can shi

Chapter 254 Bodyguard

When the king said this, the ministers below were stunned. The king's canonization has never solicited the opinions of the canonized person like this, but today he asked at the end if you would like to. I don't know what the charm of Huangfu Yuran is, which makes the king look so differently.

Huangfu Yuran lowered her head and said, "Don't forget the bodyguard. It's enough for me to be the princess's bodyguard. I'm used to being lazy in my life, and I'm afraid it will disappoint the king to be the leader.

The king waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter. Just be a famous bodyguard." Then he turned his head and looked at a minister and said, "The secretary of the Ministry of Industry, immediately prepare a set of bright silver armor to send to Qianning Palace. There is no mistake."

The minister of the Ministry of Industry should have immediately turned around and left. The king took a look at the crowd and said, "Do you still have this book? If you have a play, don't retreat from the court."

When the ministers left, the king turned his head and looked at the yellow warbler with a kind face and said, "Son, you have been walking for more than ten years, and now you are back, right? Today, my father will pick you up. Let's go to your mother's side to make your mother happy. Oh, by the way, your father built a palace for you, that is, Qianning Palace. You can take your bodyguard first and go directly to your mother's back later. Xiaoyi, take the princess to Qianning Palace. The last sentence was ordered to the maid beside her. After saying that, she stood up and left.

Xiaoyi, the maid who was called, walked to Huang Ying and saluted, "Princess, Huangfu, please come with Xiaoyi."

This Huangfu leader made Huangfu Yuran very uncomfortable and turned his head directly to look at the other side. Huangfu Yuran's action was an unintentional move, but it scared Xiaoyi, the maid of honor. Xiaoyi still thought that what she had said wrong made Huangfu Yuran unhappy.

Looking at Xiaoyi's panicked expression, Huang Ying smiled and said, "I'm different from other princesses. I don't have any airs. Just think of me as a friend. You don't have to give so many gifts. He is just like this. You don't have to pay attention to him."

How dare Xiaoyi call a friend to the princess? She waved her hand in a hurry and said, "No, Xiaoyi dare not."

Huang Ying shrugged her shoulders helplessly. There was nothing she could do. This was a rule developed in the palace. It couldn't be changed for a while. She smiled and said, "Okay, I won't force you. Let's lead the way."

Xiaoyi turned around and led the way with relief, and took Huangfu Yuran and Huang Ying around for a large circle before reaching the so-called Qianning Palace. Thanks to Huangfu Yuran's good memory, otherwise he would really get lost if he couldn't do it for the first time.

Xiaoyi sent the two and bowed and turned away. Huangfu Yuran breathed a long breath and said, "What's good about living in the palace? If the place is too big to waste time, you won't be afraid that you can't find your own house!" With that, he sat on the chair beside him.

Just as he sat down, a group of people came in outside the door. The leader was the minister of the Ministry of Industry who saw it in the hall of Parliament. After bringing in with a group of people, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry saluted Huang Ying and said, "Your Highness, this is the armor sent by the king. Are you satisfied with it?" After saying that, he waved his hand, and the two maids behind him came forward with two trays.

There are two sets of armor on the tray, and the silver-white armor is pleated and shines on people's eyes. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry introduced: "This is a bright silver armor, which is made of mithril. It can be said that knives and guns are invable. Huangfu must be handsome in this armor. Huangfu should try this armor?" With that, he personally picked up his armor and handed it to Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran didn't like to hear people call him the leader of Huangfu. He stood up coldly and said faintly, "Isn't it..." Before he finished speaking, he reached out to take the armor and threw it into the air, turned over and drew a few swords.

When everyone didn't react, Huangfu Yuran had taken back the bloody sword and pointed to the armor and said, "Is this the so-called invulnerable?" As soon as Huangfu Yuran finished speaking, the armor hanging in mid-air fell to the ground and broke into half.

Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry looked at the fragments on the ground and opened his eyes wide. His mouth was wide open and he didn't know what had happened, because he didn't see clearly how Huangfu Yuran came out of his sword. Just in an instant, Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and the armor was broken.

Huang Ying came over and said with a smile and said, "Yuran, don't joke with Lord Shangshu. What he said is invulnerable is for mortal weapons." Then he turned to the surprised minister of engineering and said, "He doesn't like to command this name, that's why it's like this. Don't worry about it, my lord. Also, he is a trueist, so this armor is vulnerable in front of him.

After listening to what Huang Ying said, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry opened his mouth and closed it. I thought that the armor I brought really had a quality problem. It turned out to be a realist, which was not surprising. He nodded and handed another set of armor to Huangfu Yuran and said, "Mr. Huangfu, try the armor. This is your future official uniform."

