can shi

Chapter 251 Huang Ying Rescue

Lu Qing took over the elixir handed over by Wen Xin and said with a long breath, "Let's go back first. This is not a place to stay for a long time. Take these people back first. Since Huangfu Yuran has escaped, I'm afraid he can't find him for a while. Just let him ask for more blessings. You have also seen that it is not so easy for the devil to kill him.

In this way, under Lu Qing's persuasion, everyone turned down and left the fire. However, the demon people are still staying in Lihuoyanyuan to look for Huangfu Yuran, and what is waiting for them will be the anger of Jinwu.

Although Huangfu Yuran was possessed, he still knew the state of his body. He turned around and left because it was really the end of the crossbow, and the real element in his body had been consumed. Therefore, Huangfu Yuran rushed into the flames and felt black in front of him without going far, so he fell into a coma. Before Huangfu Yuran fell into a coma, he vaguely saw a blue and yellow figure slowly approaching him.

It was Huang Ying who chased Huangfu Yuran away. When Huangfu Yuran covered the long sword with the whole space, Huang Ying took out a jade charm and crushed the next layer of shield. Therefore, when Huangfu Yuran's move injured everyone, Huang Ying was safe and sound, which enabled Huang Ying to chase Huangfu Yuran out as soon as possible.

Because of this, Huang Ying saw Huangfu Yuran faint. The Huang Ying who caught up happened to see Huangfu Yuran falling from the sky to the ground. Obviously, he did not fly down but fell down.

Huang Ying exclaimed and immediately flew up and took Huangfu Yuran to his arms and called Huangfu Yuran's name in a low voice. However, Huangfu Yuran did not react at all. Obviously, he was in a coma.

Huang Ying slowly fell to the ground with Huangfu Yuran in her arms, identified the direction and galloped to the east. Not long after Huang Ying hugged Huangfu Yuran, the demons of the devils caught up with him. Zhao Gang closed his eyes and sniffed to the east and said, "Over there, they ran in this direction."

"What are you waiting for? Chasing it!" Everyone shouted and chased to the east. But he was stopped by a flame before he chased him far. No, it was not a flame, but a firebird.

Yes, it is the Jinwu who has been hiding in the flames that has stopped the people of the devil. At the beginning, Huangfu Yuran was in danger, and Jinwu obeyed Huangfu Yuran's order and did not take action. Now Huangfu Yuran is in a coma and is fleeing. If he still doesn't take action, it can't be said.

After Jinwu appeared, it was a series of flame attacks when he flapped his wings at the people of the devil. Even if they were wearing fire beads, they still felt the burning feeling brought by the flame. One by one, they couldn't help stepping back a few steps. They are all injured now. Although they are not seriously injured, they are still very dangerous in the face of the holy beast Jinwu.

After scaring the crowd away, Jin Wu said, "Human monks trespassed me and should be executed, but today I'm in a good mood, so I'll let you go!" Get out of the fire quickly, or you will be ready to be buried in the fire!"

The people of the devil looked at each other, nodded and slowly retreated, and their eyes never left Jinwu. It was not until they could see Jinwu's figure that they turned around and sped away. The demon people were also afraid that Jinwu would suddenly take action against themselves and others, so they were so cautious.

After the magic people left, the flame behind Jin Wu twisted. * flew out of the flame and asked, "Jin Wu, why didn't we save the young master at that time?"

Jin Wu shook his head and sighed, "No matter what happens, you and I can't take action. Don't you forget?"

* flapped his wings puzzledly and said, "But at that time, the young master was so dangerous that he could die at any time. Can't you save the young master in that situation?"

Jin Wu still shook his head and said, "No, we must obey the young master's instructions. Besides, since the young master has told us that we will be fine. Even if we don't believe in the young master, we should believe in the vision of Elder Bai Ze. Now I see that the young master is fine. As long as those people don't continue to chase and kill the young master, the young master is still fine for the time being. Saying that, his body was twisted into a flame and melted into the sea of fire.

* Turning his head and looking at the fire around him, his face seemed to be full of puzzlement, and then a flame disappeared.

The demon people were scared by Jin Wu and withdrew from the fire. Zhao Gang put the seriously injured Xu Yulou on the ground and asked, "What should I do now? We can't get in from the fire, so how can we find Huangfu Yuran?

Liu Yun narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, and called his disciples to order, "You guys send Xu Hufa to Ghost Island. Remember not to have a little difference."

As soon as those disciples wanted to bend down to lift Xu Yulou, they heard a few voices and said, "Let's take Xu Hufa back by us. I won't bother you." With the sound of several figures appearing beside Xu Yulou, several people bent down to lift Xu Yulou and disappeared into the air again.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. After a long time, Liu Yun muttered faintly, "It's really not a human!"

