can shi

Chapter 398 Magic Tricks

Finally, with a "bang", Huangfu Yuran's split was kicked out by Long Aotian, who fell to the ground, and a dagger shining with cold light was inserted in Huangfu Yuran's chest at this time. No one saw when Long Aotian stabbed the dagger into the chest of the split, and even the split himself did not know what was going on and was inexplicably pierced by a sword.

The split opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood in the air. After landing, he stubbornly wanted to stand up again, but the fatal injury on his chest was so serious that he had to give up in the end.

In the unwilling eyes, it turned into an inconspicuous light spot and finally disappeared. This split is materialized, as if it also has its own consciousness, which makes people think that this is a living person and not a split.

Long Aotian didn't care about the disappearance of Huangfu Yuran's split, but casually took back the short sword inserted in the chest of the split. He turned around and looked at Huangfu Yuran's posture ready to attack and said lightly, "This... no one bothers."

"Not bad, very good! It's worthy of being a god of killing, next..." Huangfu Yuran clapped his hands and said, but he didn't finish it, but represented everything with action.

Huangfu Yuran's body shook slightly, and countless Huangfu Yuran appeared around him in an instant. The third phantom of the eight steps of the universe was used. There were the figure of Huangfu Yuran everywhere, but only one was the real Huangfu Yuran, and the rest were phantoms.

When he first saw this scene, Long Aotian's body couldn't help trembling, but then he didn't feel any momentum on these splits, so he knew it was a phantom.

The phantom and the split are still different. The phantom does not have attack power, but causes visual confusion, so that people can't find the place of the original.

Long Aotian, who saw through all this, snorted faintly and said, "What? Do you want to play hide-and-seek? Then I will have fun with you. You have to hide it!" As he said, his body had moved. He waved his hand and scratched out with a sword, and a sword spirit instantly tore up Huangfu Yuran in front of him.

Fake! Long Aotian turned around and split back without hesitation. The most likely thing in front of him was his back, because his back had become an empty door while he waved his sword.

It's just that Long Aotian's idea is good, but Huangfu Yuran doesn't think so. When the split was torn apart by a sword, Huangfu Yuran himself appeared in the position of the original phantom and raised his hand and stabbed out with a sword.

As soon as Long Aotian turned out of his sword, he felt the true fluctuation behind him, as well as the dangerous atmosphere. He frowned gently, took two steps forward and turned around and waved two swords at the same time. The sword spirit also came out of the body, and also tore the illusion in front of him to pieces.

At this time, Huangfu Yuran's voice came from all directions: "Hide-and-seek is my strength. You should pay attention to it! Eat my move, and the wind will dance!" It is impossible to know where the real Huangfu Yuran is, as if the surrounding phantoms are talking.

Long Aotian immediately stared and stood still, slowly closing his eyes and releasing his consciousness to capture Huangfu Yuran's figure. For a while, Long Aotian fell into a passive situation.

Huangfu Yuran raised his speed to the limit, quickly interspersed from the phantom, and stabbed a sword at Long Aotian from time to time. Long Aotian often fought back against a sword stabbed by Huangfu Yuran at this time, but he could not hear the sound of Zhenyuan collision or the intersection of weapons.

From afar, it seemed to be surrounded by Huangfu Yuran's phantom. Long Aotian danced his sword alone, and his sword spirit was full of murder.

I don't know how long he had been teased by Huangfu Yuran. Long Aotian was a little angry. He opened his eyes with a shout, and his body rotated rapidly. The long sword and dagger in his hand sprinkled pieces of sword light at the same time, instantly tearing up all the illusions in all directions.

Long Aotian couldn't help but "whew?" when he stopped after finishing all this. There was a sound, because I didn't see Huangfu Yuran's appearance when I smashed all the phantoms, and I didn't feel the breath of Huangfu Yuran's body.

Huh? On top of the head!" Suddenly feeling the endless pressure from the top of his head, Long Aotian raised his hand and waved his head, and a layer of crimson shield appeared above his head.

Long Aotian looked up and saw Huangfu's shining red sword tip stabbed on the crimson shield, which was only a few inches away from his eyebrows. Without this shield, it will be Long Aotian's head that will be pierced.

When Huangfu Yuran stabbed this sword, he didn't think it would succeed at all, so he just used seven points of force. As expected, the long sword stabbed on the crimson shield and became difficult to enter at all. Instead, it became deadlocked for a moment.

Long Aotian gently curled the corners of his mouth, and a seemingly faint smile appeared on Long Aotian's face. Although Huangfu Yuran's cultivation is not strong, his wit is extremely good. It is enough to make a corresponding strategy in the blink of an eye as his opponent.

