can shi

Chapter 443 Fisherman's Grandfather

It is said that Huangfu Yuran fainted by the river and drifted down the river for three days before he was found to be salvaged.

"Grandpa, grandpa, look what that is!" On a small fishing boat, a little girl pointed to the white clothes fluctuating with the waves in the river and shouted in a delicate voice.

The grandfather, who was supporting the boat at the stern, heard his granddaughter's call, put down the pole in his hand and walked in the direction of the girl's fingers. After just looking at it, he frowned, stared wide, patted her little granddaughter on the head and said, "Xiao Ran, go to the fishing net quickly. That's a person!"

The girl, who was called Xiaoran, solemnly nodded and turned into the cabin. When she came out, she dragged a fishing net bigger than her in her hand and asked with surprise, "Grandpa, that's not a fish. Why do you use a fishing net?"

"It's too far...I can't reach..."

"..." The old man's words made the little girl suddenly shut her mouth and handed over the fishing net to Grandpa.

The old man took the fishing net, put on a posture that could not be more skilled, turned his body gently, and sprinkled out the right hand holding the fishing net and rotating along the body. The fishing net opened to the maximum extent, covering all the large river in front of him, and also netging Huangfu Yuran, who was still soaked in the river.

After waiting for a moment, the old man began to close the network. Because of such a big person as Huangfu Yuran, the grandfather and grandson abandoned the power of nine cows and two tigers to pull Huangfu Yuran's net fish to the boat.

Slowly opened the fishing net and put the lively fish into the bucket. Finally, Huangfu Yuran was left lying on the boat board.

The old man turned Huangfu Yuran's body over. After three days of soaking, Huangfu Yuran's cheeks were extremely pale at this time, and even his lips were bloodless. In addition to the corners of his mouth, there was a trace of blood oozing out...

The little girl was scared by Huangfu Yuran's pale face. Her body covered her little face trembling and muttered, "Grandpa, is he... dead?"

The old man was also surprised whether the young man he suddenly found was still alive. Even if he was alive, he would not live long. Just being salvaged by himself, it is necessary to visit him and reach out to Huangfu Yuran's nose to know whether a person is dead, which is the most basic method.

Before the old man's fingers touched Huangfu Yuran's skin, he had already felt the cool smell from his fingers and sighed silently in his heart. It seemed that the young man had...

Ye!? No, breathe! Although the airflow from the fingertips was extremely weak, it was still caught by the old man**. The old man withdrew his fingers, happily pulled away the little hand covering the girl's face and said, "He is still alive. Help Grandpa carry him in quickly. Let's go home first."

The girl pouted and tilted her head to look at Huangfu Yuran for a long time. After a long time, she said in surprise: "Ah! Grandpa, this big brother is so handsome!" With that, there was also a shy look on his face.

The old man smiled happily, patted the girl's little head and said with a smile, "Does my little granddaughter like him? How about being your father-in-law if he doesn't die?

"Grandpa... Don't make fun of Xiao Ran! Humph! I won't pay attention to you!" The girl pretended to be shy and squatted down and carefully observed Huangfu Yuran. After a long time, her eyes showed surprise and surprise.

Huangfu Yuran's right hand is now pressed under him, but the red light revealed under his body is so enchanting that the girl can't help but want to see what it is. The girl stood up and raised Huangfu Yuran's body a little, reached out and pulled out Huangfu Yuran's right hand.

A red light swept across the girl's forehead with the sound of wind and cut off her hanging green silk. Looking at the falling green silk, a layer of cold sweat oozed from the girl's back. If it were longer, it would not have been her own hair cut off.

The unique sound of metal landing sounded, waking up an old man and a young man. Looking at the remnant soul-shouting knife with a faint red light in Huangfu Yuran's right hand, the two grandfathers and grandchildren began to be afraid.

This strange knife does not make people feel afraid. What really makes people feel scared... It is the blade that emits red light, which is still shaking slightly at this time. It seems that it will burst out at any time, and there is a bloody brutality...

After frightened, the girl squatted beside Huangfu Yuran again, but this time she was obviously much more cautious. With his hands on his knees, he turned his head and asked curiously, "Grandpa, what do you think... is that knife...? Is this his weapon?

The old man obviously fell into thought and did not react for a moment. It was not until the girl called several times that she was excited. When he came to his senses, he was busy saying, "Come on, let's go home." With that, he walked over and was about to get the soul-stricning knife held tightly in Huangfu Yuran's hand.

