can shi

Chapter 493 Infinite Killing

As soon as Ziyan left the range of Yinyang Valley, she heard a cold shout: "You witch, where are you going!" Then I saw an ice arrow roaring towards me.

Ziyan leaned slightly to avoid the flying ice arrow but couldn't avoid the following palm. Li Qing waved a palm shadow directly hitting Ziyan's chest through the air. Ziyan opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out, and was seriously injured for a moment.

She turned over and pressed the ground to avoid the embarrassment of facing the sky. Ziyan's face changed, and then her body disappeared into the air.

It was at this time that Huangfu Yuran had been killed from the yin and Yang Valley. That is to say, there are few people left in the soul-sama hall, except for a few people who escaped...

Huangfu Yuran came out of the yin and Yang Valley, and his body was spinning, holding the remnant soul-sword in his hands across his waist. Blood-red knives rushed out of the rotating Huangfu Yuran, and the practitioners he met were killed or injured.

Li Qing saw that Huangfu Yuran did not stop the trend, so he reached out and pulled He Fenghuan and turned around and flew away from the same place. Huangfu Yuran's rotating body slowly stopped and waved his knife to an open space, which was obviously nothing.

Just a moment later, she heard a scream, and Ziyan covered her broken arm and fell to the ground. Huangfu Yuran held a knife in one hand, and the tip of the knife pointed diagonally to the ground and walked towards Ziyan step by step. Even if Ziyan was so seriously injured, it was just that scream, and she kept gritting her teeth without humming.

Huangfu Yuran walked to Ziyan and looked down at Ziyan and asked softly, "Who was involved in the Huangfu family incident at the beginning?" Huangfu Yuran doesn't want to kill, just kill those who have been contaminated with the blood of the Huangfu family.

However, Ziyan won't say anything. Even if Huangfu Yuran put the remnant soul-hunting knife on Ziyan's neck, Ziyan just snorted coldly and turned her head to one side.

Huangfu Yuran's eyes were not emotional at all, and it was as cold as a weapon. When Ziyan turned her head to one side, Huangfu Yuran had slowly raised the remnant soul-sword in her hand. Without any hesitation, Ziyan was cut in half by Huangfu Yuran.

Huangfu Yuran turned around with his knife and said lightly, "From now on, there will be no soul-spiring hall in the world!" At this time, he noticed that Li Qing and He Fenghuan were standing in the air in the distance. Huangfu nodded slightly and actually turned into a green smoke in front of Li Qing and dissipated between the world.

Huangfu Yuran's voice also came from Li Qing's ear: "Let Yuran solve the matter alone. When this matter is over, I will come to you." This is an irrefutable tone, and of course there is no way to refute it, because Huangfu Yuran has left.

It's not that Huangfu Yuran doesn't want to go back with them now, but it's not suitable to go back now. There are still many things to do, and there are still many sects to destroy. There are not many people who can achieve their own cultivation. With them, it is useless to increase their burden, so they can only finish what they have at hand before going to find them.

Turned away from the range of Yin and Yang Valley and flew to the west side of the Soul Sighting Hall, where the infinite sect is located. At this time, there is only one infinite sect left near the left of the frozen demon realm. Of course, the infinite sect is not within the scope of Huangfu Yuran's inevitable killing, but in accordance with the principle of killing mistakes rather than letting go, it will destroy the infinite sect.

Huangfu Yuran appeared outside the mountain gate of the Imless Sect in an overwhelming manner, and never saw any disciples of the Imless Sect come out. Perhaps when he heard that Huangfu Yuran waved his hand and destroyed the soul-killing hall, the practitioners of the infinite sect may hide it after feeling pressure and fear.

Huangfu Yuran swaggered a few times in the gate of the infinite Zongshan as if he had entered no man's land. As a result, he did not see any practitioners, which made Huangfu Yuran very depressed. Huangfu Yuran narrowed his eyes and smashed all the houses of the infinite sect, as if he were venting his anger.

After doing these, Huangfu rose in the air and disappeared in the sky in an instant. Until Huangfu Yuran disappeared, under the ruins of the infinite patriarch's hall, a huge stone was pushed away and several bald heads came out of it. Then more and more bald heads came out of it, and the time of incense had filled the whole infinite ruins.

These are the infinite sects that Huangfu Yuran didn't find, but they came out from under the ground after Huangfu Yuran left. It turned out that when Huangfu Yuran came, they all hid in the underground secret room, which was also specially made, and they could not feel everything in the secret room outside. Therefore, even if Huangfu Yuran searched with divine consciousness, he failed to see through the secret room, so he angrily destroyed all the buildings.