Ziyan frowned and asked coldly, "What are you talking about?"

Liu Yun immediately laughed and said, "I mean, the ghost island is really nowhere to come and go... Oh, Brother Zhao, you just said how can we chase Huangfu Yuran, right? In my opinion, it is impossible for Huangfu Yuran to stay here. Since he is heading east, we can chase him to the east.

Ziyan nodded and said, "That's right. I think he will also leave the fire, so we will go to the east to find him. The Middle East path of the world of cultivation is an inorganic door, and our magic path is your Shura Hall. Where do you think he will appear? The last sentence is the flowing cloud of the question.

Liu Yun lowered his head and thought about it and said, "In my opinion, he will not appear anywhere. If he is smart, he will not choose to appear in the world of cultivation. The only possibility is to integrate into ordinary people, and there happens to be a big empire in the east - the Cangyun Empire. If I guess correctly, he should have gone to the Cangyun Empire.

"Okay, let's go to the Cangyun Empire to wait for the rabbit." Everyone responded one by one that they wanted to go to the Cangyun Empire, so the demon people cleaned up and went to the east of the Cangyun Empire.

Huang Ying flew all the way to the east with Huangfu Yuran and did not dare to stay for a moment. Huang Ying could feel that someone was chasing him. In order to protect Huangfu Yuran, she must not be caught up. Therefore, Huang Ying took Huangfu Yuran to fly in the vast sea of fire for a few days, and it didn't stop until Huang Ying Zhenyuan's victory could no longer fly.

Huang Ying looked at Huangfu Yuran in a coma and said lightly, "What kind of person are you? Why do so many women fall in love with you? Even the princess of my country is inevitably moved by you, but she told me in my heart that I can't possess you, because you don't belong to me, Huang Ying.

There seems to be infinite resentment, and Huang Ying's eyes are a little empty and sad. Huang Ying also felt very tired after flying for a long time, and her eyelids were almost unable to lift. Huang Ying blinked hard and said softly, "Take a rest. I will take you to my house. No one can hurt you there except me." No one knows why she added the last sentence.

Huang Ying took out an elixir and swallowed it and began to adjust the interest. The real yuan consumed should be replenished as soon as possible. Fortunately, Huang Ying's family background is thick enough, and a little elixir is still not paid much attention to.

Two hours later, Huang Ying picked up Huangfu Yuran and embarked on a journey again. In this way, I walked and stopped for nearly half a month, and finally the sea of flames was no longer in front of me. Huang Ying screamed happily and almost threw Huangfu Yuran out.

Flying down in a big tree, the yellow warbler swallowed the remaining Huiyuan elixir and sat cross-legged on the ground to adjust the loss of Zhenyuan. At this time, Huangfu Yuran's eyelids moved and slowly opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw the crown above his head and the yellow warbler sitting next to him.

Huangfu Yuran stretched out and slowly stood up to feel his condition. He found that the true element in his body was not like a person who had gone through a war at all. Huangfu Yuran's memory still stayed when he was besieged by the demon people that day, so he didn't know that he had been in a coma for so long.

Huangfu Yuran turned his head to look at the surrounding environment and found that it was a place he had never seen before. He muttered in a low voice, "What is this place? Why am I here? Where are the others?" But now Huang Ying is the only one who can answer Huangfu Yuran, and Huang Ying is meditating at this time.

As soon as he scratched his head, his body floated on the canopy and lay lazily on the tree branch. Now I don't know what's going on, so I have to wait for the yellow warbler to wake up. However, when he lay down, Huangfu Yuran found that his eyelids were a little heavy and slowly wanted to fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took. After practicing, the yellow warbler under the tree opened his eyes but did not see the trace of Huangfu Yuran. He jumped up in shock and turned around with tears in his eyes and shouted: "Yuran, bad guy, where are you? Don't scare me, okay? Come out quickly!"

Huangfu, who was lying on the tree, scratched his ears and slowly floated down behind the yellow warbler, and the yellow warbler did not know that he was still shouting there.

Huangfu Yuran said lazily, "Are you tired? If you are tired, take a break and call again!" With that, he leaned against the tree.

Huang Ying screamed, turned around and jumped into Huangfu Yuran's arms and cried, "Do you know how worried they are about you? You are such a bad person when you look at people's jokes like this! Bad guy..." With that, he raised his little fist and hit Huangfu Yuran's chest like raindrops.

Huangfu Yuran reached out and grabbed Huang Ying's little hand and said, "Well, I'm fine!" I'm crying like a big face. If you're not beautiful, no one will want it!"

The yellow warbler pouted and turned around and muttered, "Who cares!" Humph..."