can shi

Chapter 409 Spirit Beast Counterattack

Huangfu Yuran opened his mouth to say something. Pluto raised his hand and continued, "I don't know what has happened in the past 30 years, and I don't know what's going on in your heart, but I know what you are thinking."

Huh? Your Highness, do you understand my mind? Huangfu Yuran was very different, and his eyes when he looked at Pluto changed a little.

Pluto nodded, but did not answer Huangfu Yuran's words. Instead, he turned his head and looked at the door of the hall and said, "The three worlds have been calm for too long. It's time to make trouble. And you are the fuse, and the Three World War may break out in the Xiuzhen world! Today's world is the world of you young people. Follow your heart!"

Follow his heart... Huangfu Yuran was stunned and silent. For a long time, I have been teaching my apprentice Xiaohu to move with his heart, but I can't do it. He is the first to be a teacher.

At this moment, Huangfu Yuran seemed to understand something, but he couldn't grasp the clue. He slowly frowned. Huangfu Yuran was very disgusted or even disgusted with this untouchable feeling.

Pluto looked at Huangfu Yuran's frown and said with a smile, "Sometimes there are things that you don't need to think much about at all. Things will always develop in their established direction. Maybe everything you do can change the process, but it will never change the end. Because the ending has long been doomed..."

Can't change the ending? The last thing Huangfu Yuran wants to hear is this sentence. What fate is, what fate is, it's all empty words. It's really impossible to change without the courage to try to change.

Huangfu Yuran did not argue much about this and turned to look elsewhere and asked indifferently, "What about Huangquan? Are you back? I have something to ask him!"

Pluto shook his head and shook the wine glass in his hand: "No, I also want to find him, but I have no choice if he doesn't come back. No one in the world knows where he will be now."

Huangfu Yuran hummed gently. He had a lot of things to ask Huang Quan. Since Huang Quan was not there, he had to wait for the next time. He turned his head and looked at Pluto and asked, "What's the big deal in the world of cultivation for 30 years?" It seems that what Huangfu Yuran can't let go in the end is those things in the world of cultivation and those people...

Pluto looked at Huangfu Yuran with a disdainful face and muttered, "You have been closed for 30 years, and you have only been in the world of cultivation. However, this month is really lively, and I can't explain it to you one by one. You can see for yourself..." He waved his hand and pointed to the air several times.

The air in mid-air is distorted, and the five mirror-like picture appears, which shows five different locations. Arrange in different positions according to different directions.

In the middle is the scene of 100,000 mountains. Generally speaking, it is relatively quiet in several places where spiritual beasts gather. There will still be practitioners entering 100,000 mountains, and they don't know what they are looking for. However, because of Huangfu Yuran's order, almost all practitioners who enter the 100,000 mountains have become the fruits of the spiritual beasts. Even if some highly cultivated people appeared, they were not accidentally driven out by several holy beasts.

Although the 100,000 mountains have been messy after the fire, they are still mysterious and fascinating. How can 100,000 mountains that exist for tens of millions of years be solved with a fire? Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of holy beasts in the mountains.

What you see below is a sea of fire, with three-legged golden black and * soaring in the flames. With the wave of their wings, fireballs hit the already dilapidated houses on the ground like rain.

And the flame is exactly the nemesis of these unconscious puppets, and the experience of the puppet door is not much better in the flame. Without the support of the soul-contained array, the puppet door suffered a slight loss, which is a very worrying sect.

The picture on the left is a scene of violent wilderness. It is worthy of being violent wilderness, and everywhere is full of elements of rebellion. Wanshu Mountain, which has experienced a war for a long time, is the opponent of the violent spirit beasts at this time, and at this time, most of the practitioners have gone to follow Huangfu Yuran, and the sect has long been empty.

Huangfu Yuran gave an order to attack as soon as he got to his mind at the end. The holy beasts Qiongqi and Taoyi could not help flattening the mountain with a group of violent spirit beasts. The poor mountain guard was really vulnerable in front of the two holy beasts. Soon the Beast Mountain turned into a slaughter ground, but everything that was alive was torn to pieces in front of the spirit beast. After confirming that there was no birth, Qiongqi and Taotie left with the spirit beast.

It comes and goes quickly, leaving only the ruined mountain of beasts. Looking around, there is nothing complete in the huge Beast Mountain, let alone a living person. But I don't know how Zhao Gang, the head of the Beast Mountain, will feel after returning from the frozen demon realm.

The picture on the right is fixed into a blue. When you look carefully, you will find that it is not blue at all, but seawater! In the sea, the Hydra shook its nine heads and stared at the inorganic door protected by the array in front of it.

