can shi

Chapter 419 Encounter

Recently, Huangfu Yuran suddenly became cold and a little indifferent to anything. Chen Yu and Dian Yun have been following Huangfu Yuran, which is also understood. We also know that Huangfu Yuran doesn't want to cause trouble. Although this trouble can't be solved smoothly, it's better to have no trouble than trouble!

Chen Yu smiled gently and said softly, "If I tell you now that Huang Ying is getting married in three days, can you still sit in the carriage so leisurely?" He looked at the curtain of the carriage with a smile, as if something would fly out of it immediately.

Sure enough, when Huangfu Yuran heard the news that Huang Ying was going to get married, his half-squinted eyes opened in an instant, and his whole body rushed out with a "huh" sound, steadily fell on the edge of the car and looked at Chen Yu and asked, "What are you talking about? Is Huang Ying going to get married? When did it happen? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Chen Yu seemed to have known that Huang Fuyu would have such a reaction for a long time. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's useless to tell you earlier. You don't care about anything. Besides, I only heard the news today, which is no longer a secret in the Cangyun Empire. The Cangyun Empire wants to marry the Mingxiao Empire, and the two marriages are Yuxin Princess Huang Ying of the Cangyun Empire and Yuwen Mingtai, the second prince of the Mingxiao Empire. And the welcoming team of the Mingxiao Empire has arrived at the Cangyun Empire, and Princess Huang Ying also stepped on the sedan chair to Mingxiao three days later!" Chen Yu said it impassionedly and didn't notice that Huang Fuyu's face had changed a little.

Huangfu Yuran frowned tightly. If he suddenly wanted to marry the Mingxiao Empire, there must be some inside information. If you want to know the reason, you have to rush to the imperial city and enter the palace to ask clearly, otherwise you will be really late.

Huangfu Yuran turned around and entered the carriage and said in a low voice, "Have you heard what you just said? I want to get to the imperial city quickly. What do you think?

"You decide. Anyway, we are with you." Leng Lingxue said it before Linger.

Linger frowned slightly and whispered, "Huang Ying's marriage may be just a political issue between countries, but the reason may be because... Yuran! You should ask yourself, otherwise Huang Ying will not give up. However... If you fly, I'm afraid it will shock the practitioners around here. Recently, there have gathered a lot of practitioners here.

Huangfu Yuran also knew that this was an embarrassing question. After thinking about it, he looked at Qing'er with an innocent face and asked with a smile, "Qing'er, do you still want to ride a horse? Let's not make carriages, okay?"

Qing'er was a little confused but nodded obediently and said, "Okay, Qing'er listens to Brother Yuran."

Huangfuyu smiled and jumped down from the carriage and said to Chen Yu, "We have decided to ride forward, but there are not enough horses. Is there a town near here to buy and sell horses?"

Chen Yu turned his head and looked left and right, pointed to the left and said, "There is a small town not far away. Although it is not a big city, there are still horse trading. Let's go to the town to have a look. Come with me..." and turned the horse's head and left. Fortunately, Chen Yu has been wandering among the major empires to know whether there is a town nearby.

Huangfu Yuran also returned to the carriage. Now is not the time to fly in the air. It's better to sit in the carriage safely.

Follow Chen Yu to the town. As Chen Yu said, although it is not big, there is a place to trade horses. Huangfu Yuran was too lazy to bargain, so he directly threw a silver ticket and exchanged it for a few good horses.

After changing into horses, the speed was really much faster. Zhao Xin and Lin Yang and others who followed seemed to realize something and followed faster. As for the light rain and others walking at the end, they have no intention of accelerating, but still walking slowly.

This is also what Huangfu Yuran has ordered for a long time. No matter what happens in front of you, light rain can't intervene. It is the best excuse given by Huangfu Yuran to give the younger generation a chance to grow up and exercise their ability to solve things.

Because he was thinking about the yellow warbler, everyone was in a hurry all the way, and Huangfu Yuran was even more anxious and did not feel the true fluctuation around him.

Finally stopped because there was a way out in front of us, but it was obvious that these roads led to the imperial city of the Cangyun Empire. Huangfu Yuran hesitated for a moment and decisively chose the spacious official road, because no matter how you look at it, the official road in the middle is also the most convenient recently.

Zhao Xin and others who followed saw Huangfu Yuran walking through the official road and knew that Huangfu Yuran was anxious, so they turned directly to the direction of the valley. It is the most sinister and prone to ambush. It happens that there has been no battle these days and it is about to get sick.

In fact, to put it bluntly, they did not choose the valley to save time to go to the imperial city, but because they wanted to fight. And the official Tao chosen by Huangfu Yuran doesn't look like there will be an ambush.

