can shi

Chapter 69 Red-sicked Python

Linger felt wrong. She turned to look and saw that Huangfu Yuran had fallen to the ground at this moment, and the remnant sun's bloody sword was also thrown aside. Linger suddenly panicked and walked a few steps to Huangfu Yuran, squatted down and helped Huangfu Yuran to sit on her body and shouted anxiously, "Yuran, what's wrong with you? Where did you get hurt? Don't scare me..."

Under Linger's call, Huangfu Yuran slowly opened his eyes, barely pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, and said weakly, "Sister Linger, I'm worried you again. I'm fine, but I'm really out of breath. I'm so tired. I'll be fine after a while. It's okay..." With that, he has fallen asleep.

Linger dragged the sleeping Huangfu Yuran to a big tree, sat on the trunk, and let Huangfu Yuran sleep in his arms. Looking at Huangfu Yuran's sleeping face like this, Linger's heart rippled again.

Huangfu Yuran slept until afternoon. Huangfu Yuran, who woke up, seemed to have recovered and said energetically, "What time is it now? How long have I slept?"

Linger's sore arms and thighs said with a smile, "It's not too long, it's only three hours."

Huangfu Yuran looked up at the covered sky and said, "It's afternoon. Do we have to continue to walk inside?" Master said it would be dangerous at night.

Linger lowered her head and said, "Linger felt that Master's original intention was to let us stay here at night. Because only at night can we exercise a person's ability and improve people's vigilance.

Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "That's right. There will be more spiritual beasts at night, and it's convenient to practice. Let's go." After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

Linger asked behind his back, "Yuran, have you replied with your true anger?"

Huangfu Yuran said with a smile, "What do you think? Sister Linger. With that, he gathered his palms and waved.

Linger naturally felt the true qi gathered in the palm of her hand and was shocked by Huangfu Yuran's recovery speed. She slept like this, and the overdrawn true qi replied inexplicably. Shaking his head and walking inside behind Huangfu Yuran.

The two went all the way to the sunset and met a lot of spiritual beasts. Huangfu Yuran learned a lesson and no longer played heroes alone. It was Huangfu Yuran who attracted the attention of the spirit beast in front of him. Linger directly tied the spirit beast with a floating silk, and then Huangfu Yuran took a long sword and poked it randomly. As a result, the spirit beast was often killed by Huangfu Yuran's sword. Along the way, the two also collected a lot of crystal nuclei in the universe bag.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Huangfu Yuran said to Linger, who was walking next to him, "Sister Linger, you see, it's getting dark. Should we find a safer place for one night?"

Linger nodded and said, "Well, go over there and have a look." After saying that, he pointed to the left front.

Huangfu Yuran walked to the left front first and let Linger follow him. In case of any sudden **, it can also protect Linger. I didn't meet any spirit beasts along the way, but the two of them didn't expect it.

Huangfu Yuran said curiously, "Why are there no spirit beasts again? Something is wrong! Isn't it a little too quiet?"

Linger said later, "It's a little quiet, but it's not surprising!" You are too careful."

"Really? I hope so!" Huangfu Yuran said, but his mind was always paying careful attention to every move around him.

It didn't take long to find a cave not far ahead. The vines hung down from the top of the cave and covered the mouth of the cave. Fortunately, Huangfu Yuran was looking around carefully and found the cave. Huangfu Yuran walked over and pushed away the vines with his hand and said in surprise, "Sister Linger, there is a Shandong here. We have it tonight." Saying that, he turned around and called Linger.

Linger frowned and looked at the cave behind Huangfu Yuran, and suddenly shouted, "Yuran, be careful, get out of the way!"

Huangfu Yuran felt curious why Linger suddenly reacted, but he still jumped out to the side like a reflex, because he had already felt a cold air behind him.

Just as Huangfu Yuran jumped aside, Linger also dodged to Huangfu Yuran's side. Linger's soft sword on her waist has come out of its sheath and stares at the monster emerging from the hole cautiously in her hand. Huangfu Yuran also called out the long sword in his body and looked at the incredible face of the spirit beast in front of him.

I saw a python and a bright red giant python that rushed out of the cave. The python is as thick as a bucket. At this moment, it is coiled in the hole and raised its mouth high, and the green light in its eyes is also staring at Huangfu Yuran and Linger. Does the forked black tongue spit out of his mouth, and the hissing sound makes people shudder.

Huangfu Yuran looked at the python coiled at the mouth of the cave and still broke out in a cold sweat. Huangfu Yuran was able to recognize this spiritual beast. According to the records in the jade slips, the snake is called the red-squalled python, and the more bright the scales on its body, the stronger the scales are. This snake is highly poisonous. If the monks below the Jindan period are hit by its venom, they will die in a moment.

