can shi

Chapter 56 A Hard Battle

The young man in Huafu shook his head gently and said, "You are the only one in the whole sect. Why don't I know? I'm your opponent, Han Xin." After saying that, he still punched Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran touched the corners of his mouth with his fingers, tilted his head and thought about it, "Is it my opponent who is cold? Do you look down on me? But it's really chilling. You don't even dare to tell me your name. With that, he blinked his big eyes.

Huangfu Yuran's words made Han Xin's black line, but he didn't expect his name to be misunderstood by him like this. He explained quickly, "It's not what you think. I mean my name is Han Xin, not what you said!"

"Oh, well, I thought you didn't want to tell me your name. I, Huangfu Yuran, built a foundation in the middle of the period. With that, Huangfu Yuran said with a serious face.

Han Xin shook her head with a smile and said, "I, Han Xin, shine in the early stage."

"What...what? The rotation period? You are actually in the rotation period! Han Xin was the one who defeated Brother Li Qing in the last round? Huangfu Yuran's eyes widened and couldn't believe it.

Han Xin's eyes turned and immediately thought of a person and said, "Li Qing? Are you talking about Li Qing, who cultivated the golden bell cover in the later stage of foundation construction?

Huangfu Yuran nodded and hummed. Han Xin nodded when she saw Huangfu Yuran and continued to say, "I fought with him in the last round. If he was also in the spiral period, I, Han Xin, am certainly not his opponent. If I beat him, I will only win in cultivation and body."

"Well, it's really you. I heard Brother Li Qing say that you are very powerful." Huangfu Yuran said and took a step back, clenched the dagger with both hands, and looked at Han Xin cautiously.

Han Xin looked at Huangfu Yuran with a smile and asked, "What? Seeing that I'm in the spiral period, are you afraid?

Huangfu Yuran put down his posture and said lightly, "I'm not afraid of you. Shouldn't you be more serious about fighting with masters? Can it still be the same as a family?"

Han Xin was stunned and said, "Uh...then get ready, let's... start!" As soon as Han Xin finished speaking, she heard a gong sound.

Huangfu Yuran heard the sound of the gong and saw a smile on Han Xin's face. He felt unsteady and jumped to one side. He jumped gently and just avoided a true breath from Han Xin. Look at the palm prints that appeared on the original standing position and patted the chest to call it dangerous.

Han Xin pulled the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, "Well, the reaction is not slow. Pick me up and try again." After saying that, he waved his hand and hit it again, and there was still a palm shadow flying to Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran Lingbo stepped away from it and grinned, "If you fight like this, I'm afraid it will disappoint you." He kept flashing around Han Xin.

Han Xin smiled and compared herself? I am the master of self-cultivation, and those of the same age have not been able to surpass themselves. Therefore, I saw through Huangfu Yuran's body method at a glance, and this is exactly the body method that I am familiar with. With a slight smile, his body disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared beside Huangfu Yuran and reached out to grab Huangfu Yuran's left shoulder.

Huangfu Yuran felt wrong when he saw Han Xin disappearing in place. When Han Xin reached out to grab herself, he immediately avoided this arrest with his left shoulder. The right dagger quickly rowed to Han Xin's wrist, which had no time to withdraw. At the same time, his body jumped back and spread out again.

Han Xin saw Huangfu Yuran's dagger drawn to his wrist and did not withdraw his palm. His figure flashed and appeared beside Huangfu Yuran again. The action was still in the same direction, still grasping Huangfu Yuran's left shoulder.

This time, Huangfu Yuran did not avoid any more, but raised his left arm directly and stabbed Han Xin's chest along Han Xin's outstretched arm. His right hand followed closely and stabbed Han Xin's arm. This move is also a way to surround Wei and save Zhao. He was caught on his shoulder and stabbed his opponent.

Han Xin didn't have this idea again. Seeing that Huangfu Yuran used this move that hurt both sides, he withdrew his palm and dodged without hesitation.

Huangfu Yuran followed him with a smile and chased Han Xin. The dagger stabbed Han Xin in the chest again and said, "So you will be afraid too!" Take a blow to me!" But the next moment, I stayed where I was, because I didn't stab Han Xin at all.

Not only was not stabbed, but Han Xin's slightly lazy voice behind him made Huang Fuyu sweat coldly. If Han Xin took action now, she would never avoid it. Han Xin's voice drifted faintly from behind: "You don't want to beat me in physical skills. Next, I'm going to take action. Be careful. I won't keep my hand."

Huangfu Yuran suddenly turned around and drew the dagger in his hand, but there was nothing behind him. Suddenly, I felt a strong wind on the soles of my feet, and my toes flashed to one side on the ground. After landing, he did not hesitate to walk on the ring. He could not catch Han Xin's figure at all, so he could only rely on this method to avoid it.