The last light rain also abandoned the carriages and horses, and a group of Ming will stand at the fork in the road to feel the two breaths of separation. He said with a slight smile, "Youth is like to be impulsive. Leave the rest of the road to me." Then he also took people and chose the mountain road.

Huangfu Yuran, who was on his way, did not notice that the atmosphere around him was getting more and more strange, and the silence was a little scary. Finally, he was stopped, and then he noticed that the surroundings were full of people. I don't know when the practitioners who appeared have surrounded Huangfu Yuran and others.

Huangfu Yuran grabbed the horse's reins, and the horses stood up and stopped suddenly, half squinting at the practitioners who appeared around him. I didn't use Zhenyuan. Was it still discovered?

These people who surrounded Huangfu Yuran and others were the Bai Xiaosheng and his party who had been waiting here. After ambush for more than half a month, they finally waited for Huangfu Yuran. How could they let him go so easily?

It was led by Bai Xiaosheng Yu Jie. Yu Jie gently shook the folding fan, looked at Huangfu Yuran on the horse's back with a smile and said, "It's a good face change technique, but there is no need to hide it in front of us anymore... Huangfu Yuran!"

Huangfu Yuran also recognized that Bai Xiao was born in Jie. If Bai Xiao was born in Jie, it would be expected that his whereabouts were known. His eyes flashed and he regained his original appearance. He stared at Yu Jie and asked, "Can you tell me when you stared at me?"

Yu Jie was stunned for a moment and was surrounded by so many practitioners of himself. Huangfu Yuran did not show any fear and couldn't help admiring Huangfu Yuran's courage. With a straight face, he said solemnly, "Since you left the frozen demon realm, your whereabouts have been under the control of my Bai Xiaosheng, so you can meet here!"

"What if I chose the other two roads at that time? Aren't you free to wait?" Huangfu Yuran was a little surprised. Why did Bai Xiaosheng know that he wanted to go through the official road?

Bai Xiaosheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "No matter which way you choose, you can't escape, and the other two roads will naturally be stopped. This is the net of heaven and earth, and it is also your burial place!"

Huangfu Yuran nodded. Bai Xiaosheng finally understood what he meant. It turned out that there were not only people waiting for his arrival in this official way, but also set up an ambush in the other two places waiting for him to fall into the trap.

lowered his head and was silent for a moment, turned to the people behind him and said, "It seems that today can't end well. Get ready to fight and vent all our long-standing anger." With that, he gently pressed on the saddle, and the man had turned into a shadow and rushed out. The target was Bai Xiaosheng Yu Jie.

In Huangfu Yuran's eyes, Bai Xiao was born in Jie and will die. As long as Bai Xiao dies, he can really get rid of the pursuit of practitioners. After all, this omniscient Baixiao life is a threat to himself.

Huangfu Yuran moved, and the people behind Huangfu Yuran also moved. Chen Yu and Dianyun each rushed into the practitioners and carried out bloody killing. The barbarian king had a yellow light on his body and rushed into the crowd with a big knife in his hand. Although he was not a true man, he was also full of power.

Linger was attracted by this hot-blooded scene and turned to Leng Lingxue and said, "You protect Qinger, and I'll go too!" After saying that, he turned over and took out his soft sword and rushed out.

Leng Lingxue was stunned for a moment. She used a dagger and had to sneak to assassinate her to have power. Now she has to protect Qinger by herself. Qing'er seemed to see Leng Lingxue's embarrassment and said with a smile, "Sister Xue'er can go if she wants to. Qing'er can protect herself, and Qing'er also needs help... Hey... Ah!" As he stretched out his hands, the two practitioners had been thrown out, and a bloody rain fell in the sky.

Leng Lingxue was stunned for a moment, but still suppressed her impulse. She turned over and took out a guqin. She sat cross-legged on the horse's back. Her fingers fluttered gently, and a melodious sound floated out of the guqin. Huangfu Yuran and others who heard the sound of the piano suddenly felt shocked, and the speed of Zhenyuan's flow accelerated significantly.

Huangfu Yuran encountered a fierce encounter, and the other two roads were no exception. Although he did not meet Huangfu Yuran, he was also a chess opponent, and for a time, the game was in full swing. Zhao Xin and Lin Yang are both militants. When they saw a true person appear, they directly started to fight without saying a word.

Although Li Qing is relatively stable, Zhao Xin and Lin Yang have started fighting, so they can't sit idly by. So Li Qing also rushed into the battle circle and followed Lin Susu with a knife and a shield behind him. He hadn't seen Lin Susu's body for a long time.

The basically the same scene as Huangfu Yuran's side is that no matter where he rushes to, he takes the two people in the middle as the center, intentionally or unintentionally protects them from harm. And the attack power of the two people in the middle is also considerable!