can wu wei zun

Chapter 70 Random Mandarin duck

After talking about the secrets and alliances of the Honghuang Great Religion in those years, Huang Tianwen turned his attention to Gong Yi. When the Jiang family first revealed the secret of Gong Yi's shooting sun bow, Huang Tianwen did not want to send the young elites in the door to arrest him, but his youngest daughter Huang Qiudie was going to join in the fun and take some of his men down the mountain. When the bow game was rumored in the Yunwu Mountains for the second time, he believed that he sent young strongmen like other forces, but later heard that the people sent by the Zhou family and the Tang family were destroyed one after another, he had to withdraw people. From then on, he knew that Gongyi was by no means simple and the power relationship involved was complicated.

The Huangquan School does not have its own stable boundary like the Bodhi clan, which can avoid people's ears and eyes. Huang Tianwen naturally knows the situation of his sect. Once he can really get the secret of the sun-shooting bow, I'm afraid that if he hasn't found the sun-shooting bow, the Huangquan faction may be besieged by other forces. He dares not take this risk. But he was very interested in Bow Game, so he took the initiative to talk to him.

Seeing Gong Yi get up and salute, he speaks humbly. Huang Tianwen's eyes showed admiration and smiled softly, "Although what Gong Shaoxia said is true, in such a situation surrounded by strong enemies, I'm afraid that ordinary people with a weak mind will have been depressed long ago, and Gong Shaoxia is still in high spirit until today. How can they be compared with ordinary people."

Although Huang Tianwen intended to praise Gong Yi in front of everyone, what he said was not exaggerated. An ordinary teenager, what kind of reaction would he have when he learned that young masters almost all over the world were searching for him? Even if he was not scared to pee in his pants, he had to hide. However, in order to save his master, Gong Yi still fearlessly walked out of the Bodhi * and went to the Qin family to ask for elixir. This courage was absolutely extraordinary.

"Master Huang has been praised. The boy acted but asked for a clear conscience, and he didn't mean to be in the limelight." Gong Yi still said neither humble nor arrogantly. Since his debut, he has seen many bigwigs, such as the powerful royal family and the top masters, but he has always been calm and has never had any timidity. When he is praised, he did not show even a little arrogance. This kind of mind is the most suitable for cultivation. After all, the way to practice, the heart The weight of the situation cannot be ignored. Only by maintaining a peaceful mind can we achieve something. Of course, this so-called peace does not mean that you are not surprised by anything. For example, if you see your master killed and you are not sad or happy, then what is the point of this practice? What is needed for peace here is to be able to face any external or beneficial or harmful interference with a legitimate attitude.

Huang Tianwen heard Gong Yi's answer and said to himself: This son is by no means a thing in the pool. Then he smiled and said to Puzhi, "The master is far away and tired. Let's take a rest in my place for a few days. It's okay to think about it."

"In this way, there will be Lao Huang's benefactor." Puzhi is one of the ten paths.

In the evening, at the accommodation arranged by Huangquan, Puzhi asked softly, "Do you two think what Huang Tian asked is true?"

Hearing this, Huiyi and Gong Yi knew that Pu Zhi had doubts about the death of the Honghuang saint mentioned by Huang Tianwen, but the two of them could not find a place to refute.

"Lao Na, like you, doesn't believe what he said, but he doesn't know the inside story, so he has to say one and two." Then Puzhi seemed to think of something and continued to say to the two of them, "Huang Tian asked this person is by no means a general person, and the city is extremely deep. If you two still have a chance to deal with him in the future, you must be careful.

When Gong Yi and the three discussed Huang Tianwen as a person, Huang Tianwen was not in his room, but went to his daughter Huang Qiudie.

"Father, why are you here?" Huang Qiudie was quite surprised, because although her father loved her, he rarely came to her room.

"Come and see my baby daughter," Huang Tian asked and said haha, "Xiaodie, I think you and that Gong Yi are very good at talking during the day today."