Huangfu Yuran then smiled and turned around and walked into the inner hall. Huang Ying and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry sat down and said, "This is his temper. I hope you don't care about what you just offended me. Don't have common knowledge with him."

The minister of the Ministry of Industry immediately said, "What's the princess talking about? The leader has his own style, but the subordinate was impulsive, which made the leader unhappy. Oh, princess, these servants and maids will be in this Qianyuan Palace in the future. This palace was specially built for the princess, and the princess has been idle without her absence, so there is no maid of honor or anything. Now that the princess is back, these have been planned for a long time.

Huang Ying nodded and did not refuse. She said, "Your excellency has bothered. He will definitely let his father reward you well."

"I dare not, this is what a subordinate should do, and I don't ask for rewards..." The minister of the Ministry of Industry knows how to be an official and does not move in front of the reward.

While the two were talking, Huangfu Yuran had changed his armor and came out. Huangfu Yuran, dressed in silver-white armor, was less elegant, but a little more handsome. With Huangfu Yuran's handsome appearance, he was indeed a rare beautiful man. Huangfu Yuran's helmet was not on his head, and it was natural for his long snow-white hair to wear silver-white armor.

After Huangfu Yuran came out, Huang Ying was stunned and didn't react for a long time. Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry had already clapped his hands and said, "Okay, this armor is really matched with Mr. Huangfu. He is handsome and resolute, and his fortitude reveals chic, okay!" Although Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry was stunned when he saw Huangfu Yuran's white hair, he would not say it clearly. This is what he has learned for many years as an official. Don't say what he shouldn't say.

Huangfu Yuran curled his lips a little awkwardly and said, "Your excellency is wrong. The boy's qualifications are not good, and he is not used to wearing this iron armor. I'm afraid it's not good?"

The yellow warbler came over and said, "Okay, very well, you look much better in this armor than in a robe, but this hair is going to be received in the helmet. Come on, turn around and I'll help you."

Huangfu Yuran turned around according to his words. Huang Ying walked behind Huangfu Yuran, reached out and received all Huangfu Yuran's long hair behind him, then coiled it into a bun and fixed it on top of his head with a short hairpin. Then he stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the helmet and turn around."

Huangfu Yuran handed the helmet to Huang Ying and turned to face Huang Ying. Huang Ying gently put the helmet on Huangfu Yuran's head. The yellow warbler reached out and stroked the two black temples protruding from the helmet and said with a smile, "Look, no one can see that you are full of gray hair."

Huangfu Yuran squeezed the corners of his mouth and said faintly, "Thank you..."

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry looked at what the two did and seemed to see something, but smiled knowingly. When both of them were packed up, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry took a knife with a scabbard from a tray behind him and handed it to Huangfu Yuran and said, "Mr. Huangfu, this is your sword."

Huangfu Yuran squinted at the knife held by Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, but did not reach out to take it. He just said lightly, "I use a sword. Forget the knife. I have my own sword." With that, he rolled his wrist and was ready to take something out.

Huang Ying thought that Huangfu Yuran was going to take out the Canyang Bloody Sword and hurriedly shouted, "Yuran don't..." Because Huang Ying knew that the Canyang Bloody Sword was a very evil sword. As long as he took it out, he could not get it back without blood.

But Huang Ying still failed to stop Huangfu Yuran's action. As soon as Huang Ying shouted out, she saw that Huangfu Yuran had an extra sword and a sword with a scabbard in his hand. Seeing that Huangfu Yuran did not take out the remnant sun's bloody sword, Huang Ying was relieved.

Huangfu Yuran took out his sword and looked at it and said, "Do you think I will take the remnant sun blood sword? That thing is out of sight. This is the Rain and Wind Sword, which is just a treasure. At the beginning, I took it out because I thought it was good-looking. Then he turned his head and looked at the minister of the Ministry of Industry and said, "Your excellency, don't be surprised. I'm a true practicer. Naturally, I'm not used to other weapons. This is my own sword. Do you think so?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry turned around and put the knife on the tray, nodded and said, "Naturally, as long as the prince adapts to it by himself. In this way, it is inconvenient for the subordinate to stay for a long time.

Huang Ying got up and sent the minister of the Ministry of Industry outside the door. She walked back and looked around Huang Fuyuran several times. Her mouth was always surprised. Huangfu Yuran was uncomfortable. He looked down at his armor and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with me?"

Huang Ying stopped and dragged her chin to look at Huangfu Yuran, nodded and said, "Well, it's really good. It smells like a general. I used to see you wearing a robe, but I didn't expect you to be so handsome in armor. I really underestimated you, Commander Huangfu.

Huangfu Yuran looked at the armor on his body and his expression became a little gloomy. He said faintly, "This armor... reminds me of a person... His favorite thing to wear is armor."