The practitioners of the infinite sect stood on the ruins and shook their heads at the chaos in front of them. The head of the Infinite Sect stood higher, looking at the scene of the sect with bleak eyes and sighed, "Huangfu Yuran, the devil, is really bullying too much! We are so closed that we have to destroy my infinite mountain gate!"

Wuye put his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name: "Insurable longevity Buddha, since he has chosen to become a demon, he naturally wants to avenge the heroic souls of the Huangfu family. We also participated in the massacre at the beginning. What more can we say about him doing this? Alas... I hope he doesn't make too many murders, infinite... longevity Buddha!"

"Let's put away your so-called compassionate people! Originally, I thought that you, the envelope Buddha, could not participate in the killing. I didn't want to hear the truth, and I was still talking about the infinite longevity Buddha! Then I will send you to see your Buddha!" Huangfu Yuran suddenly appeared above everyone's heads, with a blood-red shadow floating on his body.

When Huangfu Yuran finished speaking, Huangfu Yuran waved his hand gently, and the blood-red shadow on his body rushed down. The claws of his hands grabbed one person and directly tore them in half. Huangfu Yuran also incarnated a light and shadow, and several disciples of the infinite sect had fallen around.

These disciples' cultivation is not high, and most of them have not yet reached the period of distraction. Huangfu Yuran will die as long as they are stained by the knife. Therefore, Huangfu Yuran's killing in the infinite sect is much easier than in the soul killing hall, but this is only temporary.

Wu Ye and an elder and others watched Huangfu Yuran kill like a hungry wolf, but their hearts were more than enough. Now anyone can see that no one can stop Huangfu Yuran's cultivation, but in the end, someone still has to take responsibility.

So after Wuye and several elders looked at each other, several people stood up at the same time. Wu Ye shouted at Huangfu Yuran, "You stop it! You are doing nothing more than to avenge those members of your imperial family. If so, let others go. Only a few of us have participated in the affairs of the Huangfu family, which has nothing to do with other people.

Huangfu Yuran really stopped his movements and turned his head to look at Wu Ye and several elders behind him. Wuye put his hands together and slowly closed his eyes, as if waiting for death. But looking at his indifference, Huangfu Yuran seemed to doubt what he said.

Without too much consideration, since the culprit is willing to stand up, these little ones are the same whether to kill or not. So Huangfu Yuran took a knife and walked to Wuye and others. There was no real fluctuation in his body, and he was not worried about whether anyone would attack at all.

Huangfu Yuran, who walked in front of several people, deliberately circled around Wuye and others for a few times and found that they did not resist much, and couldn't help frowning. Wu Ye did not open his eyes and looked directly and said faintly, "Lord, do it. As long as you can let go of my innocent fellows, we are willing to die!"

"What a noise! Since you are all about begging for death, then my Huangfu Yuran will wait for you!" With that, he really split down. After a stabbing, Wuye's whole body was split by Huangfu Yuran, and blood spilled on Huangfu Yuran's face.

He reached out and wiped the blood from his face, and a smell of blood went straight to his brain. The red light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes turned blood red in an instant. The soul-stricken knife in his hand also bloomed with blood-red light, swinging three knives in a row. As soon as these three knives came out, the people standing behind Wuye were all swept into pieces and sprinkled with blood on the ground.

The murderous heart couldn't stop. Huangfu Yuran's body flashed repeatedly, and then he saw countless people fall down. Without giving them too much time to react, Huangfu Yuran has almost finished it. This is simply a massacre. The highest cultivation of the infinite sect is only in the late Mahayana period, compared with Huangfu Yuran...

People of the Imless Sect seem to know that this disaster is inevitable. Unexpectedly, no one chooses to escape. In the face of the demon's knife, Huangfu Yuran, they slowly closed their eyes. Huangfu Yuran's killing made Huangfu Yuran's desire to kill more and more, and the resistance of the disciples of the infinite sect also made Huangfu Yuran's heart tremble, but it just flashed by.

The time of a cup of tea is just the time of a cup of tea, and everyone in the infinite sect has become the dead soul under Huangfu Yuran's knife. Huangfu Yuran snorted coldly and took the soul-stricking knife and said lightly, "Innocent? What's the matter with innocence? When you killed my Huangfu family, did you ever think that they were also innocent? It's not in vain for you to wait in this world to become the soul of my emperor Yuran's knife!"

After saying that, he took a few steps in the void, and the man disappeared into the air. He didn't care about the chaos behind him at all.

Li Qing took He Fenghuan into the Yinyang Valley and walked around, and finally retreated with He Fenghuan covering his nose. Almost no complete corpse could be found in the whole Yinyang Valley, which made Li Qing feel cold.

Li Qing looked at the direction, pointed to the location of the infinite sect and said, "Let's go, we need to keep up with him. His enemy is the whole world of cultivation. The infinite sect is the nearest sect here. Let's go there first!"