can shi

Chapter 372 Ultimate Counterattack

Qingyu's body trembled, frowned and looked at the patriarch of Shenfu and said faintly, "The patriarch is so good-sighted that he can even see the true face of the little woman."

The patriarch of the divine rune smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. As long as the cultivation is sealed by the seal, no matter how good the transfigurement technique is, it will no longer work. Not only me, but also these elders of my Shenfu sect can see your true face!"

Huangfu Yuran, who was surprised, turned his head and looked at the others and found that everyone had not returned to their original appearance. He couldn't help but be a little curious. The patriarch of Shenfu seemed to see Huangfu Yuran's surprise and explained, "You don't have any cultivation now. Naturally, you can't see anything."

After Huangfu Yuran figured out the situation, he couldn't help snorting and said coldly, "Huh, so what? Anyway, our cultivation has been sealed. Aren't we going to wait for the fish? If you want to kill me, give me a good time!"

The patriarch of Shenfu smiled and waved his hand and said, "Do you want to die now? How could you run so much before? I have traveled to most of the world of cultivation! But I'm not going to kill you now. I'm going to play you to death slowly!"

Not only Huangfu Yuran frowned, but also the people behind Huangfu Yuran frowned and glared at the patriarch one by one. Huangfu Yuran stared angrily at the patriarch of the Shenfu and said angrily, "You..."

"Huangfu Yuran, your talent is unique in the world of cultivation, and it is not difficult to become the second light spirit son with your qualifications. However... the fault is that you chose to be the enemy of the whole world of cultivation. If you don't leave the free school and practice hard, maybe your cultivation is far more than the current state!" The patriarch of Shenfu said that there was a faint regret in his tone.

Huangfu Yuran turned away and said coldly, "If I don't leave the Xiaoyao faction, I will never know the tragedy of my Huangfu family, and I can't see the evil face behind your so-called justice!" You are doing this kind of harmful and good things behind your back. How can my Huangfu Yuran sit idly by? If you don't kill you, how can you give an explanation to the world, and how can you give an explanation to the dead Huangfu family!" At the end of the words, it was almost roaring!

The patriarch of Shenfuzong laughed and waved his hand and said, "Young people are still young people after all. There are some things that you can't do if you want to do. If you want to subvert the whole world of cultivation, you must have that strength!" Now that you are about to face death, why do you say revenge and kill us? Haha... Come on, take them to the martial arts arena!"

The door of the council hall opened, and a group of disciples came in and pulled Huangfu Yuran and others up and walked out. And the real Huangfu Yuran was leaning on the door frame at this time. Every time there was one, Huangfu Yuran took down the seal on their bodies and quickly replaced it with a fake seal.

Huangfu Yuran did this, but no one found that the disappearance of the eight steps of the universe had been used to the limit. Huangfu Yuran sent a voice to everyone, saying that they would temporarily close their cultivation in order not to attract the attention of the Shenfu sect.

After everyone was taken away, the patriarch of Shenfu stood up and said to the elders, "You can't kill Huangfu Yuran now. This sect sent a message to other sects. You can go to the martial arts arena first. As long as you don't kill them, you can do it!" After saying that, he turned around and left.

The remaining elders looked at each other, stood up and walked out at the same time. In their opinion, Huangfu Yuran's death had become inevitable.

In the martial arts arena, Huangfu Yuran and others were thrown to the middle, and outside were surrounded by disciples of Shenfu Sect. It's not that Huangfu Yuran and others will escape, but he wants to see if Huangfu Yuran has three heads and six arms, which actually makes the whole Xiuzhen world restless.

When they saw Huangfu Yuran, everyone seemed to understand that in the face of so many people, those who still wanted to kill him were not afraid at all, and their faces were awe-inspiring! This may be the unique hero of Huangfu Yuran, which is beyond the reach of the whole world of cultivation.

The elders who followed looked at the excited group and raised their hands to suppress the noise. One of them said loudly, "Huangfu Yuran, even if you have three heads and six arms, you can't escape today, so let you taste the taste of life and death!" With that, he nodded to the people beside him, turned his hand and took out a piece of rune paper and threw it into the air.

Several other people also made the same action, saying words, and finally raised the peach sword obliquely to the sky with their left hand and shouted coldly, "Accept the punishment of heaven, nine gods are thunder!"

The originally clear sky without a trace of clouds suddenly clicked down with a thunderbolt, which was really a bolt from the blue sky. Then more thunder and lightning fell from the sky one by one, targeting Huangfu Yuran alone.

