can shi

Chapter 227 Search for the Puppet

The energy was sucked into the body by the original baby and transformed into the energy of its own attributes, and then escaped from the body of the original baby. After a while, Dantian was full of all kinds of energy. At this time, the Yuanying has also changed. After what energy has been moistened, the six Yuanying have become much stronger.

More and more energy entered Huangfu Yuran's body from the jade pendant. Huangfu Yuran did not dare to stop at all, and kept letting Yuanying absorb these uncontrollable energy into his body. Huangfu Yuran obviously felt that he didn't seem to be able to enter much.

What no one has noticed at this moment is that Huangfu Yuran's body is full of six colors of aerosols, while the luster of the jade pendant in Huangfu Yuran's hand is gradually becoming thin. Until the end, the jade pendant almost turned into a transparent color.

Huangfu Yuran took the fog outside his body, and the moment he opened his eyes, a fine light burst out of his eyes, and a little man rushed out of Huangfu Yuran's eyes. The little man flying in the air rushed to the table and raised his hand and slapped him on the way. With a click, the intact table was broken into pieces.

After finishing these, the little guy walked around outside and immediately returned to Huangfu Yuran's body. Huangfu Yuran looked at the table that had been patted into pieces, raised his palm and looked at his hand and looked at the table. Only then did I realize that I didn't take action at all, but the table had broken into pieces.

Thinking of the little guy who just flew out, Huangfu Yuran curled a smile at the corners of his mouth. Yuanying's physical attack means that Huangfu Yuran is already a practice in the out-of-body period at this time. Although I don't know what the energy is in the jade pendant, it's a good thing to cultivate yourself.

Huangfu Yuran thought so, and his mind moved to stimulate Zhenyuan and Yuanying. He wanted to see if Yuanying could really get out of his body. With Huangfu Yuran's movements, six lights emerged from all over Huangfu Yuran's body. After a while, six little guys circled around Huangfu Yuran.

But this is only temporary. After a few rounds around Huangfu Yuran, the six little guys flew out in one direction. Huangfu Yuran immediately thought that he was now in the inn, so he shouted coldly, "Hey! Don't do any damage, come back!"

Hearing Huangfu Yuran's cold drink, the six little guys immediately stopped, and then flew back to Huangfu Yuran obediently.

In this way, Huangfu Yuran knew that he had really reached the stage of enlightenment. Looking at the six little guys floating around his body, Huangfu Yuran was indescribably happy and worried. The improvement of my cultivation also means that the burden on my shoulders is heavier.

The mind moved and took the six Yuan babies back into the body. Huangfu Yuran lay down and slowly closed his eyes. He didn't practice today and nourished his energy for tomorrow's unknown battle.

Early on the second day, everyone automatically gathered in Huangfu Yuran's room to discuss today's actions. Because what should be said yesterday is basically said, so there is no need to say more. He simply told him to pay attention to safety or something, and then everyone followed Huangfu Yuran and flew south.

Zhou knew where the puppet gate was, so Zhou Zhu led the way. Fifty miles is just a tea time under these people's feet. After the tea time, everyone has arrived at a mass grave.

Look at the messy mounds under your feet, the crooked tombstones, and the bushes swaying in the wind. Everyone can't help thinking that this is indeed a mass grave, and it really takes a lot of courage to come at night.

Zhou looked down and said, "The puppet door is right in front of us. It's easy to be found in the air like this. I think we'd better go down and pay attention to concealment, so as not to be found before we find it." With that, he fell down first.

The crowd fell to the ground behind Zhou Yu and made the click of stepping on something, which made everyone look down. It doesn't matter, but it still shocked everyone in a cold sweat. They saw that their feet were full of gray skeletons and skeletons. Huang Ying was so scared that she held Linger's clothes tightly and refused to let go. Qing'er was also so scared that she closed her eyes.

Linger patted them on the shoulder comfortingly and said, "It's okay. We are all practitioners. How can we be afraid of the bones of these dead? They are not harmful. These are all human beings with nowhere to be buried..."

Huangfu Yuran raised a finger in front of his mouth and said softly, "Shh, don't startle the snake. Everyone lift up and move forward slowly and try not to make a sound. If you are afraid now, how can you fight with the puppet gate? You know, the puppet gate is basically not alive to participate in the battle. After saying that, he walked forward gently.

The crowd followed Zhou Yu and walked around the mass grave. After walking two columns of incense, Zhou Yu stopped in front of a dilapidated tombstone and pointed to the tombstone in front of him and said, "Here it is, but we need to be prepared. Once we trigger the mechanism, it is equivalent to telling them that we are coming and we may be surrounded."

