can shi

Chapter 321 Civil Disturbance in the Imperial Palace

Huangfu Yuran's retreat did not affect anyone. The outside world is still looking for Huangfu Yuran's whereabouts, because they all feel uneasy, and they don't believe that Huangfu Yuran is dead. As for the Xiaoyao faction, Huangfu Yuran did not realize that he practiced under his eyelids. Even if Lu Qing came to Yulingya every now and five times, he could not get any news about Huangfu Yuran.

In the past two years, many changes have taken place in the outside world, especially in the Qin Empire. The battle between the Great Qin Empire and the Mingxiao Empire has never been interrupted. Last time there was the intervention of practitioners, although it was interrupted by Huangfu Yuran. However, since then, practitioners have often intervened in the war, and Lin Yang has only been staying in the border.

It's just a trick, and the fact is that I always like to joke with people. In a large-scale battle, the Qin Empire won a complete victory and directly chased the army of the Mingxiao Empire out of Chituyuan. Since then, the Ming Xiao Empire has no longer dared to invade Daqin and signed an armistice agreement with Daqin.

Now that the war has been truce, Lin Yang has returned to the court. At this time, unexpected things have just begun.

Lin Yang returned to the capital with these soldiers who had been born and died for more than a year, but they were rejected. No matter what Lin Yang said, he said that he must get the emperor's consent before he could pass. In desperation, Lin Yang had to order him to go out of the city to camp.

At night, Lin Yang was sitting in the tent of the Central Army and reading a book. A colonel came in and hugged his fist and said, "Your Highness, an old man outside the camp wants to see His Royal Highness and said that he came from the palace. Prince, look..."

Lin Yang also felt curious, so he nodded and said, "Let him in."

The curtain of the Chinese army's tent was lifted, and a skinny old man came in under the leadership of the captain. He went to the middle and knelt on the ground and said, "I want to see the prince, the fourth prince is a thousand years old!"

Lin Yang was originally reading with his head down. When the old man opened his mouth, he frowned slightly and raised his head, because the only people who claimed to be slaves in front of his door were those who came out of the palace. When Lin Yang looked up at the old man, his eyes widened and stared at the old man and asked, "Epa Chen? How did you... make it like this?" This Duke Chen is a celebrity around Emperor Qin, serving the emperor's living.

The reason why Lin Yang felt strange was that Duke Chen was supposed to be beside the emperor in the palace, but at this time he appeared in the army outside the city. Eunuch Chen, who should have dressed brightly and blushed, is now ragged and skinny.

When Eunuch Chen saw Lin Yang, he immediately recognized him. The old tears flew out directly and choked and said, "Your Highness, the old slave is waiting for the fourth prince here. The old slave is also involuntarily now, and it's hard to say a word!"

Lin Yang felt that something was wrong when Grandpa Chen appeared. He narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Are you waiting for me? Tell me what happened, and I will make the decision for you. Come on, give me a seat!"

Eunuch Chen sat in a chair with the help of the captain, raised his hand and wiped his tears with his shabby sleeves, and said with tears, "Fourth prince, the old slave is here to advise the fourth prince not to enter the fourth prince of the capital."

When Grandpa Chen said this, Lin Yang felt even more strange. He reached out and stroked his chin and said, "I don't like what Grandpa Chen said. The palace is my prince's home. Why can't I go back?"

"Many changes have occurred in the palace in the past year, otherwise the old slave would not have fallen to this point. I'm afraid the fourth prince's life will be in danger when he goes back!" Eou-in-law frowned and shook his head and said.

Lin Yang's face turned cold in an instant, and his life would be in danger in the palace. Who can believe this? Lin Yang suddenly stood up and asked coldly, "What on earth happened in the palace?" Tell me the truth to the prince."

Lin Yang's voice was cold, and Grandpa Chen was shocked. He stood up from his chair and said tremblingly, "Old slave... dare not say." With that, he knelt down with a plop, and his body trembling and lowered his head and dared not look up.

Lin Yang stretched out his hand and patted him on the table and shouted, "Told!"

Eunuch Chen's body suddenly trembled and said tremblingly, "Yes... Yes... Your Majesty newly accepted a concubine a year ago, and it happened after this concubine entered the palace. After Pingfei entered the palace, His Majesty was completely addicted to the beauty of Pingfei and no longer in the early morning. Your Majesty's physical condition is getting weaker and weaker, and the ministers have also advised Your Majesty to alienate Pingfei. However, all the exhorts were demoted, and even the old slave was expelled from the palace for saying a wrong word. Concubine Ping said in front of your majesty that the fourth prince, you support yourself and intend to rebel. Your majesty's heart is moved, and I'm afraid it will be unfavorable to the fourth prince!"

