can shi

Chapter 259 Talks between the Two Countries

Huang Ying immediately reached out and covered Huangfu Yuran's mouth and said, "Why are you shouting so loudly? It's not for you to kill people, it's just for you to listen. Are you so surprised?

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and said, "No, I didn't mean that. I mean there is no shortage of guards around the king. What do you want me to do? Anyway, those things are the same whether you listen to them or not?"

Huang Ying didn't bother to pay attention to these excuses of Huangfu Yuran. She stamped her feet and said, "Are you going or not? I order you as a princess!"

Huangfu Yuran scratched his hair and said faintly, "Well, that's not going!" After saying that, he turned around and walked into the room.

When Huang Ying saw Huangfu Yuran turn around and leave, she immediately changed her attitude and begged, "You just go, okay? Do me this for a favor!"

Huangfu Yuran's body stopped, slowly turned around and looked at Huang Ying with a smile and said, "Isn't it over? It's okay to help you as a friend, but I'm not happy that you press me as a princess.

Huang Ying smiled, pushed Huangfu Yuran outside and said, "Okay, I know it's wrong, and I won't do it again. Go quickly and don't miss anything."

Huangfu Yuran got rid of Huangying's rejection and turned into the room. When he came out, he had already put his helmet on his head. He nodded to Huang Ying and turned around and walked out. Huang Ying was secretly happy in the back. It seemed that Huangfu Yuran still cared about himself, otherwise he would not have chosen to give in.

Unexpectedly, Huangfu Yuran turned around and came back after a few steps. Huang Ying frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Why did you come back?"

Huangfu Yuran asked awkwardly, "Well, where did the king receive the Qin messenger?"

Huang Ying shrugged helplessly and turned her head and shouted, "Xiaofen, take Huangfu to the Cangyun Hall."

A little maid immediately bowed over and saluted Huangfu Yuran and said, "Huangfu...sama, please follow me." The commander didn't call out. Seeing Huangfu Yuran's face change, he immediately changed his name to the prince.

Huangfu Yuran eased his face and followed Xiaofen, the maid of honor. Huang Ying whispered behind her, "Obviously, he is the leader, and he won't let others call him!" Humph!"

Xiaofen took Huangfu Yuran to the outside of the Cangyun Hall and signaled that this was the place where the king met with foreign ambassadors. Huangfu Yuran waved his hand to let Xiaofen leave first. The moment Xiaofen turned around, Huangfu Yuran had hidden into the air.

Huangfu Yuran walked into the Cangyun Hall with a hidden body. At this time, it was still early, and there was no one in the hall. Huangfu Yuran turned his head and looked, jumped on the beam of the hall, and muttered faintly, "If you let me come here so early, I know there is nothing good." After saying that, he went to the beam to close his eyes and refresh his mind.

It took almost an hour before the door of the hall was opened. Huangfu Yuran opened his eyes and looked down and found that there were not many people coming in. First, he was the king of the Cangyun Empire, followed by the officials of the Qin Empire and the fourth prince of Lin Yang.

Huangfu Yuran is still in a state of invisibility, so he has no breath to suppress himself. After Lin Yang came in, he looked at the beam intentionally or unintentionally. After that, he didn't pay much attention to it, because he found that the other party had no malice and thought he was just ordered to protect the king.

After everyone sat down, they entered the topic after a few polite words to each other. Of course, it was first said by the envoys of Daqin. After all, it was Daqin, not the Cangyun Empire that fought against the Mingxiao Empire.

The envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty saluted the king of the Cangyun Empire and said, "Your Majesty, I have sent officials to visit your country for three lifetimes. On the one is to show the friendship of Qin, and on the other, it is also for the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

The king of the Cangyun Empire just looked at it with a slight smile and asked, "The people live and work in peace and contentment naturally are what we and other rulers want to see, but what is the relationship between whether you visit our Cangyun Empire and the people can live and work in peace and contentment?"

The officials of Daqin seemed to be used to this scene and said angrily, "Your Majesty should know the ambition of the Mingxiao Empire. Their purpose is not only our Qin Empire, but the whole world. If my Qin Dynasty was defeated by the Mingxiao Empire, the people would be in deep trouble that day, and the people would suffer from the brutality of the Mingxiao Empire.

The king of the Cangyun Empire still asked, "Your Qin Empire is the strongest among the surrounding China. Can't you defeat the Mingxiao Empire?"

This time, the envoy did not answer, but Lin Yang said, "Your Majesty, if you look at a single round of forces, the Mingxiao Empire can't compete with our Qin Empire at all. It's just that there was an accident recently, and there were practitioners in the army of the Mingxiao Empire, which caught them off guard. Our Qin sergeant was severely damaged, and the Ming filial piety empire was helped by practitioners, and the situation was critical. Although I Daqin also have practitioners, this kind of thing does not dislike many people. Moreover, the Mingxiao Empire should also look for foreign aid.

