can shi

Chapter 346 Light Rain Rebellion

"Alas... you still can't fully understand it as a brother." He sighed lightly and walked to the light rain and sat down.

Qingyu gently turned his head and looked at the Qingyang sitting next to him, but this eye made Qingyu's eyes wide open. I don't know when the original white hair was snow-white at this time. What made Qingyang grow so much older in a day?

Qingyu looked at the light and old face, and couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. He whispered, "Master, why are you so sad? You must come to find Qingyu, but you have to tell Qingyu, right?

He turned his head to look at the light rain, shook his head with a smile and said, "Light rain, you are still as clever as when you were a child, and nothing can be hidden from you. Yes, I'm here to ask you to do something..."

Qingyu hurriedly interrupted Qingyang's words and stood up and said, "Brother, what are you talking about? If you need light rain, just order it directly. It's just... Qingyu is still thinking about it. I'm afraid it's not easy for you to step down if you go out rashly. With that, he turned his head to look at the silence around him.

He raised his hand to stop Qingyu from continuing and said lightly, "Today's situation has exceeded everyone's expectations. Personal glory is no longer important. Now the most important thing is the safety of the world of cultivation... and the safety of Yuran."

Only then did Qingyu hear a little clue from Qingyang's words. Seeing that Qingyang had the intention to continue talking, he closed his open mouth. Qingyang thought for a moment and said, "Take it lightly... I'm enchanted..." Then he told the incident of going out to chase Linger and others until the report of those disciples came back.

The light rain's eyebrows have been frowned for a long time. Although the light rain is the four elders, it is far above the light rain according to the words assigned by generations. I have always taken good care of her as a little sister. At this time, I really couldn't accept it when I heard that she was impercepted.

After a long time, the light rain calmed down and asked, "So what should the head brother do with the light rain?"

Qingyang saw that Qingyu took the initiative to ask, and waved his hand with a gentle smile to make Qingyu come over. Qingyu leaned over, whispered his plan in Qingyu's ear, and then said lightly, "I know that this is very difficult for you. Think about it yourself and leave directly after you think about it." After saying that, he turned around and disappeared.

After listening to the light plan, Qingyu's eyes have always been closed. From her trembling eyelashes, it can be seen that she is very excited or sad now...

After a long time, Qingyu opened his eyes and turned around the surrounding scenery and said sadly, "Is this the only way? faction." After saying that, the body gradually became blurred and finally disappeared.

Three days later, the Xiaoyao faction released the news that the four elders Qingyu betrayed the teacher and left. At the same time, the Xiaoyao faction also sent a large number of disciples to chase the light rain, and invited a kind of Xiuzhen sect to help intercept.

This is just a superficial phenomenon, and the real inside story may only be known by the two parties, Qingyang and Qingyu. Standing at the door of Xiaoyao Hall with his hands behind his hand, he said quietly in the distance, "Light rain, it's hard for you..."

On a path a hundred miles north of Qinghe Village, a group of strangely dressed people looked back as they walked, as if they were waiting for someone.

This group of people is like a family, with a white-headed old man in the middle, swaying around with the help of a middle-aged man and a woman. Then there were two young women. Although the two women looked mediocre, their temperament was unmatched by others.

On the left is a guard-like person. The guard's eyes are unusually cold, always paying attention to the movement around him. At the end was followed by a pair of strange combinations. A little girl rode on the neck of a big man, holding the big man's neck in her hands and giggled.

If someone notices them, they will definitely see that they are not on their way, because they are travelling too slowly. And after a few steps, they will stop and look back as if something is following them.

These people are Ling'er and his party who escaped from Qinghe Village. When they were in Qinghe Village, they were brought out by Qing'er's embrace, and Qing'er was also unconscious because of excessive mental consumption.

In order not to attract attention, they decided to change their appearance and change their identity. By the way, they can also wait for the barbarian king, Chen Yu and Dian Yun who did not follow. Therefore, after some discussion, the final decision on the change came out.

Lv Fang was thin and naturally became the head of the family. The white-haired old man was Lv Fang. Li Qing and He Fenghuan casually changed into a middle-aged couple and became Lu Fang's son and daughter-in-law.

Linger and Leng Lingxue, two beautiful women, only slightly made their appearance a little ugly, and followed Lv Fang as their granddaughters. Zhou Zhen turned into a person who looked like a nurse and walked slowly north with the unconscious Qinger on his back.

