can shi

Chapter 286 Chapter 287 A Moment of Life and Death

Ouyang's voice is a little lazy: "No, there is a way to improve your cultivation rapidly, depending on whether you are willing to."

"What method? As long as I can stop the catastrophe, I can do whatever I want. Tell me quickly!" Huangfu Yuran knew that there was a way to quickly improve his cultivation, and he didn't care whether the other party was lying to him or not.

Ouyang said with a smile, "No, no, don't be busy answering my words. I'll give you time to think about it. This method is very simple, that is, to be enchanted! However, you should choose to give up the righteous truth you are practicing now, and start everything from scratch. And you may become a cold-blooded and ruthless person after becoming possessed. You have to think about it carefully. In addition, even if you choose to be enchanted, you can't stop the catastrophe of the world of cultivation. All I can say is that this catastrophe will change because of you, and the result will be different.

Huangfu Yuran calmed down. This problem really needs to be considered. Cold-blooded ruthlessness is not the result that Huangfu Yuran wants. Just look at what Ouyang said, if he is not possessed, not only the cultivation world, but also ordinary people will be affected. Since you can stop this situation, why not do it yourself? What can you do if you are cold-blooded and ruthless? Think about the whole Huangfu family...

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yuran's eyes became extremely firm in an instant and said, "I promise, what should I do?"

I didn't hear Ouyangqing's voice for a long time, and Huangfu Yuran thought that Ouyangqing had left. As soon as I wanted to open my mouth, I felt my forehead shake, and suddenly a lot of information came out of my mind.

Huangfu Yuran was stunned and concentrated on seeing what was more in his mind. Ouyang's words came: "Lord, I have just put the cultivation method of magic attack in your mind. That skill belongs to you alone. Now I'll send you out, and you can practice slowly. After saying that, without waiting for Huangfu Yuran to react, he stunned Huangfu Yuran and pushed out the darkness.

After Huangfu Yuran was sent out, several bright spots appeared in the dark void, one of which was Ouyang, the owner of the soul-leighting hall. And the other faces are not strange. They are the five mythical beasts in the fairyland: Qinglong, White Tiger, Rosefinch, Xuanwu and Bai Ze, who has some friendship with Huangfu Yuran.

Only heard Qinglong's majestic voice say, "Ouyangqing, you went to the mortal world in private in violation of the regulations of the fairy world. The immortal emperor was very angry and ordered me to come and catch you. You'd better go back with us and stop stubbornness."

Ouyang shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said faintly, "It doesn't matter. Everything has been solved. Just go back with you. If you think about it, you will think about it. Anyway, there is no difference between thinking about it in the fairyland.

Bai Ze smiled and said, "It's a little wrong to say so. The fairyland naturally has the benefits of the fairyland, but you haven't found it. You're not used to it when you first came to the fairyland. Well, let's not talk any more nonsense. Let's go!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, the five mythical beasts and Ouyang Qing turned into six divine lights and disappeared in this dark void in an instant.

Huangfu Yuran was pushed out of the void and appeared in the elegant building of Xiaoyao School. At this time, he was lying peacefully in Huangfu Yuran for more than ten years**. Coincidentally, after Linger and others were under house arrest, no one chose this room.

Huangfu Yuran is not in a coma now, but has been put into his consciousness by Ouyang, so he looks at Huangfu Yuran in a coma.

Linger worried about Huangfu Yuran every day and wandered outside every day, but today she gently opened the door of this room that could not be inhabited. After opening the door, Linger saw Huangfu Yuran lying in ** at a glance, and screaming with surprise and surprise came out of Linger's mouth.

Linger shouted that it didn't matter. The others immediately rushed out of their room and asked nervously, "What's wrong? Linger?"

Linger's eyes were full of tears, covering her mouth with one hand, and pointing to Huangfu Yuran lying in **, and all she wanted to say was sobbing. Everyone was confused and simply bypassed Linger and walked directly to the room.

The people who walked into the room were stunned, their eyes wide and their mouths wide, all with incredible faces. It was not until Qinger cried and jumped on Huangfu Yuran that everyone knew that this was the truth. It was indeed Huangfu Yuran lying there.

Leng Lingxue slowly approached the bedside, stretched out her jade hand and gently stroked Huangfu Yuran's cheek, rolling the tears in her eyes. Finally, Leng Lingxue blinked her eyes and didn't let tears fall down. She turned around and walked out. When passing by Linger, he said softly, "Linger, it's Yuran who is back. Go in and see him."

Linger cried and nodded to the bedside and sat down. In this way, she quietly looked at Huangfu Yuran, and her tears couldn't stop sliding down her cheeks.