With the protection of the mountain array, there is a layer of shield outside the inorganic door, which strictly blocks everything outside the inorganic door, and even the seawater cannot enter at all.

The eyes of the hydra bloomed with cold light, and most of the spiritual beasts in the Canglan Sea are aquatic and not good at land warfare. The best way to think of now is to flood the inorganic door with seawater. But who knows that the mountain protection array of the inorganic door is not a decoration, and it actually blocks all the sea water. This may be able to keep the mountain gate, and secondly, it also gives the inorganic door a chance to fight back.

In fact, the Xiuzhen sect in the east is far more than an inorganic gate, and the ghost island should also be in the sea of Canglan, but no one knows where the ghost island is, so there is no way to start. Instead, the inorganic door became the object of venting by the spirit beasts, and all the targets pointed to the inorganic door.

It's just that the defense of the inorganic door has indeed been done, and Hydra is really helpless about it. The inorganic door dares not act rashly and can only wait for rescue. Unexpectedly, after learning that Qiongqi and Taoyi had taken down Wan Beast Mountain, the Hydra also returned to the Canglan Sea with the spirit beast.

The sea area of Canglan is not like 100,000 mountains. Under normal circumstances, no one wants to come to the sea area to cause trouble. It doesn't look like 100,000 mountains.

The last one, the picture above, made Huangfu Yuran fascinated for a long time, and his eyes did not blink for a long time, and it was full of excitement.

In the ice and snow, the ice phoenix spread its wings and flew high in the sky, staring at what seemed to be waiting for in the distance. But these are not what Huangfu Yuran wants to see. What he wants to know is how he is now and what happened to Linger and others.

Pluto seemed to see through Huangfu Yuran's heart, and his fingers flicked gently. The remaining pictures have disappeared, leaving only one of the frozen magic realm. And the picture suddenly turned into a cave at this time, and the ice and snow could not be seen in a moment.

Huangfu Yuran didn't see everything he wanted to see. He only saw himself lying flat on some unknown feathers in the cave, and his eyes were calmly closed as if he were asleep. Who is a slender back sitting next to himself and taking care of himself? Linger or who?

The figure slowly turned around and seemed to look at the direction of the Xuanguang mirror intentionally or unintentionally. Huangfu Yuran looked at those eyes as if he had been electrocuted, and his whole body trembling for no reason.

What is shown in front of her is Leng Lingxue's delicate face, but now there is a haggard face. His wet eyes were covered with blood, and I don't know whether it was because he cried a lot or didn't rest for a long time.

Leng Lingxue gently stroked Huangfu Yuran's cheek and whispered, "Bastard, do you know? From that moment on, Cher can no longer live without you. You can't leave me alone. How can I face the world when you leave? I know you are afraid of hurting us, but I'm not afraid! If you become a demon, Xue'er will definitely sacrifice her life to follow you. If you leave... I will go with you..."

Huangfu Yuran unconsciously clenched his fist, and his nails fell deeply into the palm of his hand, but now he is the body of the soul, and there will be no pain or blood flowing out.

But Huangfu Yuran's excited mood can still be seen. He waved his hand to put away the Xuanguang mirror and said lightly, "This should be the so-called feelings, the so-called concern, right? The direction of the heart, the direction of life! You have too many worries in the world of cultivation. You... it's time to go back!"

Huangfu Yuran nodded regardless. Yes, it's time to go back. For a whole month, everyone has been worried for a month. If they don't go back, I'm afraid there will be some trouble. But what about going back? Do you still have to face the endless pursuit?

Huangfu Yuran gritted his teeth, and the light flashed in his eyes. There would never be anything to be hunted down again. It's time for the Xiuzhen world to change its attitude towards himself. One day, my Huangfu Yuran wants everyone to admit the existence of my Huangfu Yuran.

How do you treat my Huangfu Yuran? When I go back, I will return it ten times and a hundred times! Huangfu Yuran's heart also became colder at this time, and it could be said that it was even colder.

Pluto sighed. For the change of Huangfu Yuran, Pluto saw it in his eyes. To be honest, the current change of Huangfu Yuran is not what Pluto wants to see. He raised his hand and stroked his forehead and shouted outside the door, "Where is Zhao Xin?"

Zhao Xin came in from the door and bowed down and said, "Master, everyone is ready to leave at any time." Zhao Xin had taken Lin Susu and other generals outside the Pluto Hall according to Pluto's instructions, waiting for Pluto to give orders.