can wu wei zun

Chapter 74 Gained a lot

Gong Yi can be said to have killed a strong man of true martial arts effortlessly. This used to be something he didn't even dare to think about, but now he is doing it neatly. Lei Di did not die at the hands of a peerless strong man like Puzhi, who had touched the threshold of Shengwu, but died under the sword of Gong Yi, a low-level person who he usually regarded as an ant. The vicissitudes of the world and the impermanence of fate directly taught people nothing to do. He called himself Emperor Lei, and he also wanted to surpass the "evil thunder" of those years, but people are not as good as God, but they end up like this.

Looking at the thunder emperor who was split in half by his sharp sword, Gong Yi's face was sad and happy. He just wanted to carry the body on the ground outside to find a place to bury it. Anyway, the deceased was the big one. No matter how many evil things he did in his lifetime, it had become a thing of the past. But just as Gong Yi bent down, a slight light shone on his eyes, which was reflected when the moonlight shone on the metal.

Bow Yi's eyes lit up and saw the storage ring worn on Lei Di's right hand that reflected the light. He thought to himself that the person who can make Master Puzhi do it himself will definitely not be an ordinary role. Although the real cultivation of Emperor Lei cannot be judged in the realm of Gongyi, since it can be valued by general wisdom, I am afraid that it will not be lower than the realm of Zhenwu, and the personal wealth of any strong person in the realm of Zhenwu is extremely huge. After all, there is no need to worry about money at that level.

"I'm sorry," Gong Yi muttered in his mouth and took off the storage ring from Lei Di's hand. He held it in his hand and looked inside it with his divine consciousness, but his divine consciousness was blocked by a film. Control the ring with blood, which is a forbidden method that can only be used to store the ring at least to reach the high martial arts level. It is to drip your blood on the ring, so as to achieve a mysterious feeling with the ring. Whenever others want to peep at the ring or want to force the things stored in the ring, they will work. Spiritual power blocks the other party. When Zhao Weiyang handed over the storage ring to Gong Yi, he also erased the blood in the ring in advance.

In addition to the removal of the prohibition by the owner of the ring itself, the first thing that others want to get in the ring may be that the cultivation is twice as high as the number of the original owner of the ring, so that they can forcibly lift the prohibition without fear of the owner's obstruction. The second possibility is that the original owner is dead, so that no matter how high the original owner's cultivation is, he can't produce any resistance when he forcibly breaks through the prohibition. The situation that Bow Game is facing now is obviously in line with the second situation.

With a touch of the palm, the prohibition arranged by Lei Di on the ring was easily removed. Looking at Gong Yi, the things inside are really dazzling and dazzling.

A roll of profound martial arts skills, jade bottles containing elixirs, the crystal cores of some rare beasts, and a golden gold coin. The gold card has never been seen before, but in the Qin family, he heard from the eldest brother A Dong that only the savings of 10,000 gold coins will he get this reason. The gold card jointly issued by the eight major commercial banks in the state can avoid the trouble of carrying huge funds. Seeing this, Gong Yi couldn't help taking a deep breath, and this time he really made a lot of money. This time, he was the real blind cat who met the dead mouse. If you know under the Lei Diquan, you will definitely cry. I thought I was the one who met a dead mouse, but the character reversed, but I became a mouse, and it was a mouse full of treasure.

In fact, it is not surprising that the "Dark Sword" organization has been rampant for 30 years since the "evil Thunder" was destroyed by general wisdom. I don't know how many assassination tasks he has undertaken, and the rewards are extremely generous. If Emperor Lei has no property, it is strange.

