can shi

Chapter 220 Two Heroes

Huangfu Yuran said with admiration, "Brother Zhao is thoughtful, so let's take a look at the terrain around Luotian City and see how to plan the next step." With that, he pointed to the sheepskin scroll on the table and motioned Zhao Xin to continue.

When Zhao Xin saw that everyone's eyes fell on the table, he pointed to a place and said, "This is where we are now, and everything within a hundred miles of this center is in this picture."

The picture pointed by Zhao Xin depicts the existence of a small house. Although it is a little abstract, it is also marked with words on it, which is much better than nothing.

Zhao Xin continued to point and said, "To the north of Luo Tiancheng is the territory of Daqin, but it is a plain that is generally rich, and there is nothing special. To the south is the Longxiao Empire, and this Luo Tiancheng is also a place where the two empires trade. Of course, there are also the barbarians mixed with the second brother, but the barbarians are not powerful, and it is even more insignificant between the two empires. The south is mostly mountainous woodland, and the dense forest is really suitable for hunting.

After Zhao Xin's explanation, everyone also has a general understanding of the situation in this place. Huangfu Yuran frowned and looked at the map and asked faintly, "Why is there no indication of the Xiuzhen sect? Isn't the puppet gate just to the south?"

Li Qing patted Huangfu Yuran on the shoulder and said softly, "Think about which sect's mountain gate in the Xiuzhen world is not its secret place? If it is so easy to find, then this sect is too faceless in the world of cultivation. As for the gate of the puppet gate, it will naturally not be easy for people to find it. If I expected it, the puppet gate should still go south here. With that, he pointed to the southernmost forest of the map.

Huangfu Yuran nodded, bowed his head and thought for a moment and said, "The purpose of our trip is the puppet gate. This time we are bound to succeed. If we fail, we can only escape. The whole world of cultivation really has no place for us."

Looking up at everyone's expressions, he continued to say, "Without the help of spirit beasts this time, we need to develop a joint array, a formation that can attack and defend. This matter bothers you two. We are going to stay here for a period of time. Don't be too busy and be fully prepared to attack the puppet gate. With that, he looked at the nodded of Dian Yun and Chen Yu.

Dian Yun and Chen Yu looked at each other and nodded to agree. The two of them and Zhao Xin stayed together for a period of time, and they also knew something about everyone, and they should be able to make the best use of the arrangement of the formation.

While everyone was discussing these things, there was a noisy voice downstairs, and everyone could see curiosity in the eyes of others.

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and said, "Let's go and have a look." With that, he went to the window first and opened the window and looked down.

But I saw that the empty space downstairs was surrounded by people at this time, and two opposing people were surrounded in the middle. Looking at the momentum of these two people, it is obvious that they are practitioners, but looking at the atmosphere of the scene, the battle between the two seems to be imminent.

Huangfu Yuran saw that their cultivation was in the late stage of Yuanying, but he didn't know what made them so rebellious. Then he thought of something and turned to Zhao Xin and said, "Brother, these two are both in the late Yuanying period. Do you dare to fight with them?" Huangfu Yuran said this because Zhao Xin's cultivation was only in the middle of Yuanying, and it was really difficult to face the two Yuanying in the later period.

Zhao Xin was stunned for a moment, looked down at the two people, and said lightly, "Zhao Xin has never been afraid of any battle, but let me go down and challenge?" With that, he was about to jump down from the window.

Huangfu Yuran quickly grabbed Zhao Xin and said with a smile, "Why are you still so anxious? Don't be impatient, let them fight first, and take a look at their moves before it's too late. But first, don't hurt their lives. I'm going to take them for my own use.

Zhao Xin calmed down when he heard the words and lay on the window sill to watch. Chen Yu smiled and said, "Yo, when did you have a loving heart? You are not afraid of which sect they belong to. It will be bad for you to take them for your own use.

"Don't doubt that they are from any sect, as long as they are harmful to my mind, just kill them." Huangfu Yuran's tone was extremely cold, as if the lives of the two were ordinary in his eyes.

While talking, the two people below had already started fighting. For a moment, they were really angry, and the onlookers retreated a few steps to avoid being implicated by innocence. The two bodies turned into shadows and intertwined, and it was really difficult to distinguish the winner for a moment.

Even though Chen Yu and Dian Yun have a wide range of knowledge, they can't see which sect the two people are using. It seems that Huangfu Yuran is really right. These two people may really be scattered.

Seeing that the two had been in a stalemate, Huangfu Yuran nodded and said, "Brother, can you get on?"

Zhao Xin nodded faintly, pressed his hand gently on the window sill, and his body flew down from the window. On the way down, the long gun was already taken out, and the body of the gun rotated and fell down.

