can shi

Chapter 301 Daoshan Oil Pot

At the moment of entering the transmission, Huangfu Yuran secretly made up his mind to become cold-blooded. Because he thought of the things in the world of cultivation and those who lost their souls for themselves. If you are not cold-blooded enough, the death of any person will bring fatal harm to yourself.

From this moment, Huangfu Yuran really realized where his biggest defect was. From this moment on, Huangfu Yuran's mood has completely changed. When he returns to the world of cultivation, it will be another scene.

When the three came out of the portal and stood in the seventh hell, Huangfu Yuran's expression had become a little indifferent. This makes black and white impermanence feel a little surprised. I don't know why Huangfu Yuran has changed so much.

Huangfu Yuran took a few steps forward and looked up at this layer of hell. The reason why they want to look up is that now they are standing at the foot of a mountain, and there is a mountain in front of them, and they can't see how high the mountain is.

Huangfu Yuran raised his foot and was about to walk to the mountain. Hei Wuchang quickly stretched out his hand to hold Huangfu Yuran and said lightly, "If you step on this step on it, you will never be able to return to the world of cultivation. You have to think it carefully."

Huangfu Yuran frowned and asked curiously, "Why is this? Isn't it just a mountain? Can't I go up and have a look?

Bai Wuchang shook his head and said, "You said it too simply. This is not an ordinary mountain. This is hell. This is the so-called knife mountain hell."

Huangfu Yuran couldn't help looking up at the mountain, but he didn't see anything wrong, so he said, "Are you spiring me? This mountain is no different from the mountain in the world of cultivation. It is also full of trees. How can you say it?

Bai Wuchang did not answer Huangfu Yuran's words, but stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Huangfu Yuran, pointed to the mountain and said, "Look at it now!" As a soul, you can only see the true face of Daoshan by stepping on the knife mountain.

Huangfu Yuran looked at the scene in front of him and saw that the trees on the whole mountain had disappeared, replaced by sharp knives full of the whole mountain peak. There is a chill shining on the sharp knife, and no one will question the sharpness of the sharp knife.

At this time, some people are climbing up, but the mountain is full of sharp blades, and there is nowhere to fall and nowhere to fall. If you are not careful, you will be penetrated or even opened by the sharp blade. Everyone who climbs on the knife mountain is ragged, leaving a row of blood marks behind them.

Huangfu Yuran squinted and asked, "Is this the so-called Daoshan? I don't know what these people have done wrong and been punished like this?

Bai Wuchang nodded and said, "The so-called knife mountain hell is that the whole mountain is full of sharp knives and sharp blades, and criminals must climb through the mountain. It doesn't matter if you don't believe in God, but you can't blaspher them. Animal killers, not to mention killing people, say that you have killed cows, horses, cats and dogs in your life, because they are also life, maybe their previous lives may also be yours... Because the yin division is different from the yang, there is no difference between high and low, cattle, horses, cats, dogs and people, collectively referred to as creatures. Those who commit one of the above two crimes will be beaten into the hell of Daoshan after death, causing them to climb up Daoshan barefoot... As the severity of their sins, they may be "permanent" on Daoshan.

Huangfu Yuran lowered his head and thought about it, and then looked up at the sword mountain towering into the clouds. He couldn't help asking, "What will happen after climbing the knife mountain?" Although this mountain looks towering into the clouds, there is always a time to climb over.

Hei Wuchang took a few steps back and forth, as if he was thinking about how to answer Huangfu Yuran's words. After a long time, Hei Wuchang shook his head and said, "This is the image of Daoshan you saw. In fact, no one knows how high Daoshan is. According to each person's charges, Daoshan is also different. Some people may climb over in two days, but some people will never climb over. It took me two years to climb over..." At this point, Hei Wuchang found that he had leaked his mouth and quickly closed his mouth to stop talking.

Although he closed his mouth in time, Huangfu Yuran still heard the words of black impermanence. If there was a meaningful smile, he nodded and said, "Oh... So that's what happened. It turns out that our Black impermanent used to be a blasphemer, in this case..."

"Nonsense, when did I blasve the gods? It's just that there are too many killings. Don't talk about me, you'd better look at yourself first..." Hei Wuchang looked at Huangfu Yuran and said.

Huangfu Yuran returned a white eye and said faintly, "Me? What's wrong with me? I didn't kill or blashem the gods... Well, time is running out. Let's go to the eighth floor." After saying that, he turned around and walked into the portal.

Black Wuchang didn't want to discuss what he had done with Huangfu Yuran. Huangfu Yuran turned around and responded to his intention, so he smiled and walked into the portal with Bai Wuchang.