After only half a day, the barbarian came out of the ground and ran past Linger and the others. He didn't notice Linger at all. The barbarian king and the crowd passed by, looking left and right, muttering, "It's impossible. It's impossible to go so far. I kept chasing them all the way. There is no reason for them to go so far..."

Linger and others who followed behind looked at the barbarian king's anxious expression and couldn't help covering their mouths and smiling. Finally, Li Qing sent a voice to the barbarian king and said, "Manzi, if you pass by, we will be behind you."

When the barbarian king heard Li Qing's voice, his eyes lit up and immediately turned around to look at it, but he didn't see Li Qing's shadow and frowned.

Li Qing walked to the barbarian king with Lv Fang. Lv Fang deliberately coughed dryly and said in a hoarse voice, "This hero, look anxious. Is there anything difficult to you? I don't know if the old man... cough... can the old man help the strong man?"

The barbarian king was looking for Li Qing. He was not in the mood to talk nonsense with others. He waved his hand and said, "No!" After saying that, he seemed to think of something and immediately said anxiously, " By the way, old man, have you seen a group of men and women pass by from here?"

Lv Fang squinted his eyes and tilted his head to pretend to remember, and then nodded and shook his head. This made the barbarian king very anxious and said, "Old man, what do you mean by nodding and shaking your head? Is there or not?"

Lv Fang nodded and said, "The old man is not feeling well, and all the roads are slow, but some people pass by from there. I don't know what kind of people you are looking for?"

The barbarian king tilted his head and thought while describing, "They... are three men and three women. All men are willing to be powerful and women!" He is still average-looking, but he has a good temperament and wants to be a fairy to come down to earth... Oh, by the way, there is also a little girl. I don't know if my father-in-law saw it?"

Lv Fang held back his smile and nodded and said, "Well... Yes, but he has left. They don't seem to be ordinary people..."

The barbarian king asked without waiting for Lv Fang to finish speaking, "Have you left? Which direction are they going?

Li Qing next to Lu Fang pointed to the road behind the barbarian king and said nothing more. The barbarian bowed and said thank you and turned around and ran out. He knew that Linger's news naturally had to catch up quickly.

At this time, Linger said lightly, "Okay, don't tease him, tell him to come back, father..." Linger called Li Qing when his father was external, and she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Li Qing was called by Linger's father's black line and waved to the barbarian king and shouted, "Barbarian, come back. We're here. Where are you going to go?"

Hearing Li Qing's voice again, the barbarian king paused, and the rushing body actually stopped in an instant. Turning around and looking at this group of strange people, he looked confused and depressed.

Seeing that the barbarian's eyes were full of doubts, Lv Fang straightened up and recovered his voice and said, "Do you believe it now? I'm Lu Fang."

The barbarian's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were about to stare out. He looked at Lv Fang in front of him and said in surprise, " are..."

"Cover people's eyes and ears, you know!" Li Qing next to him pretended to have a mysterious smile and said, and then pointed to Qing'er on Zhou's back and said, "Well, Qing'er is there. She's mentally overdrawn and fell into a coma. Shouldn't you believe this? By the way, you should also change your appearance.

The barbarian king nodded and walked over and picked up Qinger from Zhou Yu's back and said, "You just do your nursing home. I'll take her with me. Also, if I have the art of change, I don't have to change my appearance.

Linger squeezed her lips and thought for a moment. She turned over and took out a cloth shirt and handed it to the barbarian king and said, "It's okay if you don't change your appearance, but your equipment is too conspicuous. Put on this one."

When the barbarian king changed his clothes, Linger asked, "Where are Chen Yu and Dian Yun?"

The barbarian shook his head and said, "I don't know. I had a fight with the old man. If I couldn't beat him, I got into the ground and ran away. It seems that the two of them are still there. Nothing will happen to them, right?

"I don't think so. We should trust them. They say they will definitely catch up if they can catch up." Linger's eyes sparkled with a firm light.

Li Qing looked around and said, "This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's wait while walking. I believe that it is not difficult for us to catch up with their cultivation.

Then, the crowd returned to its original state. Lv Fang continued to cringe his body and slowly walked north with the help of Li Qing and He Fenghuan.

Qing'er, lying on the back of the barbarian king, woke up leisurely, looked up at the surrounding environment and looked at the strange faces around her. Qing'er's eyes showed fear. She raised her beautiful little hand and punched the barbarian king's back. She said in horror, "Who are you? Why did you arrest me?"