can shi

Chapter 183 Unconfidential Conspiracy

Being stopped by the people of the Xiaoyao faction was just a false alarm. He cleaned up his mood and continued to drive in the direction of 100,000 mountains.

The people of the inorganic door also caught up at this time. They happened to meet the five elders who came here with people, so they asked, "Have the five elders ever met those juniors?"

The five elders knew that they were asking Huangfu Yuran and others, so they shook their heads and said, "I'm also looking for them. Why didn't you catch up?" How could the five elders tell them that they had just seen the main characters?

After looking forward, the elder of the inorganic door pointed to the left and right sides and said, "Since you didn't meet them from there, it means that they didn't go from here. Let's go to the other direction. Shall we go to the left and we go to the right? Don't let this madman escape, otherwise he will become a scourge in the world of cultivation in the future.

The fifth elder nodded with a smile and said, "Well, it makes sense. Let's chase separately." But I thought to myself, Yuran is a free person. If you want to kill him, just kill him? Even if I destroy your infinite door, I'm afraid the leader will not allow you to move a hair!

After separating from the people of Wujimen, Xiaoyao sent a disciple to ask, " Elder, are we really going to chase Brother Yuran?"

"What are you chasing? Do you want to kill my proud disciple for a small inorganic door? Are you kidding? Let's find a place to have a rest. Everyone is tired all the way. After saying that, he took the lead and flew in the designated direction.

After leaving the five elders, Linger no longer dared to be careless and rushed all the way to the 100,000 mountains. Several times, they were almost caught up by the inorganic gate, but the prestige of the holy beast made them avoid it, but it was inevitable to be tracked in this way.

It was not until more than half a month later that he returned to the 100,000 mountains, and the inorganic people followed the outskirts of the 100,000 mountains. Looking at the lush trees of 100,000 mountains, the elder looked melancholy. This is 100,000 mountains, which is a forbidden place in the world of cultivation. Whether to enter or not, the elder really can't pay attention to it.

It is not the way to hesitate. The elder directly summoned to inform the leader of the situation, and the specific plan is to wait for the leader to decide. The inorganic leader was also depressed when he received the summons, and there was a clear rule that 100,000 mountains were not allowed to enter. Now Huangfu Yuran and others are in 100,000 mountains. If they don't go in and kill him, they will be a little angry. However, due to the view of the real world, the inorganic leader has to think about it carefully.

After secretly weighing the pros and cons, the inorganic leader still summoned the elder and said, "100,000 mountains are full of crises. You can't enter rashly. You can stay outside for the time being. I will send invitations to all major factions, hold a Xiuzhen conference, and march into 100,000 mountains together.

Then the inorganic leader called a few disciples and handed them the written invitation and said, "Go quickly to each gate to send this invitation, saying that the inorganic door invited to discuss the major events in the world of cultivation. They came when they saw the invitation."

After the disciples withdrew, the inorganic leader walked to the door, looked up at the floating clouds in the sky and sighed, "Huangfu Yuran, if you want to go against the sky, you must first ask these seniors if you agree. No matter how talented you are, I will strangle you in the cradle. If all the righteous ways in the whole world of cultivation can't do anything about you, you can only find those guys.

A month later, almost all the right sects received invitations from inorganic doors. Basically all know about the inorganic door, and other sects also know the reason why Huangfu Yuran attacked the inorganic door like this.

Basically, all sects were involved in the affairs of the Huangfu family, and the inorganic door was exposed to the surface, so other sects would no longer be at peace. Therefore, the sects that received the invitation did not refuse to send people directly to the inorganic door.

Lu Qing was the one who received the invitation from Xiaoyao, who was not in the sect, and the other elders were closed again. Looking at the content of the invitation, Lu Qing frowned and looked worried. Huangfu Yuran did not disconnect from Lu Qing after leaving the sect. Naturally, he knew that Huangfu Yuran and others are now in 100,000 mountains. In the invitation of the inorganic door, he said that they would step on 100,000 mountains, which was obviously for Huangfu Yuran.

This is a great thing in the world of cultivation, but it is also a thing that cannot be underestimated. Lu Qing couldn't make up his mind at all. He could only let the disciples of the inorganic sect go back first, saying that he would wait for the leader to make a decision.

Lu Qing took the invitation, and the worry in his heart completely appeared on his face. Lu Qing, who was restless, paced back and forth in the room with the invitation in his hand, often sighing from time to time.

"Lu Qing, practitioners are the most afraid of being upset. What makes you so uneasy?" Qing Lingzi's voice appeared outside the door at the right time.

Hearing the voice of Qing Lingzi, Lu Qing immediately turned around and looked at it. In plain clothes, a group of Qing Lingzi was walking in from the door.

Lu Qing hurriedly bowed forward and said, "Lu Qing has seen the head!" With the unconcealed excitement and excitement in his tone, he could hear that the stone in Lu Qing's heart was put down.