Huangfu Yuran nodded, signaling that he understood, and then turned to look at everyone and nodded to show that he knew the consequences. So he walked to the tombstone and looked at the font on the tombstone.

Because the age is far away, the tombstone can't stand the washing of time and has become blurred. The whole tombstone is full of traces of wind and rain erosion, but one place is different from other places. It is clean and there is not much dust on it.

Huangfu Yuran pointed to the clean place, where there was obviously a word of filial piety written on it. He turned his head and looked at Zhou Yu with doubts. Zhou Yu nodded and signaled that it was here, making a gesture to everyone's attention. Then he slowly stretched out his finger and pressed it on the tombstone and pressed it on the word of filial piety.

Sure enough, the word was an organ, which was pressed into the tombstone by Zhou Yu, and at the same time, there was a creaking sound from the tombstone. Everyone's hearts were tight, and they took out their weapons and carefully paid attention to the changes around them.

But after a squeaking sound, there was no more movement, just like ancient tranquility. Zhou Yu frowned in an instant and circled around the tombstone several times, but still did not find the so-called entrance.

Suddenly, he thought of something and shouted, "Get out of the way quickly. There is a mechanism!" With that, the whole person has already flown backwards.

Hearing Zhou Yu's shout, everyone didn't have time to think about it and flew back one by one. At the moment when everyone moved, countless cold light shot at everyone on the ground. The colorful light emitted from the cold light told the Chinese people that this hidden weapon was obviously quenched, and I don't know what kind of powerful poison it is.

As a true practice, there are still ways to avoid hidden weapons, either by holding up a shield to resist or using physical methods to avoid, or blocking with weapons, but the result is still good, and no one is injured.

After a wave of hidden weapons, Huangfu Yuran summoned everyone again and said, "The devil's way is the devil's way. It seems that the puppet gate has been changed its place, or we are not welcome at all. Maybe we have known that we are coming for a long time ago and arranged the mechanism to wait for us to fall into the trap early."

"So what should we do now? Do you give up like this?" Zhao Xin pointed to the tombstone and asked with lingering palpitation.

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said, "How is that possible? Since the mechanism can be triggered, I believe what Brother Zhou said that the puppet door must be in this mass grave, but it is still unknown where it is hidden. Since they don't have the courage to come out, we will find them out. Qing'er..."

Qing'er seemed to know what Huangfu Yuran was going to say, so she nodded and slowly closed her eyes and slowly opened her hands. Several lights flew out of Qing'er's hands and disappeared into heaven and earth in an instant.

Everyone looked at Qinger's every move with a worried face. After a long time, Qing'er opened her eyes and said faintly, "The ground is empty, and... Brother, behind us..." Qing'er didn't say any more, and her body began to tremble.

Hearing Qing'er's words, everyone turned around and looked behind them. They didn't know when a huge hole appeared behind them. The hole was full of people, all of whom were wearing masks.

Seeing Huangfu Yuran, they all turned their heads, and an empty voice came: "Are you looking for us? You have been waiting for a long time. Since you have come, please come to the door to talk about it. The sound came, and the masked people automatically stood on both sides and gave way.

Huangfu Yuran raised his foot and was about to walk in. Linger stopped Huangfu Yuran and said, "I don't understand anything. How can I enter rashly?"

Huangfu Yuran was just stunned for a moment and then said, "Since you're here, why don't you go in? How can you get a tiger without entering the tiger's den? Anyway, it has been found, and the result is the same if you don't go in.

The voice came again: "Mr. Huangfu is indeed a knowledgeable person, please! Huangfu patriarch and his wife are waiting for you!"

It's okay not to mention his parents. When it comes to Huangfu Yuran's parents, Huangfu Yuran is obviously a little impulsive. He bowed his head and shouted coldly, "Everyone has it. Follow my orders, go in with me and act according to the opportunity!" With that, he walked into the door first.

The crowd followed Huangfu Yuran and walked in. No one stopped the masked people standing on both sides and let everyone in. Huangfu Yuran is very confused now. Walking into this puppet door means to see his parents. Although I once saw it in the Soul Hall, I saw a soulless puppet at that time. I always felt that my parents must have something to say to me, so I was in a hurry to come to the puppet door. According to Ouyangqing, the souls of parents are now trapped in the detention array of the puppet door.

Along the way, Huangfu Yuran felt cold in his heart, and the two rows standing on both sides of the road had no heartbeat at all. That is to say, these people are puppets, alive but soulless, and worthy of the name of the living dead.