As soon as he came out of the portal, Huangfu Yuran felt a cold breath coming to his face, and his body couldn't help shivering. The Buddha light lit up on my body, and then I felt better.

In front of us is a piece of ice and snow, the sky is still floating like snowflakes, and the ground is covered with ice and snow. Not far ahead is also a peak, but the peak looks a little transparent, and the crystal clear mountain reflects the shadow of people.

Huangfu Yuran has also seen the scene of ice and snow, and the frozen magic realm is not much different from here, so he did not feel very surprised after seeing this iceberg. But when he saw the trembling people on the iceberg, Huangfu Yuran was stunned. These people are not an inch, trembling and squatting on the iceberg.

Huangfu Yuran asked curiously, "Why don't these people stay on this iceberg? Is this also a punishment for them?

Bai Wuchang nodded indifferently and said lightly, "This is the iceberg hell. Any evil woman who murders her husband, commits adultery with others, and malicious abortions enters the iceberg hell after death. Make him take off his clothes and put his body on the iceberg. In addition, gambling, unfilial parents, unkind and unjust people are also this kind of punishment.

Huangfu Yuran was stunned for a moment and muttered softly: "Kill my husband... adultery with others... unfilial... unkindness and injustice..." Then he turned around silently and walked to the portal. These people have done something wrong in the sun and will only suffer this kind of torture when they come to the underworld. Huangfu Yuran has also seen it now. This is the so-called deserved crime.

Black and white impermanence looked at each other, looked at Huangfu Yuran's slightly indifferent back, smiled and followed. Huangfu Yuran now looks down on everything and saves a lot of words. It's not like you have to ask everything when you first came here. Although you are a little surprised by Huangfu Yuran's adaptation speed, you won't delve into this problem.

turned around and left the world of ice and snow and went to another place through the portal. Looking at the huge oil pan that was set up, the charcoal fire under the pot was burning vigorously, and the pot was full of oil.

Seeing a man being carried and thrown into the oil pan by two little ghosts, the oil pan suddenly boiled, and the sound of crackling was endless. A little ghost stood outside with a big pliers in his hand and reached into the oil pan to clamp the man and blew it up. Looking at everything, Huangfu Yuran's eyes slowly narrowed, but a thought-provoking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

looked back at the black and white impermanence that followed, and said faintly, "This is the so-called oil pan hell, right? Sure enough, it lives up to its reputation! What crime did they commit in Yangjian? Did they have to put in the oil pan when they came here?

Bai Wuchang walked to Huangfu Yuran with a smile, pointed to one of the cauldrons and said, "This is the mark of this layer of hell, the oil pot hell. Thieves robbed, bullied the weak, abducted women and children, falsely slandered others, and plotted to occupy other people's property. After death, they went into the hell of the oil pan, stripped their clothes and put them into the hot oil pan to blow up. According to the seriousness of the plot, it is sentenced to be blown up many times... Sometimes a sinful person has just come out of the iceberg hell and is escorted to the oil pan hell by the kid to warm up..."

Huangfu Yuran gave a faint hum. He just wanted to know what kind of people should be punished in this hell. Huangfu Yuran has long not seen whether this punishment is cruel or not. After so many layers of hell, I also looked at it lightly.

Huangfu Yuran and black and white impermanence shuttled between the oil pans, and where they passed all the way, the little ghosts bowed and got out of the way. This surprised Huangfu Yuran. They said that they gave way to black and white impermanence, but now they are clearly walking ahead, and the little ghosts still give way respectfully.

Huangfu Yuran took this question and turned his head and asked, "Little Hei Xiaobai..." As soon as he called out, he saw the black and white impermanent eyes staring and immediately changed his words, "Two adults, I don't know anything about it. I don't know if I should ask?"

The black and white impermanence glanced at Huangfu Yuran and hummed softly, "If you have something to say, indecision is not like your boy's character!"

Huangfu Yuran smiled a little awkwardly, scratched his head and said, "I don't quite understand. These little ghosts gave way to you, but why did they give way to me? According to me, I am a soul. They are afraid of arresting me. Why are they so afraid of me?

Black and white impermanence immediately turned his head and looked at the other side, expressing his unwillingness to answer Huangfu Yuran's words, and their faces looked unimpartable. Huangfu Yuran was a little anxious now. He pointed to black and white impermanence and stamped his feet and said, "What do you two mean? I'm asking you!"

Black and white impermanence stared and turned his head, with a heavy hum in his nose. Huangfuyu shrank his neck and looked at the two with a smile. Bai Wuchang waved his hand and raised his hand and said, "It's not because of my existence that I give you so much face!"