can shi

Chapter 208 Yaoqin

Huangfu Yuran looked down at his clothes and understood why Linger was so surprised. He explained with a smile, "This is not my blood, but left by those people who killed Xiaoyao that day... No, this is Yunxi's sister's blood." As if thinking of something, his eyes dimmed in an instant and said, "But I can't find Sister Yunxi's body..."

Linger nodded and did not care about this question, but asked, "How did Sister Yunxi die?" Can't practitioners get out of the body? Where is Yunxi's sister's Yuanying? Linger asked three questions in a row.

Huangfu Yuran shook his head blankly and said like memory, "Sister Yunxi blocked a sword for me and was killed by Nan Yunfei. I don't know Sister Yunxi... I have never seen Sister Yunxi's Yuanying out of her body.

Linger pointed to the backyard and said, "I brought back Sister Yunxi's body. Linger can't let Sister Yunxi corpse in the wilderness, so she brought it back for burial."

Huangfu Yuran was excited, grabbed Linger's shoulder with both hands and said excitedly, "Is this true? Sister Linger, thank you. Where is Yunxi buried? Take me to see Sister Yunxi. I still have something to say to Sister Yunxi.

Linger gently took away Huangfu Yuran's hands and said comfortingly, "Yuran, don't be excited. Sister Yunxi has gone. No matter what you say, she won't hear."

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said, "No! She can hear it! She died for me. Can't I satisfy her little wish?

Huang Ying gently pulled the corner of Linger's clothes and said, "Yuran's intention is here. Let's take him to see Sister Yunxi."

Linger frowned gently, and then sighed, "Okay, come with me." Everyone, come here and get together with Sister Yunxi. After saying that, he flew to the rear.

After everyone followed Linger, they went to a dense forest. At this time, Linger was standing in front of a grave, bowing her head and closing her eyes as if praying.

After Huangfu Yuran arrived, he saw the big characters of Yunxi's tomb on the tombstone for the first time. Huangfu Yuran was about to kneel down and caught a glimpse of a figure standing behind the grave. His heart moved and he fixed his eyes. The familiar appearance suddenly made Huangfu stay in the local area.

The familiar appearance, the lovely smiling face, and the faint smoke waves in his eyes, who else can there be if it's not Yunxi. Huangfu Yuran dodged in front of Yunxi and shouted anxiously, "Sister Yunxi, is that you?"

But after entering, I found that this was not Yunxi, but a wooden statue, but the look of the statue was really vivid.

Huangfu Yuran turned his head and looked at Linger in surprise, hoping to get an explanation. Linger felt the eyes that Huangfu Yuran had seen and said faintly, "Ling'er carved this statue with her memory to accompany Sister Yunxi here."

Huangfu Yuran sighed and walked back to the tombstone and said, "Sister Linger has a heart. Sister Yunxi will be very happy to know it." With that, he sat down cross-legged in front of the tombstone.

No one blamed Huangfu Yuran for his disrespect, and no one said anything to disturb Huangfu Yuran. It seems that this time belongs to Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran stared at the tombstone, and there was nothing else in his eyes. He recited a poem quietly:

The remnant cloud is easy to provoke the piano sound,

It's hard to believe that the green shadow has dispersed.

The spirit is speechless,

Point Chen does not leave the heart of falling feathers.

This poem completes Huangfu Yuran's tenderness and includes all the people who are still around Huangfu Yuran. Yunxi and Yi Xing have left the world, which undoubtedly makes everyone feel sad. Li Qing and Zhao Xin still have their own career after all, and may not always be around themselves. Li Qing has a family, and Zhao Xin is the prince. As soon as he enters the Hou family, it is as deep as the sea. Once something happens in the Qin Dynasty, Zhao Xin will not allow it. Qinger Linger and Huang Ying and Leng Lingxue didn't say anything. But in the end, I still have to find a place to get married. The whereabouts of the yin and yang gods are uncertain, and no one can find them. In this way, I have always been alone, which is inevitably a little desolate.

Huangfu Yuran seemed to think of something, and his eyes were full of yearning. He continued to say, "I still remember that my sister taught me the song of reincarnation, sad and melancholy. I still remember that song was heartbroken, and my sister once taught Yuran how to taste life from the song. But now... between heaven and man, Yuran is heartbroken and sad. In the future... who else will caress Yaoqin with Yu Ran? The sound of the piano is long, who will be with it!"

Huangfu Yuran turned his hand and took out a guqin and visited it on his knees. He smiled and said, "My sister once said that I like Yuran's smile and want to listen to Yuran's sound. Today, Yuran fulfills my sister's wish."

Gently stroked the strings a few times, slowly closed their eyes, and their fingers inadvertently beat on the strings. A sad sound of the piano floated out of Huangfu Yuran's hands, and the sad sound of the piano made everyone who listened felt pain in their hearts.