With a cold hum, Long Aotian's feet slipped, and his body had drifted backwards. The shield above also burst open at this moment, and the chaotic energy stirred up the air a little chaoticly, and even hit Huangfu Yuran, who was still powerless in the air.

Huangfu Yuran resisted the surging qi and blood in his chest, and a gorgeous flip in the air slowly fell not far away and turned to look at Long Aotian.

Long Aotian nodded and said lightly, "You are very good. You can fight with me!" This means that Huangfu Yuran has been listed as a person of the same level as himself.

Huangfu Yuran also said with an arrogant face and said, "You are also very strong and worthy of my strongest killing move. If you don't succeed, you will be willing to be killed!" In fact, what Huangfu Yuran didn't explain is that there is absolutely more than one killing move.

Long Aotian also began to be cautious when he heard Huangfu Yuran's words. Staring intently at Huangfu Yuran's every move, he was afraid that he could not find the trace of Huangfu Yuran in the blink of an eye. Long Aotian has been summed up just now. Huangfu Yuran's body method is absolutely unprecedented. At least he can't find the trace of Huangfu Yuran.

But even if Long Aotian locked all his spiritual strength on Huangfu Yuran at this time, he still failed to capture Huangfu Yuran's figure. Huangfu Yuran stood there like that, but gradually faded into the air, as if such a big living person had never appeared.

Huangfu Yuran did not intend to hide anything this time. His action was the fifth cup of the eight-step bow and snake shadow of the universe. The whole person disappeared into the air, but spread his breath into the surrounding air, giving people the illusion that Huangfu Yuran was everywhere, but nowhere. In.

Long Aotian is also facing such a situation for the first time. He can feel the breath of Huangfu Yuran everywhere, but he doesn't know where the real Huangfu Yuran is. Because there seems to be everywhere in the surrounding air, a Huangfu Yuran may take a fatal blow to himself.

Long Aotian frowned gently and unnaturally put on a defensive posture. In the face of this kind of unsold opponent, only by doing a good job in defense and not giving the enemy the possibility of attacking himself can he be foolproof. There is also a way.

In this scene, even Bai Xiaotian, who knew Long Aotian best, was surprised and put down the wine gourd and carefully looked at Long Aotian, who was doing defensive action on the court. Long Aotian, who has never known what defense is, has begun to defend for the first time today, and is still forced to defend by juniors, which must be said to be a great anecdote.

At the moment when Long Aotian did a good job of defense, Huangfu Yuran's air also moved. A long sword shining with red light suddenly appeared in the sky. After a moment, the long sword turned into countless handles and hit Long Aotian in the middle from all directions.

Facing the sky sword rain falling from the sky, Long Aotian did not panic at all, but gently turned his body. The long sword in his hand emitted light and waved around his body, as if he had put a layer of energy cover around his body, protecting Long Aotian and blocked Huangfu Yuran's long sword outside.

The sword rain all over the sky is blocked, but no one can say what will be attacked next. Long Aotian thought that he could no longer be so passive. When he was about to fight back, he found that he could no longer find Huangfu Yuran's breath. The whole space completely lost the trace of Huangfu Yuran, and even a little breath could not be found.

It turned out that after using the sword rain all over the sky, Huangfu Yuran's mind had already moved into a snowflake, that is, the sixth step of the universe disappeared. As long as people who are not too much higher than themselves can't find their existence, even if they float in front of him, they will only think it is a majestic snowflake.

Long Aotian frowned tightly. He didn't think Huangfu Yuran had escaped, because there was still a dangerous atmosphere around him.

When Huangfu Yuran's snowflakes fell behind Long Aotian, Huangfu Yuran suddenly appeared, with a shocking red light shining on the sword in his hand. Huangfu Yuran scolded softly: "Phantom...sword dance!" The arm crazily drove the body to sit in a strange movement, and a sword came out with a shadow.

The sword spirit bursting from the bloody sword stirred up the surrounding air, as if to tear up the air, and the chaotic airflow also blew Huangfu Yuran's long snow-white hair.

The moment Huangfu Yuran appeared, Long Aotian had already felt the endless murderous atmosphere behind him. Suddenly, he turned around and saw the long sword with remnants and sword spirit rushing up. He didn't dare to think too much about it, so he raised his hand and waved the sword to block it.

After a jingling sound, Long Aotian flew out and fell not far away. He looked down at his messy clothes and sleeves cut by sword spirit. His eyes were indescribably complicated, surprised and appreciated.