Listening to Eunuch Chen's explanation, Lin Yang's eyes gradually narrowed and snorted coldly, "The world is originally my prince. Does my prince still need to rebel? Ridiculous! Demon concubine, if you dare to disturb my government, I will kill it!"

Grandpa Chen immediately advised, "Your Highness, don't be impulsive. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Don't be aggressive!"

At this time, Lin Yang will not listen to the painstaking persuasion of Grandpa Chen and waved his hand and said, "I am free to decide this matter. Don't worry about it. Does Euke Chen have a place to go? If not, then follow the prince."

There was no place for Duke Chen to go. Lin Yang's arrangement was just right, so he quickly thanked Lin Yang and retreated.

Lin Yang sat down and squinted at the map sitting on it. Thinking about the situation of being blocked at the gate today, his heart gradually felt cold. His fists were slowly clenched, and the sound of bone joints was endless. Lin Yang ordered coldly, "Go on, go into the city tomorrow, blockers, kill!" As he spoke, there was a sense of murder on his body.

As soon as dawned the next day, Lin Yang gathered his troops and drove into the gate of the capital.

When I arrived at the gate, I still encountered yesterday's situation. It was the praetorian guards of the palace who guarded the gate. A small commander on the tower said loudly, "Listen outside. This is the capital of the Great Qin Empire. Troops are not allowed to enter. Just camp outside the city. If there is something important, let your leaders go to the city to talk.

Lin Yang squinted at the people around him, and then said loudly, "Bold, I'm Lin Yang, the fourth prince. Why don't you open the gate quickly?"

The little leader stood on the tower and stretched out his head to look carefully, and then shouted, "Your Highness, it turned out that you returned triumphantly, but your majesty ordered no one to be an exception, especially your fourth prince can't take troops into the capital!"

Lin Yang stared, snorted coldly, stepped on the saddle, and rushed to the tower. Although the praetorian guards were directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor, Lin Yang was the fourth prince, and they still did not dare to be presumptuous.

Lin Yang was extremely fast and had arrived at the tower in the blink of an eye, holding a one-handed sword in his hand. The sword was across the small leader's shoulder, and the blade was less than an inch from his neck. Lin Yang looked at the little leader coldly and said, "You are so bold that even I dare to stop you. Open the gate quickly, otherwise... hum!" Lin Yang did not go on talking. With a trembling of the sword in his hand, he cut off the little commander's hair.

The little leader was very calm, and even if Lin Yang put his sword across his shoulder, he was not moved at all. He looked down at the sword shining with cold light on his shoulder and said faintly, "Shangfang Sword? The fourth prince doesn't have to do this. Even if you kill the fourth prince, he can't let you go. Your Majesty's order, I dare not disobey!" Lin Yang was a little moved by what he said.

However, Lin Yang vowed not to stop until he reached his goal. He sneered and said, "If you recognize Shang Fang's sword, you can't open the city quickly!" In this case..." Lin Yang did not finish his words, but replaced what he wanted to say with actions.

Lin Yang's wrist with the long sword trembled, and a cold light lit up on the sword body. Then the little leader's head flew out, and a stream of blood shot out of his broken neck.

Lin Yang didn't even look at the corpse that fell to the ground. He turned around and walked down to the city building and said coldly, "Open the gate, or you will be forgiven!"

Several guards who had followed the small commander were scared to see that the officer was killed. Hearing Lin Yang say this, several people hurriedly took a few steps ahead and stopped Lin Yang. Lin Yang raised his eyes and looked coldly at several firm-faced people in front of him and said faintly, "Find your own way to die!" I'm going to do it.

One of the guards bowed and said, "Your Highness can do it if you want to do it. Can you let the humble position finish his words?"

Lin Yang took back his sword and said coldly, "Say it!"

The praetorian guard took a step forward and said, "In fact, it is not your majesty's intention to stop the prince. Your majesty can't wait for your majesty to enter the palace, because there is already a net waiting for your majesty in the palace. Your Highness is not in the palace. There are many things in the palace that you don't know. We don't want to put Your Highness in danger. Please think twice.

Lin Yang was moved by this, and it seemed that he had killed the wrong good person. Lin Yang shook his head gently and said lightly, "I know everything in the palace. You just have to open the gate. I have my own arrangements."

When the praetorian guards saw that Lin Yang put away his sword, they knew that their names and others had been saved. Since Lin Yang said that he had his own arrangements, there was nothing to say. So several guards turned around and hurried to open the gate and put down the suspension bridge.

Lin Yang came out of the gate and said loudly, "All the soldiers obey the order and enter the city!"

With Lin Yang's order, the army slowly entered the capital. Lin Yang and his deputy general ordered, "You take the soldiers to the barracks to stand by and respond at any time. I'll go back to the palace first. I'll call you if there is any situation. With that, he handed a jade charm to the vice general.