can shi

Chapter 229 Breaking the Prison

Just flew forward for a short distance, and felt a suction coming. At this time, Huangfu Yuran's soul had merged into the black Yuanying, and he felt that he was no longer tearing the soul but pulling himself into the array. Huangfu Yuran gave up resistance and let the suction suck him over.

I only felt that the darkness in front of me had entered the array. Huangfu Yuran opened his eyes and was surrounded by wandering souls. Looking down, I saw that I was also floating in mid-air, no different from the souls around me.

"Child, this formation has no entry or exit. What are you doing in?" A soul standing in front of Huangfu Yuran said.

Huangfu Yuran looked up and found that the soul standing in front of him seemed to be an old man, but he only heard the sound but did not see the old man speak. Huangfu Yuran slowly frowned, because he couldn't see other people's mouths moving and couldn't be sure whether it was what the man said.

Looking at the expression on Huangfu Yuran's face, the soul voice continued: "This is in the soul array, and all souls are honest with each other. What you hear is not my voice, but the thoughts in my heart. Concentrate. He will hear whoever wants to read your thoughts. Which soul have you seen speaking?

To be honest, Huangfu Yuran really hasn't seen any soul speak. Listening to what the old man said, Huangfu Yuran decided to try, so he concentrated on asking tentatively, "I don't know if the senior is..."

"I'm just a scattered practice, and the assassination of the soul was detained by this soul formation. It's strange to say that within a few hundred miles, if someone dies, the soul will be taken back by this soul array and will never be reincarnated. The old man seemed to be thinking about something to say.

Huangfu Yuran was shocked. Originally, he thought that these souls were killed by the puppet door, but he did not want the soul array to have this effect. So he said, "This is an unbelievable thing. After death, the soul is supposed to enter the underworld to experience reincarnation. The souls of hundreds of miles are all left in the world by this soul formation. Will the underworld not be suspicious? How can the underworld allow this kind of thing to continue?"

The old man slowly raised his hand and shook his hand and said, "Underworld? Ha ha, do you know that the people in the underworld are all spiritual bodies, not to mention moving this soul-bound array. Once they enter the soul-bound array within a few miles, they will also be trapped by this soul-bound array. Therefore, there is nothing we can do in the underworld. We can only watch the soul array search for souls.

Huangfu Yuran turned his head and looked at the soul around him and asked, "Doesn't anyone want to break this soul formation? How can you keep this anti-sky formation to break the balance of the world?

"Yes, but no one has succeeded. The soul formation can't be attacked outside. You just tried it. If you apply strength against the array outside, the array will forcibly pull in the souls of living people. The only way is to break the array in the array, but most of the souls who are collected into the soul array are ordinary souls, and the power of the soul cannot resist the counterattack of the array. A hundred years ago, there was a true man's soul trapped in the soul array. This person's soul is so powerful that he is unwilling to be trapped here. It's an attack on the array..." The old man seemed to stop thinking about the past.

Huangfuyu was eager to know the result, so he hurriedly asked, "What's the result?" Did he go out?

The old man shook his head faintly and said, "No, he failed, and no one has ever been able to get out of the soul formation. He exhausted the power of his soul and was finally absorbed by the array, that is to say, his soul was scattered!"

The old man looked at Huangfu Yuran and continued, "But he didn't do anything. At least he attacked this formation with a weak area. Look there... That place has a strong counterattack, and not many souls will get close to it. With that, he raised his finger and pointed to the open space.

Huangfu Yuran looked up and saw that there were few souls around the place pointed by the old man. It seems that this is what the old man said about the weak zone, and he raised his feet and walked towards the soulless place.

The old man stopped Huangfu Yuran and said, " Wait, I know the purpose of coming into this soul-holding array. Have you taken risks like this before the people you want to meet? Also, you don't know how to use the power of the soul to attack the array?

After the old man's prompt, Huangfu Yuran thought that the purpose of coming in was to find his parents. So he stopped and turned around and looked around, looking for the familiar figure.

The two souls were slowly approaching when Huangfu Yuran came in. At this time, they had already reached Huangfu Yuran's left. Seeing Huangfu Yuran turn around to look for it, he trembled and said, " it really you?"

Huangfu Yuran's conditioned reflex generally turned his head and looked to the left, and saw two souls floating not far from his left. His appearance was blurred by rare points, but it was not difficult to see that this was the person he was looking for.

Huangfu Yuran turned around and knelt down to his parents' souls, kowtowed three heads respectfully, and said, "Father, mother, Yu'er is unfilial!"