Even if the practitioners have a strong body, they absolutely can't stand the baptism of this nine heavenly thunder. However, these elders have kept their hands, as long as Huangfu Yuran can taste the pain.

Dozens of thunder and lightning appeared at the same time, and the light flashed so brightly that everyone could not open their eyes. After a long time, they waited for the thunder to disappear before they could see the scene in front of them. However, the scene made them open their mouths one by one, and their chins almost fell to the ground in surprise.

But seeing the place where the nine heavenly thunder fell, Huangfu Yuran and others stood there unharmed, surrounded by a circle of shields around them. If it hadn't been for the electric snakes circulating on it, I really couldn't see this layer of unnecessary shields.

Just when everyone felt surprised, a crisp laugh came, and then a petite figure appeared beside Huangfu Yuran, with one hand and pointed to the elders and said, "You are so rude!"

It was Qing'er, a little girl who appeared beside Huangfu Yuran. Qing'er, who had followed the barbarian king, felt the true fluctuation of Huangfu Yuran and immediately rushed over. I didn't want to see the nine thunder falling from the sky as soon as I got here. Without thinking about it, I waved a shield to protect everyone.

Qing'er's appearance made everyone have no idea for a moment, and they looked at the little girl who suddenly appeared at a loss. Qing'er ignored everyone's strange eyes and turned to look at Huangfu Yuran and asked, "Brother, are you all right? Qing'er is here to save you." It looks like it's going to happen.

Huangfu Yuran, Qingyu and others smiled, reached out and stroked Qinger's little face and said, "How can we have something to do? Just play with them. Okay, now the game is over.

Several elders of Shenfu Sect came to their senses first and shouted coldly, "Where did the little dolls break into the Shenfu Sect and kill them!" With that, he took out a rune paper and threw it out first.

All the tricks of the Shenfu sect rely on the rune paper. It can be said that people without the Fushu sect are no different from ordinary people.

Chen Yu's body shocked and shook the fake seal on his body and said faintly, "Hey, I said Yu Ran, now that they want to kill us, we naturally don't have to keep our hands. There are also four elders. You have always not liked killing, so don't do it. Just look aside.

Qingyu shook his head, pointed to several elders of Shenfu Sect and said, "No, you are not their opponents yet. Let me deal with them. Although I am indifferent, I can't be completely exempt from vulgarity. Killing is just a way to practice!" The words of light rain are tantamount to throwing a small pebble into the lake, completely shaking everyone's calm hearts.

Originally, people were afraid that their heavy killing would affect their future practice and were still hesitant to take action. Qingyu said at this time that killing was also another practice method, which undoubtedly gave everyone a reassurance pill.

After saying that, Qingyu had already greeted him, and the others also called out their weapons and were ready to fight to death. But I didn't expect that at this time, the surrounding scene changed, and all the people around me disappeared at this moment.

The body that had just rushed out of the light rain immediately stopped, turned back to the crowd, looked at the changing scene around and said faintly, "It's a magic array!"

Everyone has already learned the power of the magic array. To put it bluntly, it is actually a kind of blinding method, a kind of thing that hides people's eyes. In fact, there is no illusion in everything, but no one can say what crisis there is after that illusion.

Qing'er had already felt the strange flow of the surrounding aura when the people of the Shenfuzong disappeared. Naturally, she opened her hands and closed her eyes and began to dominate the surrounding aura.

After several attempts, Qinger gave up. These auras seemed to be dominated by some powerful force and were not controlled by herself at all. Qinger shook her head and said, "No, Qinger can't control those auras, brother Yuran."

Huangfu Yuran smiled and said, "It's okay. You are already very good. Next, hand it over to us. Everyone, be careful not to be attacked, just be careful to defend. There is a reason why Huangfu Yuran said this. They were brought here, but the real Huangfu Yuran has been not far away from the patriarch of Shenfu.

When the patriarch of Shenfu began to draw the magic array with Zhenyuan, Huangfu Yuran was already close at hand. Huangfu Yuran was not in a hurry to take action, just to see what the suzerain of the Shenfu Sect wanted to do.

The split and the principal are originally connected, and Huangfu Yuran naturally knows that the other side has been controlled by the magic array. So I no longer hesitated. I turned over and took out the strange knife, and slowly appeared and said coldly, "Old man, you can stop it!"

The patriarch of the god who sat there and controlled the magic array did not expect that anyone would appear here, let alone Huangfu Yuran, so he was stunned and almost stopped the magic array.