can shi

Chapter 375 Sued the Fruit

The effect brought by lightning still appeared, and Huangfu Yuran only felt a burst of numbness in his body, as if it had stagnated. In the eyes of practitioners, this slight pause is enough to kill you.

Fortunately, the patriarch of Shenfu did not take action at this time, but looked at Huangfu Yuran and said, "Your speed is very fast, but you are not as fast as lightning. Even if you can dodge, you can't avoid so much lightning!" With his hands open, countless electric snakes filled a radius of more than ten feet.

Huangfu Yuran narrowed his eyes. In this lightning with almost no gap, it was really difficult to dodge. With a turn of mind, he stepped on the first step of the universe and the wind and drizzle slowly approached the patriarch of Shenfu.

The patriarch of Shenfu sneered and rushed to Huangfu Yuran with lightning. Huangfu Yuran always dodged slightly when the lightning was about to approach. At first glance, Huangfu Yuran was swaying in the sea of lightning like a leaf of duckweed.

The patriarch of the divine rune also saw the subtlety of Huangfu Yuran's body and raised his hand to throw a rune paper. This is a seal charm, and it is also an automatic tracking seal charm. Since Huangfu Yuran's body is exquisite, he will seal his cultivation and burn it to ashes with the power of thunder and lightning.

Huangfu Yuran, who dodged the lightning, caught a glimpse of a rune paper flying towards him, and couldn't help speeding up to dodge the rune paper. Unexpectedly, the rune paper seemed to have eyes. Huangfu Yuran dodged aside, and the rune paper also turned to continue to chase.

Huangfu Yuran frowned, turned around and rushed to the patriarch of the divine charm. He stepped on the universe eight steps all the way to avoid lightning and the rune paper behind him, facing the patriarch of the divine charm.

The patriarch of Shenfu sneered and thought that Huangfu Yuran was going to fight desperately. He raised his hand and slapped it out, but he didn't expect Huangfu Yuran's body to disappear out of thin air at this time.

The palm of the patriarch of the divine rune does not mean that it can be taken back. At the moment when the patriarch of Shenfu was stunned, the seal that originally chased Huangfu Yuran also rushed up and directly stuck to the palm of the patriarch before the patriarch of Shenfu reacted.

A bright light flashed on the rune paper, and the patriarch immediately felt that the Zhenyuan in his body had been sealed. And the thunder and lightning Zhenyuan in his body also began to storm at this time, and destroyed all the meridians in the main body of the Shenfu Sect.

Nine-day Xuanlei is beyond the power of nature, and it can't be controlled by the human body. The patriarch of Shenfu used a rune to put it into his body, which was originally buried in the body*. It needs to be used to guide the real element to consume all the power of thunder and lightning, otherwise it will be counterattacked by the nine-day thunder.

Un Coincidentally, Huangfu Yuran rushed to the patriarch of the divine charm while avoiding the seal charm, and finally used the disappearance of the eight steps of the universe and completely disappeared. The seal that lost the trace of Huangfu Yuran couldn't stop and pasted it in the palm of the god rune suzerain, sealing the cultivation of the god rune suzerain.

Without the guidance of Zhenyuan, Jiutian Xuanlei's counterattack appeared. First, it broke all the meridians of his body, and finally shot out of his body. I only saw lightning rushing out from all over the body of the patriarch with blood, and the miserable cry of the patriarch rushed to the sky.

Huangfu Yuran looked at all this coldly and frowned gently at best. He had long thought that this kind of counterproductive move would have a reaction, but he did not expect that the reaction would be so serious that he could kill himself.

The power of Jiutian Xuanlei shocked the body of the patriarch of Shenfu into a bad way, and the whole person seemed to have just climbed out of the blood pool. At this time, the patriarch of the talisman's whole body was broken, and he didn't even have the strength to stand.

When the patriarch of the divine charm was about to fall, Huangfu Yuran stretched out his hand and pointed to the patriarch of the divine charm and said faintly, "Go ahead, the soul-stricing knife!"

As soon as the words fell, the remnant soul-shattering knife in his hand flew out of his hand and flew away to the patriarch of the god who withered to the ground. When the remnant soul-sama knife reached the top of the head of the Shenfu sect, a purple glow sprinkled on the knife and wrapped the Shenfu clan.

In an eye, only a strip of vitality visible to the naked eye floated from the body of the patriarch of the divine charm to the blade. The body of the patriarch of Shenfu has been struggling and trembling, as if to get rid of the bondage of the soul-stricking knife.

In the trembling of the body of the patriarch, the purple glow emitted by the remnant soul-shading knife became stronger. However, unpredictable things always exist unexpectedly. Suddenly, a golden light appeared on the patriarch of Shenfu and bounced away the soul-stricking knife.

