can shi

Chapter 204 Compassion

Zhao Xin couldn't bear to see the barbarian king continue to be like that, so he raised his hand to stop the barbarian king and said, "Second brother, give him a pleasure. It's harmful to torture him like this."

The barbarian king turned his eyes, then turned his head and said to the man, "I respect you as a man, and I will give you a pleasure today. If the third brother hadn't pleaded, I would have made you very painful!" After saying that, he held the knife with both hands and raised it above his head.

The barbarian king's eyes were cold and he shouted, "Die!" The knife raised above his head quickly cut down. The man didn't look at the barbarian king, but slowly closed his eyes.

It seemed that they had a premonition of what was going to happen. Lin Susu and He Fenghuan quickly closed their eyes and dared not look at the bloody scene. Unexpectedly, when the two of them killed people, they didn't frown.

Although the barbarian's knife is not unusually sharp, it is still more than enough to cut a man. After the knife flashed, the man's head was cut off with half of his body, and a white light shot out of his physical strength.

Zhao Xin tilted the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer, "I knew you would run away. Zhu Yan, this Yuanying will be given to you."

Zhu Yan looked up and didn't seem to be very interested, but Zhu Yan still moved. He just gently stopped the white light and raised his palm to grab the white light.

After Zhu Yan landed, he handed the captured Yuanying to the spirit beast beside him and said, "The queen has ordered that the spirit beast in the frozen magic realm is not allowed to swallow the Yuanying of the human monk, and Zhu Yan did not dare to disobey the order. Besides, I'm a holy beast. Yuanying has no effect on me anymore. It's better to eat them. With that, he looked at He Fenghuan standing beside him with a little fear in his eyes.

Zhao Xin's eyes widened and said in disbelief, "Zhu Yan, you are a holy beast. When did you learn to be so good? This doesn't look like the rumored holy beast Zhu Yan!"

Zhu Yan looked helpless and just wanted to say something to explain, He Fenghuan said, "Zhu Yan, I have returned to the 100,000 mountains. You can go back to the frozen magic field first."

Zhu Yan immediately bowed obediently and said, "Yes, Queen." After saying that, he turned around and flew away.

When Zhu Yan left, Zhao Xin stammared to the air and pointed to He Fenghuan and said, "Female...Female...Queen? What's going on?

He Fenghuan smiled, squinted at Zhao Xin and said, "It's okay. Do you want to do a few more?" With that, he also raised the ice bow in his hand.

Zhao Xin knew the power of his bow and arrow and waved his hand and said, "No, you won. Well, the matter here has been solved. Go ahead and have a look and then transfer to the center and they will work together.

Zhao Xin took everyone all the way inside, approached Li Qing and whispered, "Brother, your Fenghuan is so powerful now. You won't have a good life in the future. Be careful!"

He Fenghuan followed them and asked charmingly, "What are you talking about?" Do you need to be so mysterious?"

"No...nothing, it's just something between men, hey," Zhao Xin's words attracted the eyes of two women.

It is said that Huangfu Yuran asked Linger to stand alone, but before leaving, he ordered him to take the yellow warbler. I don't know what the intention is.

But Linger took a group of spirit beasts to the farthest direction. On the way, Linger did not speak, but thought about the experience of the line and the facts to face next.

Perhaps because the atmosphere is really depressing, the usually lively and active yellow warbler has also become obedient.

Because it was the farthest, before Linger and the others arrived at the place, the other party had already learned what had happened in the 100,000 mountains, so they were ready early, and one was waiting for the arrival of Linger and the others.

When Linger arrived at the place with the yellow warbler, she saw the people waiting on the ground at first sight. Linger frowned, lowered her head and whispered to Huang Ying, "It seems to be a fierce battle today. I can't take care of you. Be careful."

The yellow warbler tightened the long sword in his hand and said lightly, "It's just a group of ants, crush them!"

Linger shook her head disapprovingly and sighed, "Don't underestimate any opponent. Anyone may kill you. The cultivation world is no better than ordinary people. Be careful."

Opposite are the people of the Shenfu Sect. This group of sanctimonious guys in Taoist robes are carefully staring at Linger and Huangying and the group of spirit beasts behind them.

The leader is Zhong Xun, who is known as the magic shadow of the Fu clan, who is an outstanding disciple of the young generation of Shenfu. Zhong Xun's rune is used magically, and his wrists are unpredictable, which often makes people feel big.

Zhong Xun knew that the two immortal-like women opposite came to attack him, and he also transmitted the news back to the sect early, but it would take a month for the sect to get here. It seems that the disciples of these 100,000 mountains are doomed to escape.

Since you know the result, I'm afraid you can't escape. It's better to face it openly. So Zhong Xun waited here early with a group of disciples. Seeing Ling'er and their arrival, he saluted modestly and said, "The two girls are all right."