When the old man's hand was about to touch the soul-shading knife, the red light on the soul-sharing knife suddenly bloomed, and the whole knife body burst into a dazzling red light. The old man withdrew his hand reflexively and stared at the next scene.

After seeing the remnant soul-stricying knife tremble a few times, it suddenly turned into a red light and penetrated into Huangfu Yuran's body and disappeared.

"Yi? What about the knife? Where is it?" The little girl looked at Huangfu Yuran's right hand in surprise, trying to find out where the crippled soul-stricning knife was located.

The old man waved his hand to Huangfu Yuran's head, bent down and lifted his upper body and said, " girl, stop playing, carry him in quickly."

The girl let go of Huangfu Yuran's hand, bent down to grab Huangfu Yuran's legs and pulled Huangfu Yuran up with difficulty, so she dragged Huangfu Yuran into the cabin.

The grandfather and grandson came out to fish and did not go too far. In a while, they returned to where they lived. The old man simply explained that he asked the girl to take good care of Huangfu Yuran and turned around and went out. He wanted to find a doctor to treat Huangfu Yuran, although the life of his grandfather and grandson was not rich.

The girl was clever and sensible, nodded and agreed. After the old man turned around and left, the girl began to take care of Huangfu Yuran. The first thing to do is to take off his ragged clothes and help him scrub his body first.

Although the girl's movements were a little astringent, it was smooth to do, and she easily untied Huangfu Yuran's coat, revealing Huangfu Yuran's shrewd upper body. The girl stopped her hand in consteration, covered her little mouth and resisted not screaming, and stared at Huangfu Yuran in front of her.

However, Huangfu Yuran's whole upper body was full of crisscross wounds, like scars scratched by swords. Because of being soaked in water for a long time, these wounds have not healed and some have even begun to ulcerate. Several of them were deeply injured, still oozing blood, and the whole chest was stained with blood red.

The girl's eyes were already steaming. After a long time, she turned around and ran out. After a while, she brought a basin of water and a white handkerchief hung on her shoulder. Because she is a fisherman's girl, she doesn't have much silk and satin or anything. This handkerchief is the girl's only luxury.

Soaked the handkerchief in clear water and untied it. Tears had already slipped down his cheeks, trembling and stretched out his little hand to gently wipe the blood stains on Huangfu Yuran's chest.

Perhaps because the wound was tender, Huangfu Yuran, who was in a coma, frowned tightly and snorted unconsciously. The girl withdrew her hand reflexively and hurriedly apologized, "Ah... did it hurt you? I didn't mean to... I didn't mean..."

Looking at Huangfu Yuran, he found that Huangfu Yuran showed no sign of waking up. Perhaps it was the deepest part of his consciousness that he felt the pain before he unconsciously hummed out. He gently wiped Huangfu Yuran's wound with tears in his eyes, which was the most serious injury he had ever seen.

The water in the basin has long turned blood red. The girl took the basin out and exchanged it for a basin of water and continued to wipe it. With the mechanized repetition of the movements in her hands, Huangfu Yuran's every painful hum would make the girl's hands tremble.

I don't know how many times the water in the basin has been changed, and I don't know how long it has passed. Finally, when the blood stain could no longer be found, the girl took a long breath of relief and gently wiped Huangfu Yuran's handsome cheek with a handkerchief.

The door of the "squeaky" hut was pushed open, and the old man who went out came in with a doctor carrying a medicine box on his back. When the old man entered the door, he saw Huangfu Yuran wrapped in white cloth. He frowned gently and asked, "How's it going, girl?"

The girl looked back at the old man and the doctor beside the old man, as if she didn't want to say anything more, but gently shook her head and stood aside. The old man pointed to Huangfu Yuran lying in ** and said to the doctor, " Doctor, can you see if this person can be cured?"

The doctor put down the medicine box and walked to Huangfu Yuran. Instead of directly taking the pulse like other Langzhong, he pinched the sparse beard on his chin and stared at Huangfu Yuran. It's okay if you don't look at it. The more you look at it, the more frightened you become. Your eyebrows gradually frowned, and you can't stop sighing.

This long sigh raised the girl's heart, but she couldn't help asking directly at the sign of the old man. The girl still knows that the doctor can't disturb the doctor's diagnosis and treatment without saying anything.

After standing and staring for a long time, the doctor sat sideways by the bed, raised his fingers around Huangfu Yuran, and finally moved his finger to Huangfu Yuran's wrist. The doctor who closed his eyes and frowned more and more tightly, and the girl's heart became tighter and tighter.

Finally, the doctor shook his head and stood up and sighed. He turned his head and asked, "Why is he so seriously injured? Who is so cruel?"