The Cangyun Empire waved his hand with a smile and said, "The fourth prince's words are serious. There is no true practitioners in my Cangyun Empire. If you want an army, maybe I can still help you. If you want to practice truth, you can't do anything."

Lin Yang shook his head gently and said, "Your Majesty is really modest. The Cangyun Empire is not only a practitioners, but also a profound practitioners. I have felt the existence of the practitioners since I entered the palace, and they have always been not far from us. What Lin Yang said is the truth. Huangfu Yuran's cultivation cannot be seen from common sense. Few people can see Huangfu Yuran's cultivation at a glance, let alone feel it.

Hearing Lin Yang's words, Huangfu Yuran on Liang was stunned for a moment and thought he had been found. He immediately held his breath and sat on the beam without daring to move.

Lin Yang did not find the trace of Huangfu Yuran, but just said so. But at this moment, he couldn't feel the existence of Huangfu Yuran, and Lin Yang couldn't help frowning gently.

Cangyun Empire frowned. Lin Yang was right. There were indeed practitioners in the palace, and Huang Ying and Huangfu Yuran had just returned. In addition to Huang Ying and Huangfu Yuran, there are also some other practitioners hidden in the palace. However, the king of the Cangyun Empire will not say these things, so he can only say with sloppy eyes, "The fourth prince laughed. How can there be practitioners in the Cangyun Empire? Shouldn't all practitioners practice in the deep mountains?"

Lin Yang just smiled and said lightly, "Since Your Majesty said so, Lin Yang has nothing to do. I came on behalf of my father to ask His Majesty to send troops to assist Qin. But this dispatch of troops does not have to be in the past. This is a dead end in the face of practitioners. In short, it is a dead end. If it is not done well, it will be buried under the means of practitioners. Therefore, Lin Yang hopes that His Majesty can consider it carefully.

The king of the Cangyun Empire thought for a moment, stretched out his hand and said, "I sent 500,000 troops to help you in the Qin Dynasty, but only resist the soldiers of the Mingxiao Empire. The practitioners can't let my soldiers resist."

Lin Yang nodded and said, "I understand that the emperor doesn't want his people to die. The practitioners should be resisted by Daqin in this regard, but the practitioners come and go without a trace, and there is really no guarantee that they will not take action against your Cangyun Empire. Therefore, Lin Yang wants to have a martial arts competition before this, and I will personally choose the general to lead the army. What does your majesty think?

"Bighting? What's the comparison method? Let's talk about it." The king's eyes lit up and he didn't know what new ideas Lin Yang had.

Lin Yang squeezed his lips and smiled and said, "Actually, it's nothing. Your Majesty chooses some generals to compete with me. Those who can attack me or can pass three moves in my hands can take on the important task of leading the army. To tell you the truth, I am a true person, so I can test the reaction of the generals.

The king of the Cangyun Empire narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment or agreed, and asked, "Isn't it very hard for your Highness?" When are you going to have a test?"

Lin Yang looked up at the beam intentionally or unintentionally and said faintly, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. How about today?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was stunned, and even Huangfu Yuran on the beam almost stumbled down. Lin Yang is not a martial arts idiot. Why does he like fighting more than Zhao Xin now?

The king of the Cangyun Empire waved his hand and said, "Prince, don't laugh. According to the meaning of loneliness, you have just arrived in the Cangyun Empire, and you have a good rest for a few days. What do you think about three days later? It's easy for me to prepare."

Lin Yang nodded heavily and said, "Okay, let's say that we will be at the campus of your palace in three days. At that time, I will definitely select a few qualified generals. So, I'll leave first!" After saying that, he actually walked out. When he was about to go out, he turned back and smiled at the beam.

After Lin Yang, the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty also saluted King Cangyun and turned around and left. The king of Cangyun Empire ordered him to turn around and leave the hall. Huangfu Yuran touched the tip of his nose and smiled faintly and spread his body to the Qianyuan Palace.

Huangfu Yuran unfolded the limit of speed and arrived in the Qianyuan Palace for a moment. Huang Ying had already felt the breath of Huangfu Yuran, ran out of the room and asked in surprise, "You're back. How's it going? What did they say?

Huangfu Yuran appeared and sighed, "Alas, it seems that you are going to be disappointed."

Huang Ying frowned, and then said coquettishly, "What? What are you talking about? What the hell did they say?"

Huangfu Yuran felt that there was no need to continue to tease her, so he said lightly, "Actually, he didn't say anything. He just talked about the war. The king promised to send 500,000 troops, but the generals were selected by Lin Yang. And the martial arts competition will be on the campus of the palace three days later.

"What? Martial arts competition? What kind of competition? Who wants to compete with whom? Huang Ying's eyes widened and didn't care whether there was any mention of marriage.

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and said, "What are you worried about? It was Lin Yang who wanted to fight with the commanders of the bodyguards in the palace, saying that only those who could take his three moves can lead troops to the battlefield.