can shi

Chapter 273 Yuran Recovery

After listening to Lin Yang's words, those practitioners all frowned and discussed with each other and finally decided to send a message to the sect for support. Lin Yang no longer asked more about these things. He turned to the barracks to see that the army of the Cangyun Empire had been placed properly, so he was relieved.

Early the next morning, Lin Yang felt that there was one more person in his room in his sleep. Lin Yang felt a chill on his back. He got up and took out his sword with his backhand and pointed to the figure standing in the dark in front of the bed and asked coldly, "Who are you? What are you doing in this prince's room?"

"Ha ha, it's worthy of His Royal Highness the Great Qin. I just want to try your reaction to see if you are defensive." A faint voice came, and Lin Yang was surprised and quickly reached out to light the oil lamp.

Under the slightly dim yellow light, Huangfu Yuran stood there in silver-white armor, and there was no expression on his face. He was surprised and helpless, as if he was a little angry. Huangfu Yuran's snow-white hair spread behind his shoulders, giving him a cold breath.

Lin Yang has also been used to the breath of Huangfu Yuran for a long time. He shrugged his shoulders and then said with a smile, "It seems that your cultivation has grown again. It's really gratifying. When did you wake up? I was still in a coma last night..."

Huangfu Yuran is not in the mood to joke with him now. He asked with a cold face, "What's wrong with Huang Ying? Where is this? Why is Huang Ying in me**? Did you do it?

Lin Yang didn't expect that Huangfu Yuran would come to blame him as soon as he woke up. He smiled awkwardly and said, "This is Chituyuan, the place where my Qin Empire and Mingxiao Empire fought. As the marshal of the army of the Cangyun Empire, Huang Ying naturally wants to be here. As for how she fell into a coma, she met the practitioners of the soul-shal hall outside during the day, so she had a big fight. She was too tired to fall into a coma.

Huangfu Yuran waved his hand directly and said, "This is not the key to the problem. The key is why she is in my **? Did you put her there?"

Seeing Lin Yang nodding, Huangfu Yuran's long hair fluttered by himself. Lin Yang quickly stretched out his hand and stopped him and said, "What are you excited about? Can you finish listening to me? This is the battlefield, and it is the big account of the Chinese army. Huang Ying just arrived today and had that kind of accidental coma. I didn't have time to prepare Huang Ying's house, so I won't let her squeeze into the barracks with her soldiers, right? She is a woman!"

Huangfu Yuran calmed down after hearing this, but still stared at Lin Yang and said, "Then you can't just throw me ** away!" Can't you put such a small person like her in your room? Where do you have to put it on me?"

Lin Yang scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and then looked left and right and said shyly, "This... Yuran, listen to me, brother has no choice but to do so. This is the battlefield, and I have something to do with the marshal, and my every move will affect the whole situation. If I leave the yellow warbler in my room, not only will the reputation of the yellow warbler be damaged, but my status will also be slandered. And you are different. Almost everyone here knows that you were brought back from the Cangyun Empire. It is not surprising to know Princess Yuxin. So if you put the yellow warbler in your room, not many people will say anything. Besides, how did I know that you woke up like this? I thought you would not wake up until the battle was over.

Huangfu Yuran listened to Lin Yang's reason, nodded and shook his head, and then suddenly looked up and asked, "What are you talking about? Battle? Is there going to be a battle recently? Why didn't you say it earlier? Now I feel that my whole body is full of elements, and I can't wait to fight immediately.

Lin Yang didn't expect Huangfu Yuran to turn his attention to war so quickly, and he was so happy. Lin Yang nodded and said, "According to the detective, the army of the Mingxiao Empire has set out this way and will reach Cangmu City in two days. So we have to prepare well for the battle these two days. It seems that the Mingxiao Empire is also prepared. As soon as Huang Ying and others arrived, there were people from the Soul Sing Hall to make trouble.

Huangfu Yuran looked at the already bright sky outside with a pale face, turned around and said, "I don't know how long I've been here. Come with me out for a walk. I also want to see the terrain of Cangmu City and the surrounding environment. I don't like to fight uncertain battles. Let's wait and see. With that, he turned around and walked outside.

Lin Yang smiled from the corners of his mouth. Originally, he was thinking about how to let Yu Ran help him fight against the practitioners, but now it seems that it is completely useless. I didn't expect Huangfu Yuran to enter the state so soon that he was about to go out to prepare for the battle. Lin Yang smiled and walked out of the room behind Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran had already flown into the air, waved to Lin Yang in the air and flew back.

Lin Yang shrugged his shoulders helplessly and flew out of the city with Huangfu Yuran. He had to take Huangfu Yuran to see the Chitu Plain where he fought.

