the whole sky, there were heavy fists, two lights and shadows, constantly touching each other in the air, and strong fluctuations, making the ground tremble violently, but fortunately, the two did not use any powerful power, otherwise this area would become a ruin tomorrow.

Zhao Tian has exerted all his strength, and the power brought out by his fists is not less than 400,000, but Xiang Yang still looks skillful and easily resists the attack of the former.

Suddenly, Xiang Yang's arms drew a semicircle in mid-air, and finally his right arm was in the center of the semicircle. A pale yellow halo also spread from it and hit Zhao Tian's fist fiercely.

Only heard a heavy muffled sound, Zhao Tian's body was like a broken kite, hitting the stone wall behind him fiercely, making a loud noise, and countless stones rolled down.

And Zhao Tian's figure also burst out of it, falling on the ground in confusion, and his face was ruddy.

"Kid, are you crazy? If it hadn't been for your eldest brother, I would have been able to beat you up!" Xiang Yang looked at Zhao Tian's embarrassed look. Although he didn't know why Zhao Tian was like this, since he promised those apprentices to take care of the boy, he naturally ignored it.

Zhao Tian stood up with a smile on his handsome face: "Thank you, Brother Xiang, I'm fine!" He ignored Xiang Yang's words at all.

"Hey, you boy will leave when you have a good time. You don't respect the elders!" Xiang Yang looked at Zhao Tian's back and shouted hurriedly.

But Zhao Tian didn't say a word. The teleportation method was used to the extreme, and his whole body turned into a long rainbow and disappeared into the air.

In a magnificent house in the imperial capital, Yu Kuan kept coming and going, looking anxious. Looking at the door without movement, he was uneasy.

"Dong Dong"

Suddenly, at this moment, a rapid knock on the door woke Yu Kuan from his meditation. His handsome face was not surprised but happy, and he hurriedly opened the door.

There was a man in black standing outside the door, and his face was also flustered. He looked around carefully and found that no one rushed in and carefully closed the door.

"Big son!"

The man in black was preparing his luggage and was directly helped up by Yu Kuan. He only heard his impatient voice ring in his ear: "Bye? Tell me what's going on?"

The man in black frowned and sighed, "Gu Kui, he died yesterday, and more than 320 dead men have been killed, but so far the owner has not paid attention to this matter!"

Hearing this, Yu Kuan nodded, and his eyebrows were full of anxiety: "Father hasn't found the best yet. How many dead soldiers are there in the secret base?"

"There are still more than 3,000 people, but there are tens of thousands of wolf corps around. I'm afraid we can't get close to him again!" The man in black seemed to see through Yu Kuan's mind and frowned.

Yu Kuan traveled back and forth in the house for a while, and suddenly asked, "Where are my second brother and that wild seed?"

"You mean the second son and the young master of Japan/"

Yu Kuan nodded.

"The second son seems to be in Cuixiang Building recently. He is drunk every day and didn't come back until late at night. As for Young Master Ri, he is practicing martial arts every day, specializing in martial arts!"

"Hum, these two guys are quite chic. Yiming's waste, for a woman, the whole person has been abandoned for the rest of the day..."

The man in black asked puzzledly, "What's the trick of the eldest son?"

Yu Kuan nodded and said, "Take it easy these days. When the father investigates it, he said that he secretly took the dead out!"

"But... Young master Ri doesn't know about the dead man, which is difficult for the owner to believe!"

"Stupid, won't that let him find out? At that time, it's better to say that he accidentally found the existence of the dead man, so he had bad intentions with his father and secretly transported the dead man away, and then all this had nothing to do with us!"

The man in black wanted to say something else, but when he saw Yu Kuan's cruel expression, he put up with it: "Yes, I'm going to do it!"


The morning sun is always so gentle. In the distant sky, just after dawn, the sun poked out a small head on the balance line, like a newborn baby who has not yet opened its eyes.

On the ruins in the west of the imperial capital, thousands of men in white stood. These men's faces were cold, like ice, staring at the front, and the teenager in the same white clothes. The teenager's eyebrows were picturesque, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything and looked down carefully. The crowd.

"See the Lord!"

I don't know who shouted. Suddenly, thousands of men knelt on one knee and looked at Zhao Tian respectfully. The loud voice resounded through the whole ruins.

Zhao Tian's face was awe-in, and his voice could not hear joy or anger: "Get up!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Zhao Tian looked at the crowd for a long time before saying, "Do you know why you gathered today?"

"I don't know!"

Everyone's answers were neat and loud.

"We are going to attack the base camp of the Fujino family!"

No one said anything below, just quietly waiting for Zhao Tian's answer.

"Very good! There is no timid brother in Tiange, so do you know why I asked you to change into this white dress instead of a black size?

"I don't know!"

The neat three words sounded again, and after that, they returned to tranquility again without a trace of chaos.

"Because the Heavenly Pavilion will not hide in the dark as before, this time it will completely appear in the eyes of the world, but it depends on brothers. If you are strong, then the world will not dare to underestimate our Heavenly Pavilion. When we go out, we will only be respected by thousands of people, not the bandits that everyone fears!"

Yes! Revitalize the Heavenly Pavilion and destroy Fujino!..."

Zhao Tian made a stop move and raised a strange smile at the corners of his mouth: "Do you still know the slogan of our Tiange?"

"Longteng four seas and Kyushu sky, the first pavilion in the world!"

The sound is loud and loud, resounding over the whole imperial capital...

At this time, Yu Yanhong was sitting in the study, looking at the information sent from all over the world. His eyebrows frowned tightly, and a trace of fatigue appeared on his old face. He put down the report in his hand and slowly rubbed his head.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Are you too tired? You haven't had a good rest for several nights!" At this time, the old man in a gray robe came in, looked at Yu Yanhong's appearance, and asked with concern.

"Yu Du, I'm fine, but I'm a little uneasy. Nothing has happened in the family recently?" Yu Yanhong shook his head and asked with a drooping question in his cloudy eyes.

The old man's name is Yu Du. He is an old housekeeper of the Fujino family. He has been in the Fujino family for decades and usually has a good relationship with Yu Yanhong. If there is anything annoying, Yu Yanhong will tell him.

Yu Du thought for a moment and said, "Nothing has happened recently, but the second son goes out early and comes back late every day and often enters the Cuixiang Building. I'm afraid..."


"This rebellious son made him run back from the Demon College. Now he only knows how to drink every day. What's the difference from those dboys!" Yu Yanhong blushed and patted the desk in front of him fiercely. He looked like he hated iron and steel.

"Hey..." Yu Du wanted to say something, but suddenly heard a loud noise outside, and then the earth under his feet trembled slightly, and there was a sad scream and chaotic noise immediately outside.

Yu Yanhong's face suddenly changed and he hurried out: "What happened? What are you panicking about?"

Looking at the panicked maid and guard, Yu Yanhong directly pulled over a beautiful maid and asked, "What are you running? What happened in front of you?"