Zhao Xin's style was completely aimed at the two, and the shouting wind naturally shocked them. The two shook each other and jumped out at the same time. Zhao Xin fell directly to the ground with a shocking momentum.

Zhao Xin, who landed, held a gun in his right hand, pointed the tip of the gun diagonally to the ground, and looked down at the tip of the gun indifferently. At this moment, Zhao Xin's temperament attracted many admirers and caused a lot of screams.

The two jumped back and clamped Zhao Xin in the middle. After Zhao Xin landed, one of them raised his long sword in his hand and pointed to Zhao Xin and said, "Who are you? Why bother our duel? Don't you know that this is a taboo in the world of cultivation?

Zhao Xin slowly raised his head and said with a smile, "There is no taboo in the world of cultivation, but I don't know why you two are duel here? Can you listen to me? Let's sit down for a cup of tea and settle down.

Another man snorted coldly, "What do you know as an outsider? We once vowed not to stop, regardless of life and death, unless there is a person who can defeat both of us at the same time, then both of us will follow.

Zhao Xin waved his long gun and said, "In this case, brother, I might as well give it a try." With that, he also made preparations.

The two looked at each other with disdain in their eyes. They looked at one of Zhao Xin and said, "With your mid-term cultivation, you have to fight against our two Yuanying alone? In my opinion, forget it. You'd better leave. Let's just think that you interrupted our duel.

Zhao Xin's most unconvinced person is this kind of self-righteous person who looks down on others. So the long gun leaned in front of him and said with a smile, "It's just a class. How can you know if you don't try?"

"Do you really want to fight?" One of them frowned and stared at Zhao Xin and asked.

Zhao Xin nodded, nodded his long gun, and shouted coldly: "Be careful!" With Zhao Xin's cold cry, the long gun in Zhao Xin's hand had disappeared, and Zhao Xin's body rushed directly to one of them.

When Zhao Xin was about to arrive at the man's side, the black long gun had appeared in front of the man, and the tip of the gun flashed cold light and directly pointed at the man's chest. Zhao Xin also grabbed the tail of the gun at the right time, leaned forward, and the true air was injected into the long gun, and the long gun was more urgent.

The man was also not surprised and turned his body slightly to avoid the attack. Before Zhao Xin's old power arrived, his left hand gently leaned out to grab the long gun, and the long sword in his right hand followed the long gun to Zhao Xin's wrist holding the gun.

How could Zhao Xin be so easily caught by his weapon? The right wrist holding the tail of the gun shook, and the long gun made a sound of dragon chant and shook away the sword and the stretched palm. However, the sword spirit on the long sword could not be dissipated, and still flew towards Zhao Xin's chest.

Zhao Xin mentioned his true qi, and his body made a clever rotation in the air to avoid the sword spirit, and then turned his body directly. The arm holding the tail of the gun circled, and the long gun crossed an arc in the air and split it behind him. Because Zhao Xin obviously felt that the man behind him had also rushed up, so he came up with such a move.

The man who rushed up from behind rushed up and saw the long gun covered with his head. He didn't have time to think about it and raised the knife grid in his hand to block it out. Hearing a loud noise, the man was repelled a few steps, and Zhao Xin also felt that his palm was shaken.

Such a state of front and rear attack was very unfavorable to Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin also knew this, so he took it back without waiting for the long gun to fall to the ground. His body rushed forward, and the long gun continuously pointed three times at the man in front of him. The man just blocked the click of the long gun. After Zhao Xin's long gun was clicked three times, Zhao Xin's wrist shook, and the long gun came out and rotated to the man.

The man directly put the knife in front of him, and his body flashed with a flash of light, blocking the blow. A series of tinkling sounds were heard, and the long gun returned to Zhao Xin's hands.

Taking advantage of this moment's imperable opportunity, the man turned his big knife down and cut Zhao Xin diagonally from the bottom up in an instant. As soon as Zhao Xin received the long gun, the big knife had been cut over. He had no choice but to hold the gun in both hands to block it and fly backwards with the great power of the big knife.

While flying backwards, Zhao Xin put the long gun across his waist, and his body quickly rotated and rushed to the man with the sword behind him. Zhao Xin's attack was aimed at repeling the people behind him and did not want to hurt people.

The man with the sword saw Zhao Xin's momentum and directly avoided the sharpness of the long gun. Zhao Xin's goal was achieved. He stopped directly in place and looked at the two people with a long gun in his hand. Instead, he would fall into passivity if he took the initiative to attack alone. It's better to wait here to brake quietly.

When the two saw that Zhao Xin had no movement, they nodded to each other. At the same time, they shook their bodies and rushed to Zhao Xin's side, and the weapons in their hands greeted Zhao Xin with remnants.