What happened unexpectedly happened to Huangfu Yuran. He used Lingbo to walk desperately, often when he was about to walk out of the next step, he found that a strong wind was hitting the place where he was about to land.

In this way, Huangfu Yuran's body method was suppressed. Huangfu Yuran ran left and right and fled all the way. Every time, he was about to be hit and avoid it, which made Huangfu sweat coldly. I also understood that this was the gap in cultivation, which strengthened Huangfu Yuran's determination to practice hard.

Huangfu Yuran, who had been avoiding, gradually found that there was no way to go on like this, so when he was about to go out, Huangfu Yuran stopped. He turned his hand and waved a force to meet the attack, and the two forces of strength collided with each other and made a muffled sound. Huangfu Yuran was lifted out by this force, turned over a few somersaults in the air and fell to the ground and stepped back a few steps before standing firmly.

Han Xin also looked at Huangfu Yuran with admiration and said, "I thought you would hide all the time!" After saying that, Ling Bo also bullied Huangfu with a slight step.

Huangfu Yuran saw that Han Xin's walking method was also Lingbo's micro-step. If he also used Lingbo's micro-step, he must be caught. Therefore, Huangfu Yuran turned his mind, turned Ling Bo's slightly steps upside down and ran to Han Xin in the opposite direction.

Han Xin couldn't help but "whew?" when she saw Huangfu Yuran's figure. With a sound, this body looks familiar, as if Ling Bo's slight steps are specious. After chasing Huangfu Yuran for a while, he saw that it was a retrograde Lingbo's slight step. With a faint smile, he stopped his body, took a step to the right with his left foot and reached out to grab it.

The next moment, Huangfu Yuran really appeared in front of Han Xin's palm. Han Xin laughed and reached out and grabbed it.

Huangfu Yuran, who was focusing on avoiding Han Xin, did not expect Han Xin to suddenly appear in front of him and was about to be caught. In a hurry, he used it with the wind and drizzle. Huangfu Yuran shook his whole body and saw an incredible scene. Huangfu Yuran seemed to pass directly through Han Xin's arm, but Han Xin didn't catch anything.

Han Xin will not give up like this, and once again used the same move to grab Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran couldn't help but be a little annoyed when he saw that Han Xin still had this move to catch himself. After dodging with the gentle breeze and drizzle again, the dagger in his hand stabbed straight ahead.

At the moment when Huangfu Yuran stabbed the dagger, Han Xin just appeared there to prepare to catch Huangfu Yuran. After stretching out his palm, he found that Huangfu Yuran did not rush over directly but cut the dagger over. He immediately retreated and withdrew his palm, but still slowed down. The back of his hand was directly cut open by the dagger, and blood gushed out.

Han Xin stood still and looked at the wound on the back of his hand, squinted at Huangfu Yuran and said, "You can hurt me. You are not in the middle of foundation, are you? Also, I haven't seen your body, and it's not Ling Bo's steps, is it?"

Huangfu Yuran nodded and only said four words lightly: "Bottleneck in the later stage."

Han Xin's eyes flashed, and as soon as she turned her wrist, she had an extra sword in her hand. The tip of the sword pointed out and said, "The bottleneck in the later stage is not much different from mine. It seems that I underestimated you just now. I have to fight with you seriously, but you should know that there is still a gap between the foundation period and the rotation period. After saying that, he reached out and pinched a sword formula and threw the sword into the air, saying something in his mouth.

The sword thrown into the air by Han Xin instantly became more and more, and finally turned into dozens of swords. Han Xin said faintly, "I just learned this trick, but I didn't expect it to be used. Eat my trick, sword rain all over the sky!" After saying that, he pointed to Huangfu Yuran, and the long sword in the air roared to Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran once saw this move, but at that time, what he saw was that the elders used this trick lightly, which was much more powerful than that used by Han Xin now. But for Huangfu Yuran now, it is still difficult to completely avoid this move.

Huangfu Yuran looked at the dozens of long swords flying towards him. It seemed impossible to hide by himself. Even if he used gentle wind and drizzle, he might not be able to avoid them all. Besides, Huangfu Yuran didn't want too many people to know the existence of the universe, so he gave up the idea of hiding.

Tighten the dagger in his hand, stared at the flying sword, and waved his hand repeatedly to block the sword with the dagger grid or resist directly. In this way, Huangfu Yuran actually took this move like this. Despite this, Huangfu Yuran was still shocked by the strong force from the long sword. After taking the last long sword, Huangfu Yuran had retreated to the edge of the ring. If there is another long sword, I'm afraid Huangfu Yuran will be forced off the ring.

After taking over the last long sword, Huangfu Yuran was about to take a breath when he saw Han Xin appear beside him and patting him with his palm. Huangfu Yuran thought: It's over!

Han Xin clapped her palm and said lightly, "You've been fooled!"