Linger's eyes drooped and did not look at the people opposite her. Her cherry lips said softly, "Compared with the Taoist priest, you should know what the little woman is doing here?"

Zhong Xun nodded and said, "I know a little, compared with these sites, right?" With that, he turned around and pointed to the place behind him.

Linger nodded gently and shook her head and said, "Yes, it's not!" You don't practice well in your own sect, but 100,000 mountains come to disturb the quietness of the spirit beasts. The cultivation world and the spirit beast world have always been free from water. How can you bear the feelings of the spirit beast by doing this? With that, he turned around and looked at the spirit beasts behind him.

Zhong Xun didn't know how to answer Linger's aggressiveness for a moment, and his consciousness was stunned in the local area. Seeing that Zhong Xun stopped talking, Ling'er continued with a sneer, "I'm afraid you are drunk and not in the bar? The dove occupies the magpie's nest, which is the style of the righteous practitioner, and he is still trying to be unfavorable to my son. You should die here.

Zhong Xun frowned tightly and said in disbelief, "Zhong was ordered by the leader to sit here. Zhong didn't quite understand the specific reason. As for what the girl said about the drunken man's intention, Zhong did not know it."

What else Linger wanted to say, Huang Ying said first: "It's not too late to know now! Bull nose, let me tell you the truth, you must die today!"

Huang Ying's words completely ignited the war, and the people of the Shenfu sect had already held the weapons in their hands when they heard Huang Ying's words.

Seeing the situation on the opposite side, Linger knew that there was no need to go on. As soon as her mind moved, the ribbon had flowed around her body. The flying dance of the ribbon makes Linger's whole body more elegant and flexible.

Zhong Xun held a long sword in his hand and knew that he had to fight, but he still wanted to figure out what the reason was, so he asked, "Can the girl tell me the reason..."

Before he finished speaking, he ushered in a sword spirit launched by Huang Ying. Huang Ying said, "Want to know why? Go and ask the Lord of Hell yourself!" After saying that, he pinched the sword formula and summoned thousands of swords, and smashed them against the opposite crowd.

This is the signature move of the Xiaoyao School. Huang Ying has devoted himself to practicing this move, which is really extraordinary at this time.

Linger saw that Huang Ying had already taken action. If she didn't do anything, she would hurt Huang Ying, so she shook her head faintly and said gently, "It's just that you stood in the wrong place!" After saying that, he waved his hand gently, and the spirit beast behind him was ordered and rushed out at the same time.

There was a brief chaos when the disciples of the Shenfu sect, who were originally receiving Huang Ying's moves, rushed to the spirit beasts. After that, he stabilized and cooperated with each other to stop the spirit beasts outside.

But the spirit beasts seemed to be in a crazy state. They were not afraid of the spells of the people of the Shenfu sect. They rushed up one after another, and there were yellow warbler attacks from time to time. Gradually, some people couldn't hold on to it. One was killed by a spirit beast, followed by the second and the third...

More and more people have been killed, and none of the Yuanying can escape, and all of them have become the food in the mouth of spirit beasts. Slowly, someone had a retreat. He saw a figure rising to the sky and wanted to run away.

Linger's eyelids trembled gently, stretched out her hand and pointed, and the ribbon immediately turned into a long dragon to catch up with the escaped person in an instant. The ribbon rolled the man and dragged him to the ground fiercely. Suddenly, the man was thrown down and eaten by the spirit beast that caught up.

Then another figure popped out, and Linger frowned gently, as if she was very disgusted with the escapee. She directly waved her hand and rushed to the back of the man like a sharp sword, penetrating the man's chest without stopping. In this way, the man fell directly from the sky and could not escape the end of being dismembered.

In the end, only Zhong Xun was still struggling to support him. Linger waved her hand to stop the spirit beast and the yellow warbler that were attacking crazily, and gently walked to the middle and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

Zhong Xun took a few breaths and snorted coldly, "I don't know why, I won't close my eyes."

"Oh? Then why don't you run away?" Linger's eyes were slightly closed and seemed to be tired.

Zhong Xun turned his head to look at the spirit beasts and the staring yellow warbler around him, and said with a wry smile, "Can you escape? Isn't it a shame for the people in the world to escape? Is poor Tao the one who sighs and is afraid of death?

Linger nodded with appreciation and said, "Okay, you go. We won't stop you. We will go back and tell your head. If we dare to set foot on 100,000 mountains in the future, we will definitely step on your Shenfu sect."

Zhong Xun was stunned and didn't seem to understand Linger's words. For a moment, he did not move, but looked at Linger curiously.

Linger leaned slightly to get out of the way and said, "What? Don't believe me let you go? Or do you want to die in 100,000 mountains inexplicably?