With the sad sound of the piano, Huangfu Yuran chanted faintly: "A song of broken liver, where can I find a bosom friend in the world... When I first woke up with a cold heart, in my dream... I always remember my beauty."

In turn, the sound of the piano became rapid, just like Huangfu Yuran's heart, becoming a little irritable. Anyone can hear the fluctuation of the sound of the piano, but no one has the right to say anything more.

The sound of the piano became more and more rapid, and it seemed that it could not stand such a melody, and it stopped abruptly after a sharp sound. Everyone woke up from the sound of the piano and looked at Huangfu Yuran with a little surprise.

Huangfu Yuran had stood up and placed the guqin at his feet, but the strings had been broken.

Huangfu Yuran opened his closed eyes and looked down at Guqin, shook his head gently, and said faintly, "Who will listen to Yaoqin if you want to pay your heart to Yaoqin? From now on, Yuran will no longer stroke the piano for anyone..."

Linger slowly walked to Huangfu Yuran, bent down and picked up the guqin with broken strings and said, "Linger can connect the strings, Yuran..." Originally, he wanted to ask Huangfu Yuran what he had any comments, but was interrupted by Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran took the guqin and gently placed it in front of the tombstone and said faintly, "No, this piano is originally Yunxi's sister. Yunxi's sister has gone, so let this piano accompany Yunxi's sister. Sister Linger, go back first and settle down the spirit beast. We also need to practice well. We don't have much time.

Linger left with the others. Huangfu Yuran turned around and sat in front of the tombstone and sighed, "Sister, you also saw that Yuran's piano has been broken. Yuran may not be suitable for this. Therefore, Yuran will no longer touch the piano in the future, and it's okay to kill people. As far as Yuran knows, 100,000 mountains are definitely not a long place at this time, and it will not take long for the righteous sect to receive news to kill again. Yuran is very difficult now. At that time, will we leave our hometown again or start to kill? If my sister has a spirit in heaven, can you give Yuran some hints?

Huangfu Yuran said so. Unexpectedly, he really caught a glimpse of the hint given by Yunxi in the corner of his eyes. He saw that blood-red ** oozed from the forehead of Yunxi's statue, flowing down from his forehead like blood.

Huangfu Yuran looked at this scene in shock and said in surprise, "Sister means...kill?" After lowering his head and thinking for a moment, he nodded and said, "Well, Yuran listened to my sister's words, but everyone who offends me 100,000 mountains will be killed." Saying that, he stood up and wanted to leave.

After turning around, I thought that it seemed a little inappropriate to leave like this, so I turned around and bowed respectfully to Yunxi's tombstone and said, "My sister's death is very sad, but Yuran will not cry in front of your grave. Yuran doesn't want to dirty his sister's road of reincarnation. Yuran remembered that his sister had said that she would wait for Yuran by the bridge, and Yuran would come to you. After saying that, I didn't miss turning around and leaving.

However, at some point in the future, Huangfu Yuran actually saw Yunxi by the bridge. These are the later words, let's not mention it for the time being.

Huangfu Yuran returned to the place where he lived and called Phoenix, Kirin and Lan Yu. Huangfu Yuran said, "Now 100,000 mountains are the target of public, and the right path will definitely come again. This time, we will no longer escape, but kill! Kill one if you come. It's not a way to escape all the time.

Huangfu Yuran's words brightened Kirin's eyes, and Kirin shouted, "The young master should have been like this, so he doesn't have to go to the wilderness for two years. In those years..."

"No, when the right path worked together, we were bound to fight against each other. But now it's different. Master flew to the fairyland, and the right path has been chaotic. How can he deal with us together? So this time it's time to kill!" Huangfu Yuran explained.

Huangfu Yuran immediately ordered: "After you go back, disperse all the spirit beasts and spread them over the whole 100,000 mountains as much as possible. Once a practitioners intervene, I will get the news as soon as possible. Remember to tell them not to act rashly and pay attention to the movements of the practitioners.

Phoenix nodded and said, "Young master, it may not be a good thing to disperse all the spirit beasts. It's better to return to its original state. A race occupies one side and send us a secret message as soon as there is news. In this way, there will be no difference due to different species.

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and thought about it and felt that Phoenix was right, so he nodded and agreed with Phoenix's opinion, and then said, "Phoenix Lanyu, you two are next to Linger and the others in case of accidents. Kirin, you should follow Zhao Xin and Li Qing for the time being and be ready to fight at any time.

The three spirit beasts nodded at the same time, and Huangfu Yuran's order was an irresistible order for them. But then Lan Yu asked, "We have all followed them. What about you, young master? Who will protect the young master?

Huangfu Yuran smiled and said, "Me? Protection? I want to be much higher than their cultivation. People who can pose a threat to me will not come to 100,000 mountains easily. I think there should be no problem, so that's it.