Dianyun and Chen Yu didn't expect Huangfu Yuran to suddenly appear here, because Lu Qing also said that Huangfu Yuran had appeared in Cangmu City two days ago. According to time, Huangfu Yuran could not appear in the free school no matter how fast he was.

Chen Yu patted Linger on the shoulder and nodded to signal Linger to leave first. Linger stood up and pulled up Qinger, who was lying on Huangfu Yuran and crying.

Chen Yu and the other two left, reached out and touched Huangfu Yuran's neck, and then pulled Huangfu Yuran's wrist to visit Huangfu Yuran's pulse and the situation in his body. After a while, Chen Yu frowned tightly.

Chen Yu's frown made Linger's heart suddenly hang up and asked anxiously, "How's it going?"

Chen Yu let go of Huangfu Yuran's wrist and sighed gently and said, "The situation is not very optimistic. Linger, do you remember that Zhenyuan in Yuran's body never allows outsiders Zhenyuan to enter the body, and this time my Zhenyuan can walk freely in Yuran's body. No true element was found in Yuran's body, and Yuran's pulse was very weak and there was almost no sign of life. This is a bit like hibernation, which is a strange phenomenon.

" What's wrong with Yuran..." Ling'er ran to the bedside in panic, raised her hand and lost her Zhenyuan into Huangfu Yuran's body. The result was really like what Chen Yu said, and Zhenyuan walked unimpeded in Huangfu Yuran's body without hindrance. Linger shook her head and retreated in disbelief, while muttering, "No...impossible..." Just now, Linger tried that and didn't find any breath of Huangfu Yuran.

Dian Yun gently blinked his eyes and said, "You don't have to worry now. At least he is still lying here safely and can't say what's done with him. Everything has to wait... It depends. All right, go back!" With that, he pulled Chen Yu and walked out.

When everyone left, Linger walked back to the bedside and sat down, quietly looking at Huangfu Yuran. Linger knew that at this time, she just needed to quietly guard beside Yuran.

Outside Huangfu Yuran's door, Leng Lingxue leaned her back on the door owner and couldn't suppress the tears in her eyes no matter how she looked up. Leng Lingxue clenched her lips tightly and didn't let herself cry. She didn't know why she was sad.

And Huangfu Yuran's current situation is not much better. Yuanying's soul has been put into his consciousness. Looking at the memories in his mind, he can't tell what it feels like.

The skills left by Ouyang Qing are absolutely against the sky, which is the only idea of Huangfu Yuran now. After being surprised, you have to face this fact and calm down to see the uniqueness of this skill.

But seeing the beginning of the skill is to write the necessary conditions for practicing this skill. I don't know what's strange about this skill. It is necessary to have a six-color divine baby to practice. Huangfu Yuran continued to watch with patience. The only necessary condition except for the six-color baby is to disperse all the skills he had practiced before. Of course, it is followed by the method of scattered attack and some special situations.

Huangfu Yuran didn't care about these. Since there is a way, he had to do it, but he had to read all the skills before doing it. The next place shocked Huangfu Yuran, and it said: If you want to practice this skill, you must first break Dantian!

Dantian is the second heart of the practitioners. Without Dantian, it is equivalent to no cultivation, and Zhenyuan has nowhere to store it. Seeing this, Huangfu Yuran hesitated. If he really did this, he would become a useless person if he didn't become a demon.

Huangfu Yuran hesitated, and suddenly a flash of light in his mind, thinking that he had never regarded Dantian as a place to store Zhenyuan. And Huangfu Yuran's Yuanying does not have to stay in Dantian like other people's Yuanying, and there is no way to store Zhenyuan and Yuanying. So, it doesn't matter much whether Dantian is intact or not.

In this case, there is not much worry. As for the following cultivation method, it is the same magic cultivation method. The only difference is that the place where the real element is stored has become the whole body.

Huangfu Yuran resolutely broke through the confinement set by Ouyang in his consciousness and spread Zhenyuan to the meridians of his whole body. Subsequently, six Yuanying was distributed to several important acupuncture points to protect these fragile acupuncture points.

According to the method in that skill, all the remaining Zhenyuan was sent to Dantian. Controlling Zhenyuan to stir crazily in Dantian, the whole Dantian was scarred by the fierce Zhenyuan for a moment.

Dantian's pain is not tolerable by ordinary people. Huangfu Yuran couldn't help humming coldly, and his forehead was already full of cold sweat. The blue veins on his forehead were exposed and his whole body was trembling. This scene scared Linger sitting aside.

Huangfu Yuran is now by his side. If you watch Huangfu Yuran's accident, Ling'er will regret it!