A golden little man rushed out immediately after the golden light and was about to run away. After the soul-stricken knife was shaken away, a purple line immediately followed by the blade, just binding the golden villain who had fled far away.

This golden villain is the yuan god of the patriarch. Under the absorption of the remnant soul-stricken sword, the patriarch only feels that his soul power is rapidly weakening. If you don't leave quickly, I'm afraid the yuan god will be absorbed. So after using all his strength to shake away the soul-stricking knife, the yuan god immediately got out of his body and was ready to escape.

Anyway, the body has been destroyed by Jiutian Xuanlei, and it may save its life after giving up the body. But this is just a wishful thinking of the patriarch of Shenfu. Since Huangfu Yuran is going to take action, he has no intention to let him go.

The yuan god tied by the soul-stricken knife is struggling desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the soul-stricken soul-shading knife with the weak power of the yuan god. It's just that this idea is too simple. The remnant soul-spiring knife is cast in the Huangquan River. I don't know how many ghosts have been absorbed and how many resentful spirits have been collected for thousands of years.

It can be imagined that the binding power of this soul-stricying knife is so easy to get rid of? Once bound by the soul-stricken sword, it is not only an encroachment on the power of the soul of the yuan god, but more importantly, it is necessary to face spiritual destruction.

The yuan god of the patriarch of Shenfu was suffering from this kind of torture at this time. At the moment when he was tied up by the soul-stricken sword, it was as if he was in Jiuyou underground. To be precise, they should be in an infernal purgatory, surrounded by those ghosts who died in vain. Their twisted faces floated in front of the patriarch of the Shenfu sect, and the sad screams came one after another.

It can be said that this is the most horrible scene seen by the patriarch of Shenfu, and it is also the most creepy scene he has ever seen. It seems that among those thousands of souls, there is a person who is calling himself and can't help but be in it.

Huangfu Yuran looked at the frightened expression on the face of the patriarch Yuanshen and said faintly, "In the infernal purgatory, no one can come out safely. The only choice is to give in. Once you give in, you will become the food of the soul-sword and become one of these thousands of ghosts. Huangfu Yuran's voice was very light, as if he was talking to himself and as if he was telling an objective fact.

Under the bondage of the soul-stricying knife, the yuan god of the patriarch of the divine charm finally integrated into the purple-red light. The remnant soul-shattering knife took back the purple light and flew to Huangfu Yuran's hand and trembled gently.

After solving the problem of the patriarch of Shenfu, the magic array in the martial arts arena no longer exists, and the martial arts arena has also started a war. Huangfu Yuran thought for a moment and walked to the body of the patriarch of Shenfu with a knife. He wanted to take off the head of the patriarch of Shenfu and take it to the martial arts arena, which was also a deterrent.

Just a few steps, Huangfu Yuran felt a burst of qi and blood boiling in his body, and a blood rushed to his throat. Huangfu Yuran hummed, gritted his teeth and swallowed the blood in his throat again, and forced himself to endure it.

The body of the remnant soul-stricking knife was slightly, and a faint purple-red light spread along Huangfu Yuran's arm to Huangfu Yuran's whole body. After a long time, the soul-stricking knife said, "How do you feel? It seems that Jiutian Xuanlei injured your inner house. You should heal your wounds. Leave the outside things to others.

Huangfu Yuran shook his head and insisted on walking to the patriarch of Shenfu and said, "No, I can't stay here to heal my wounds. They still need me. I have to help them. Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a little injury. Huangfu Yuran didn't pay attention to the words of the soul-stricking knife at all.

The soul-stricying knife sighed, and since it couldn't stop him, he had to go. Although he didn't follow Huangfu Yuran for a long time, he didn't know much about Huangfu Yuran, but he also knew that the child was a one-sounding master.

Huangfu Yuran took a deep breath and calmed down the chaotic Zhenyuan in his body. He went to the patriarch of Shenfu and quickly cut off his head and put it in his hand. His body disappeared in place with a flash.

On the martial arts arena, because of the death of the patriarch of the god, the magic array also disappeared. The people suppressed by the magic array suddenly felt much more relaxed, and the anger suppressed in their hearts completely broke out when they saw the disciples of the Shenfu sect outside.

Almost in an instant, everyone rushed out with a roar, rushing into the disciples of the Shenfu sect like a hungry wolf. Even the light rain, which had always been indifferent, seemed to be angry and killed her, but her target was only a few patriarchs.

Huangfu Yuran's split said loudly at this time, "Your suzerain is dead. Give you a chance. I count three times and get out of here if you don't want to die!" One..." He began to count without waiting for someone else to react.

Huangfu Yuran's words still played a role, and some disciples were ready to turn around and escape. Seeing this situation, one of the elders shouted, "Don't believe this boy's nonsense. The suzerain is a master of the Mahayana period. How can he die casually!" He said this to make us mess up. They are just a few people. Let's kill them together!"