The two souls accepted Huangfu Yuran's worship without doing anything. When Huangfu Yuran stood up, one of them said, "Yuer... It's really my Yuer... Child, you think so hard for your mother!" With that, he couldn't help floating over with excitement and opened his hands as if to hold Huangfu Yuran in his arms.

But the soul is all spiritual, and how can it be touched? So I saw my mother's hands passing directly through Huangfu Yuran's body. My mother stayed where she was and looked at her hands in a daze. For a moment, she didn't know what to do.

Although Huangfuqing, as a father, is also a little excited, he is not impulsive. So he slowly floated to Huangfu Yuran and said, "Yuer, I'm very gratified that you have grown up and are very gratified for your father. Seeing that you can become a talent, you can close your eyes for the death of your father. Why don't you practice well in the free school and come here to do what?

He has always been a strict father and mother, and Huangfu Yuran understood the feelings of his family at this time. Although his father's questioning made him at a loss, it was a feeling of family affection, and Huangfuyu was eager to succeed.

Although enjoying this feeling, my father's question still needs to be answered. Huangfu Yuran didn't know what to say, but just there: ""

Huang Fuqing waved his hand and said, "You already know about the family, right? They are all practitioners, and their target is you. The reason why they trapped us here is to attract you. They will not let you go. Only in the free school can you be safe under the protection of your master and son. Why did you leave the Xiaoyao faction and come here?

"No, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and the son wants to raise but doesn't wait. It is unfilial to those who are children and cannot fulfill their filial piety. Now that I know where my parents are, if I still don't come to see the two elders, what face do I have to face the world? Huangfu Yuran endured the grief in his heart and said that he wanted his father to understand his heart.

Huangfu nodded and shook his head and said, "Face the world? This is obviously a trap, but you hit your head in. If you do this, the only incense of the Huangfu family will be cut off. Have you ever thought? I would rather not see my father than see the current situation. With that, he turned around and stopped looking at Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran didn't expect his father to think about himself so much, but it's nothing to think about his current situation. So he turned to Huangfuqing and said, "Father, today's cultivation world is no longer the cultivation world of those years. Master flew to the fairyland, and no one can protect Yuer anymore. In order to avenge the family, the child led people to attack the inorganic door. Now the whole world of righteousness and cultivation is chasing and killing the child, even the Xiaoyao faction is no exception. The child knew that the family's hatred was not just about the inorganic door. It happened that the child heard that the two elders were trapped in the puppet door, so the child brought people to save the two elders and then destroyed the puppet door.

Huangfuqing shook his hand and said, "Did you destroy the puppet door? Child, now that you are also trapped in this soul formation, how can you destroy the puppet gate? If this soul formation is in or out, you shouldn't come in!"

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said, "No, the soul-retainment array can be broken, but I'm afraid I can't do it with my own strength. That is the real eye of the soul formation. As long as it is destroyed, the formation will be abolished!"

Huangfuqing turned his head and looked at the direction Huangfu Yuran pointed to, frowned, and then waved his hand and said, "Don't be delusional. No one can withstand the counterattack on the soul there. I don't know how many people have been absorbed by the array there. Father can't let you take risks.

"But... if we don't try, we can only be trapped in the array. Since someone dares to try, I also want to try. The right road is better than no way to go. If they break the formation, they will be liberated. Huangfu Yuran looked around firmly.

Just now, the old man also floated over and said, "Well, I can't help you. With your own strength, you can't break the array at all, and it may even endanger yourself. I have been trapped for so many years, and even if I die here, I have done something good.

As soon as the old man finished his words, he heard other souls say at the same time, "We will help you!"

Huangfuqing turned his head to look at these souls, nodded solemnly and whispered, "Son, you are a good job. I can't do anything for you for your father. Let me resist this disaster for you." After saying that, he floated directly to the forbidden place of the soul and stretched out a soul force to connect to a small bead in the open space.

Huangfu Yuran didn't have time to stop it. His mother took an affectionate look at Huangfu Yuran and also turned around and floated over, and also reached out to pull out a thread of the beads connected to the soul. Just a moment, I saw that the souls of the two people connected to the beads gradually became distorted and seemed to dissipate at any time.

The old man shouted, "If you don't do it yet, when will you wait?" With that, he took the lead and floated over. As soon as the old man moved, almost all the souls floated up and stretched out their hands to connect the power of the soul. With the addition of these many souls, the little beads began to tremble a little.