The two flew outside the city and floated over the gate to look at the endless plain. Huangfu Yuran slowly frowned and said lightly, "Is this the battle site? Isn't it dangerous to have nowhere to hide in the endless plain? How can you make the soldiers take so risk?" Huangfu Yuran didn't understand the battle of the mortal world and thought that he could avoid it with the help of natural things like practitioners.

Lin Yang smiled and said, "You don't understand that mortal wars are confrontations by armies on the surface. Plains like this are the best battlefield, and everything is clear at a glance."

Huangfu Yuran frowned and said, "This is a little interesting. Doesn't that mean that the army on that side will win if there are many people?"

Lin Yang shook his head and denied, "If you have time, you have to learn the art of war from me. Although the number of people has a great advantage, it does not mean that a large number of people will definitely win. For example, one side is a elite soldier, but there are only thousands of people; while the other side has hundreds of thousands of people, but they are all old and weak soldiers. Which side do you think will win?

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and thought about it and said doubtfully, "It should be hundreds of thousands of parties. After all, the number of people has an absolute advantage. Even standing there and letting the other party kill will kill for a long time. Besides, the old and weak soldiers are not without any combat effectiveness, so I think they will win.

Lin Yang had already guessed that Huangfu Yuran would say so, and shook his head gently and said, "Not necessarily... What if those thousands of people use the array? In other words, what if thousands of people are practitioners?

Huangfu Yuran's eyes lit up and looked at Lin Yang and said in disbelief, "You mean to use practitioners to fight against ordinary soldiers? In that case..."

Lin Yang waved his hand and said, "Don't guess, I'm just an example, not to mention that I don't have so many practitioners. Even if I have them, I can't use them to fight against ordinary soldiers. I'm not the Mingxiao Empire, let alone the demon Xiaoxiao.

Huangfu Yuran narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh, I understand what you mean. You mean let these thousands of elite soldiers use the formation and cooperate with each other and may have a chance to defeat hundreds of thousands of troops. It's not impossible to think about it this way, so what is the driving force of this method? You should know that it is impossible for so many practitioners to intervene in this war.

Lin Yang reached out and patted Huangfu Yuran on the shoulder and said, "You still misunderstood what I mean. The formation I'm talking about is not a formation laid by practitioners, but an offensive and defensive formation composed of mutual cooperation between ordinary generals and soldiers. This is the so-called march. In the war between the two countries, sometimes the formation can really decide the victory or defeat.

Huangfu Yuran still couldn't understand for the time being, but nodded and lowered his head to think about it. Lin Yang saw that Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and stopped talking and knew that Huangfu Yuran could not digest everything he had just said at this time. Lala Huangfu Yuran said, "Okay, don't think about it yet. You will gradually understand it in the future. Now I'll take you to the barracks to meet the soldiers. You, the general, have been in a coma since you came, and the soldiers want to contact you.

Huangfu Yuran turned around and flew back with Lin Yang, and asked, "What are you talking about? How many things have you done without me? What general? Why don't I know at all?"

Lin Yang stopped, turned around and said helplessly, "Brother, you have been in a coma for nearly three months. Is it necessary for me to inform you of everything? Besides, I'm the marshal of the three armies. Who should be the general and ask for your opinion? Then I'm too faceless!"

Huangfu Yuran shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "You can not ask for my opinion, but I have the right to refuse your canonization, right?"

Lin Yang's face suddenly appeared with an aggrieved look and said to Huangfu Yuran like a plea: "Yuran, just save face for me. All the soldiers know that you are the general of my Qin army. If you don't do it now, I can't explain it to the soldiers. Giving you the position of general is convenient to act. You can't let the soldiers say that you have no authority to lead the soldiers!"

Huangfu Yuran looked at Lin Yang's anxious expression and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm joking with you. Let's go to the military camp."

Lin Yang stretched out his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his head, sighed and turned around and flew to the barracks with Huangfu Yuran.

The sky was already bright, and the soldiers had already got up and began to practice. Seeing Lin Yang coming, they stopped to say hello to Lin Yang. Lin Yang waved his hand and said, "Generals and soldiers, we are winning this battle. The soldiers of the Cangyun Empire have arrived, and our General Huangfu has also woken up. The generals came to see the emperor general... ah?" Lin Yang said and turned around, but he didn't see the trace of Huangfu Yuran.

Lin Yang groaned doubtfully, and then shouted, "Huangfu Yuran, come out quickly!"

"You roar, what do you look like, you are still the marshal of the three armies!" Huangfu Yuran's lazy voice came from behind Lin Yang.