"Oh, you said Bowzi, he is about the same age as me and helped me deal with the stinky hooligan of the Jiang family. Although he is now famous, he has no airs at all, much better than my self-cultivated and arrogant senior brothers." Huang Qiudie said endlessly.

"Ha ha, it seems that you have a good impression on that bow game." Huang Tian asked with a smile.

"Eh? Father, what's your look? Huang Qiudie noticed that her father's eyes looking at her were a little strange at this moment.

"Xiaodie, how about marrying you to Gong Yi?" Huang Tian asked suddenly.

"Ah!" Huang Qiudie shouted in surprise, "Father, we have only seen it twice. How can we reach that level?"

"There are many two sides. haven't you heard of love at first sight?" Huang Tianwen's face did not look joking, but looked very serious.

Huang Xiaodie can see that her father is not joking, but she is naive and cute by nature and hasn't thought about this. He hurriedly said, "Father, this can't be done. My marriage can't be so hasty." As he spoke, he pushed Huang Tianwen out of the door coquettishly.

"Oh, you girl," Huang Tian asked helplessly at the door, and then shook his head and turned away.

When she closed the door, Huang Qiudie leaned her back against the door and breathed. Her father's words just now caused a little ripples on the lake that had been calm in her heart. The bow is good, but I..." Huang Qiudie has been spoiled since she was a child. The people she has come into contact with are not the old people in the faction or those brothers. Because she is the little daughter of the head, she is usually obedient to her, which makes her feel that the reason why these people treat her is because of her status, but Gong Yi is different, and she is her first real friend. There are also some disciples in the faction who have admiration for her, or are limited to their identity and dare not confess, or euphemistic expressions are rejected by her. But she can see from Gong Yi's eyes that for her, Gong Yi is just a friend and nothing else. Oh, why did my father mess up the mandarin duck spectrum? Huang Qiudie sighed, but didn't notice that her cheeks were a little red.

After living in the Huangquan faction for three days, Puzhi and the three insisted on leaving. Huang Tianwen couldn't go to the Bodhi family with Puzhi and others because they still had to go to Dizang and Xuanqing.

"Be careful on the road between the two masters and Gong Shaoxia. He will meet every day and get together again." At the foot of the mountain, Huang Tian asked.

"This time, he received the hospitality of Mr. Huang. If Mr. Huang came to this sect, he would be the same, but he was afraid that Mr. Huang would not be able to eat the simple rice of the monks."

"Haha, what does the master say? I will definitely visit you another day."

"There will be a farewell after sending you thousands of miles away. Huang Lao Shi, Lao Kun and so on have said goodbye."

"Master, please."

Just as Gong Yi was about to turn around and leave, Huang Qiudie suddenly said, "Bangzi, when will you come to see me again?" There is a hidden reluctance in his eyes. In the past three days, Gong Yi and Huang Qiudie have enjoyed the scenery on the mountain of the Huangquan School, discussed the customs of the outside world, and talked happily. At this moment, leaving is approaching, and Huang Qiudie actually has the impulse to cry.

Life is like this. Some people know each other for a lifetime and have a peaceful relationship when they grow old, while others can become friends of life and death in a few days. This is fate. It is also the wonderful meaning of the sentence "Why do we meet?"

Seeing Huang Qiudie like this, Gong Yi was also a little unbearable, but he had to leave and reluctantly smiled and said, "Yes, as long as I can save my life, I will definitely come to visit you as a little sister in the future."

Huang Qiudie smiled and said, "How can you think of dying at a young age? Really, but if you don't come to visit me without conscience, maybe I will go down the mountain to kill you."

Huang Qiudie's words made everyone laugh. Huang Tianwen shook his head and secretly said that the little daughter was really amazing.

"Huang Zhangmen, Xiaodie, seniors, let's say goodbye." After saying that, Gong Yi turned around and Puzhi, and Huiyi left.

"Bongzi, you must come to visit me again, or I'll be bored to death." Huang Qiudie pouted and muttered in a low voice. But Gong Yi didn't look back, because he was afraid that he would feel worse.