Qing Lingzi smiled, raised his hand and took Lu Qing and said, "I didn't want so many gifts. What happened? How can you be so restful?"

Lu Qing smiled helplessly and handed the invitation in his hand to Qing Lingzi and said, "Mir, this is an invitation from the inorganic door. Lu Qing really can't make up his mind, so... he is worried here."

Qinglingzi took the invitation and opened it and took a casual look. He stroked his snow-white beard and said with a smile, "Oh? What's wrong with the inorganic door? Why are you suddenly so interested in 100,000 mountains? What's the hesitant about this? The invitation of the inorganic door will definitely go, otherwise won't it lose the courtesy of my free school!"

Lu Qing saw that Qinglingzi said so easily, and he felt a little bitter. Qinglingzi obviously didn't know what Yuran was doing in the 100,000 mountains now. After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Qing still decided that it would be better to explain the matter, so he explained, "Mr. Master, if it is so simple, Lu Qing will not hesitate. Things are not as simple as the leader imagined. All this is because of... Yuran!"

As the saying goes, caring is chaotic. Qing Lingzi was still teaching Lu Qing to calm down. Now he can't calm down when he hears about this. His slightly closed eyes suddenly opened and asked, "What does this have to do with Yu Ran? Hurry up and make it clear to me."

Lu Qing turned his eyes, sorted out his words and said, "You have just left the customs, and you don't know much about the world of cultivation. Some time ago, Yuran took someone to attack the inorganic door and returned without success. On the contrary, he angered the inorganic door. Now Yuran is among the 100,000 mountains, and the inorganic door plotting 100,000 mountains is actually to kill Yuran!"

"What? Does the inorganic door want to kill my beloved apprentice? It also depends on whether he has this ability. I will definitely go to this conference, but I want to see what the inorganic door says. It's just... Why is Yuer so impulsive to lead people to attack the inorganic door... Is there a grudge against the inorganic door and him? Qing Lingzi is very protective of his shortcomings. How can he sit idly by when he hears that someone wants to kill his beloved disciple? He just wants to find out what the reason is.

Lu Qing still knew a little about the reason, so he said what he knew: "Shangmen, you closed up after Yuran left the sect three years ago and knew little about the outside world. Yuran returned to Jinling first, but what he saw in Jinling was the destruction of his family. How can a child accept such a cruel fact? In the ruins of the family, Yu Ran found the token of the inorganic door, so he accumulated all the hatred of the family's destruction on the inorganic door, saying..."

"Well, not to mention that his inorganic door has destroyed my beloved apprentice's family, it is enough to take action against ordinary people. How dare you despise the rules of the world of cultivation so much, what if Yu Ran destroys him? If it were me, the inorganic door would no longer exist. Um... This invitation does not indicate the time. When will we discuss this matter at the inorganic door? Qing Lingzi's face rarely showed anger.

Lu Qing still remembers that the disciple who came to send invitations said that he was talking about major events at the inorganic gate during the three-month Double Ninth Festival. Qinglingzi twisted his beard, narrowed his eyes and thought about something. After a long time, he said, "Three months, I don't have time to go. If Qingyang doesn't come back at that time, you can take someone over. Remember not to agree to their demands, but don't refuse. In the future, the sect will have no seat and should keep a low profile.

Qing Lingzi seemed to have something to say, and Lu Qing could also hear it. At that time, he didn't understand what it meant, so he asked, "Why didn't the leader go in person, but asked Lu Qing to go?"

Qing Lingzi smiled and said, "I want to go, but time doesn't allow it. There are still two months for me to fly to the fairyland. Since then, you have not been a person in this world of cultivation. You should take care of yourself.

Lu Qing hurriedly stepped back and bent down and knelt down to the ground. He said respectfully, "The leader is about to fly into the fairyland. Lu Qing congratulates the leader. This is a blessing of the free school."

Qing Lingzi shook his head gently and said faintly, "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. Who can say that this is not a misfortune... Alas..." He often turned around and left with a sigh.

Looking at the back of Qing Lingzi turning away, Lu Qing's face was confused. It was hard to say why the leader said it was a blessing or a curse. Is it still a disaster for the free school to fly up to the fairyland? But then I thought of the covetigation of other sects. They can still be stable if there is a light spirit son in the town. If there is no light spirit son in the town, then...

Thinking of this, Lu Qing felt cold in the North Pole, and it seemed that the leader still had a vision. Lu Qing cleaned up his mood, turned around and walked back to his room. What he has to do now is wait for the head to come back gently. From Xiaoyao to the inorganic door, it only takes half a month, and there is still enough time. It's okay to wait for a few days, but some people are anxious to wait!

A conspiracy against Huangfu Yuran is about to begin. The world of cultivation is destined to no longer be calm. Who can be alone in the turbulent world of cultivation?