Gong Yi swallowed his saliva and settled down. Looking at the large amount of property "falling from the sky" in front of him, first of all, he was naturally interested in dozens of volumes of martial arts, which was the instinctive reaction of practitioners. He roughly looked at the volume, and some of them were directly skipped at a glance, such as "Zhou's Boxing Sutra" and "Southern School Swordsmanship", which are named after family names or sects, will certainly not be easily traded or spread. Of course, there is also the suspicion of Emperor Lei's robbery, but this is only limited to some unknown small schools. The martial arts skills practiced are naturally common, and it is impossible for the big forces to easily flow out the long-old famous unique learning. Therefore, Gongyi has no interest in such skills, but this may naturally cause him to lose pearls and jade. After all, the world's martial arts is extensive and profound, and all kinds of things are not true. But at this moment, Gongyi doesn't have so much time to try one by one.

Some Gongyi thought it was useless for him after reading some of them, but Emperor Lei could be arrogant and domineering for many years, and he would receive a few big deals. In this world where the strong are respected, especially in the eyes of practitioners, the value of some things is not measured by that gold coin, but is traded by profound martial arts, magic elixirs with magical effects, high-quality Warcraft crystal cores, or rare genius treasures in the world, all of which are in The most precious treasure in the eyes of practitioners that is difficult to measure with money. Therefore, Lei Di also got several really superior things because he assassinated some strong people.

Finally, when Gong Yi looked through a martial arts technique, his eyes shone with hot ecstasy.

Spirit swallowing skill: This achievement can absorb people's spiritual power. Others have been practicing for dozens of years, causing them to sit down and enjoy their achievements. I created this work, and the world is called evil art. However, all things in the world can be decided in one word. If you do injustice with orthodox skills, righteousness is also evil; if you do good deeds with evil, evil is also good. It can be satiated that the world has abandoned it, and I have not accepted an apprentice in my life, leaving this skill for predestined people to learn it. Do not use art to do evil and harm the world.

When Gongyi saw this, he secretly shouted for God's help me. He was in urgent need of improving his cultivation. He didn't expect to encounter such a martial arts skill that could quickly improve his strength, but he also knew that once this martial arts technique was used in the outside world, he would definitely be regarded as a public enemy of the martial arts by people in the cultivation world, although the difference between good and evil had already faded out. In the cultivation world, but this kind of spiritual power will make the people in the cultivation world panic, so they will also compile various reasons to deal with the bow game. But at this moment, Gongyi is not afraid at all. After all, his current situation will not be much better than that. In the eyes of Gongyi, you have already seen through that with enough strength, who will care that the skills you practice are evil, and without strength, you have no right to distinguish between good and evil at all. For example, why didn't anyone come out to say justice for him in this arrest operation carried out by the young strong man in Zhongzhou? What's the difference between good and evil? It's just some bullshit theories that package themselves.

Bow game continues to look down: although this method can quickly increase its strength, over time, there are many kinds of spiritual power in the body, that is, mutual exclusion, which is harmful. Every time you absorb people's internal strength, you urgently need to find a place to adjust the interest and integrate it so that it can be unaffected.

When Gong Yi saw this, he thought to himself: This predecessor who created this skill is really a wizard. He can not only create such shocking martial arts skills, but also see his shortcomings and methods of cracking them, which is really amazing. However, Gong Yi suddenly thought that this person who claimed to be Emperor Lei did not seem to know this skill. After all, if he had just been surprised and fought with Gong Yi with this martial art skill, he would definitely be caught off guard by Gong Yi. Why doesn't he practice this skill? Is it that this skill has the same cultivation limitations as "ten finger killing"?

However, the following practice method has broken the idea of bow game: this method is not limited to cultivation for those who practice. It is only necessary to extract the essence of the blood of the strong man who died less than a day and a night, integrate it into his own body, and then practice it according to the subsequent method.

This paragraph shocked Gong Yi. The requirements of this skill are really high. How can a strong man die so easily? I didn't expect that Gong Yi really catch up. Yes, in addition to unremitting efforts, he occasionally needs corresponding luck. However, although Gong Yi suspected that Emperor Lei was a true martial arts practice, he was not sure. But after thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, the book doesn't say that there will be any damage if it can't be refined, so I'll give it a try. What's the harm."