Look at the color of the red-squalled python in front of you, his ability is definitely not weak. Huangfu Yuran thought about it secretly and whispered, "For good thing, this snake is not fast, otherwise it can't run away." With that, he asked Linger, "Sister Linger, this is a third-order spirit beast red-scale python. I'm afraid we can't deal with it. At that time, you run away first, and I will be behind.

Linger shook her head and said, "No, you go first. I'll hold it back."

Huangfu Yuran shouted angrily, "Do you have my fast body? Don't say more, that's it. By the way, Sister Linger, can you tie it with Piao Ling?

Linger frowned and shook her head and said, "This guy is too big and soft to be tied."

"In this case, we have to swim away and resist that neither of us is the opponent of this beast." Huangfu Yuran's eyes never left the red-squalled python.

The red-sicked python naturally can't understand what they are talking about, but it won't give them a chance to continue talking. A poisonous fog sprayed on the two people, and the two sharp teeth rushed to Huangfu Yuran with cold light. In his opinion, Huangfu Yuran was much more harmful than Linger.

Looking at the red-squalled python rushing over, Huangfu Yuran stretched out his hand and pushed Linger aside, and he rushed in the opposite direction. At the same time, he shouted, "Dodge, I'll attract its attention. You can find a chance to see if you can tie it."

The red-scared python can't understand what Huangfu Yuran is shouting, but it can understand the meaning of the two to escape separately, turn around and stare at Linger, or decide to deal with Huangfu Yuran first, turn around and chase Huangfu Yuran. Although the speed of this red-scale python is not fast, it is not much slower than the current Huangfu Yuran. After all, it is also a third-order spirit beast python.

Linger saw the giant python chasing Huangfu Yuran. Linger called out the floating silk in her body for a long time, but there was no way to start. The giant python stretched its body several times longer than its own floating silk. She didn't know where to tie it up. After thinking about it for a long time, he still didn't do it. Huangfu Yuran shouted anxiously, "Sister Linger, don't be stunned! Tie it up!"

"No, it's several times longer than my floating silk. I don't know where to tie it!" Linger replied anxiously.

Huangfu Yuran couldn't help but have a big head, and this red-scale python is indeed a little big. But I really can't hold on for a long time. If I'm not careful, maybe both of them will die. While avoiding the venom shot by the python, he shouted, "Then cut it with a sword. If it turn around, you run away, and I will cut it again!"

Linger pulled out her sword, unfolded her figure and chased after it, waved her hand and stabbed it with a sword. This sword spirit didn't use much true spirit, so it didn't really stab the python, but stabbed off a few scales from the python's body.

Even so, it angered the python. The pain of the scales being peeled off made it instantly forget to continue to chase Huangfu Yuran, and turned his head and stared at the spirit holding the long sword. The long snake tail quickly threw at Linger, and the speed was more than twice as fast as when chasing Huangfu Yuran.

Linger originally wanted to avoid the snake tail that swept over, but the snake tail was so fast that she couldn't dodge it at all. With a sound, Linger was billed out by the snake's tail and landed on the ground not far away. The red-scalted python seemed to be still uneasful. Its tail raised high and hit Linger who fell on the ground fiercely with the sound of wind.

Linger saw the snake's tail patting herself again, and now she fell to the ground and could not dodge. Gathering the true qi, he called out the ribbon, instantly wrapped the snake tail, and pulled it into the air with the snake tail.

Huangfu Yuran rushed back at the moment when the python turned around. When he saw Linger being hit, he was furious and his true energy surged into the sword in his hand. The python also felt Huangfu Yuran chasing after him, but now he didn't want to pay attention to Huangfu Yuran, so he opened his mouth and bit the spirit lying on the ground.

When Huangfu Yuran saw this, he gathered full of true energy in an instant, stabbed out a sword angrily, and roared in his mouth: "How dare you! Eat my amazing sword!" The long sword in Huangfu Yuran's hand emitted a dazzling red light and rushed to the red-scaly python. Just as the red-scaly python was about to bite Linger, the bloody sword inserted into the python's neck at the right time.

It is said that the snake hit seven inches, but for such a big python, seven inches is really difficult to find, but this key point was accidentally hit by Huangfu Yuran. The long sword was inserted into the neck of the python, and the python made a sad roar, turned its head and hit Huangfu Yuran fiercely. Huangfu Yuran was close at hand. Without having time to react, his chest was hit directly by the snake's head. Ah, his whole body flew back like a broken kite, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

Even if Huangfu Yuran was knocked out, he did not let go of the long sword in his hand. The long sword pulled out the body of the python and saw a blood arrow flying out of the wound. The python suffered pain and roared again. He waved his head and climbed to Huangfu Yuran again, but because of the fatal injury, the speed was significantly reduced.