can wu wei zun

Chapter 82 Meet the old man

Occasionally hearing the news of Zhao Yaner, Gong Yi had an ominous foreboding in his heart. He was worried that he didn't know what had happened to this old friend, as well as Lin Hai, who was familiar with him, and Wu Hao, who was hostile to Zhongzhou for so long. He no longer hated Wu Hao in his heart. After all, the two had nothing The deep hatred is just a battle of spirit when I was young.

On the way to Hediqing, Gongyi already knew that their organization was called Youlong Gang. It had been less than two years since its establishment, and there were less than 100 key members of the gang, but each of them was a strong person who reached the level of Chinese martial arts. Gongyi also took a look at this organization. He never thought that there would be a gang with such a high threshold. .

The three walked around and came to the deep mountains not far from Lincang County. Diqing stopped in front of a big stone and knocked three times with their hands. After waiting for nearly a quarter of an hour, they also heard the sound of three stones in it. Then Diqing knocked four times. After a pause, he knocked twice. In the middle and low, he said two words: "Youlong."

At this time, I saw that the big stone moved slowly and gave way a small passage for only one person to pass through. Di Qing did not say anything. He waved to Gong Yi and Tian Qinghan and took the lead in. The passage was not only narrow, but also had no sunshine. The three people groped in the passage and walked nearly half After a while, I saw a little light, and the air seemed to be a little fresher, not like a little moldy just now. After walking for another half an hour, I finally saw a wide square, and in front of the square were rows of houses. Gong Yi secretly said: Who built such an underground world? Follow Diqing to a relatively large room.

"Disciple Diqing has something to see Master." Diqing said respectfully outside the door.

"Since you have brought outsiders, let them come in together." There was an old sound in the room.

Di Qing opened the door and took the two into the room. He saw a man in a cyan robe standing at a table, holding a brush and practicing calligraphy. Although Gong Yi knows nothing about calligraphy, he can also see that the words written by the old man are vigorous and powerful, which is reflected in a general trend.

"Master, these are the two new friends I made, Gong Yi and Tian Qinghan." Diqing bowed and said.

"Gong Yi, I mentioned it to your father yesterday." The old man put down the brush in his hand, looked at the bow from top to bottom, and then smiled and said, "Are you looking for the girl Yan'er?"

"Yes, I hope you can give me permission." Bow game salutes.

"Qing'er, go and call Yan'er." The old man did not refuse, and Di Qing also turned around and left.

The old man looked at Tian Qinghan carefully and said, "Sure enough, heroes come out of youth. Both of you are good."

"The senior is flattered," Tian Qinghan said humbly, "Is the senior Xue Muren Xue, who is known as the magic pen?"

"Haha, I didn't expect that I had retired from the world for more than ten years, and someone would still remember it." The old man acquiesced.

"Elder Xue's acupuncture points, his spiritual power is amazing, and there are several people in the world who don't know you." Tian Qinghan obviously knew something about Xue Muren and opened his famous skills, while Gong Yi knew little about Zhongzhou's famous masters and could not interrupt at this moment.

While talking, the door creaked and came in. A man and a woman came in. The man was Diqing who had just walked out, and the woman looked excited when she saw Gong Yi, tears in her eyes and choked, "Gong Yi, it's really you."

At a glance, it is not Zhao Yaner, who likes to compete in Tiantaizong. Just as she was about to come forward, Zhao Yaner jumped into Gong Yi's arms and cried bitterly. For a moment, Gong Yi was also at a loss. He didn't know where to put his hands there. After a long time, he saw Zhao Yaner crying and patted her back gently and said, "Okay, don't cry. Tell me anything." At this moment, Di Qing, Tian Qinghan, Xue Muren and others looked at each other and walked out of the room.

Zhao Yaner cried for a while before she got out of Gong Yi's arms. She saw that Gong Yi's chest was wet with her tears. Her cheeks were slightly red. She lowered her head and whispered shyly, "They told me something about you were in Zhongzhou. You are really a troublemaker and made such a big noise."

Bow Yi looked at Zhao Yaner at this moment, with pear blossoms and rain, as if she had lost the strength of the past, and a little more of her daughter's weakness. There was a little love and pity in my heart, but there was nothing else. After all, Zhao Yaner was her first heterosexual friend. Seeing that she was so sad just now, Gongyi was also very uncomfortable. Unable to say anything about her words, Gong Yi asked, "Miss Zhao, why did you come here? What happened?" Although he and Zhao Yaner are friends, they have not reached the point of shouting nicknames like Huang Qiudie, so Gong Yi still calls her Miss Zhao.

Zhao Yaner's tears flowed out again, and then said, "That time we followed the two elders down the mountain. Unexpectedly, not long after we went down the mountain, we were ambushed by a group of people in black. They were caught off guard. In order to protect us, the two elders died at that time, but those people in black were still chasing hard, and we were all separated. I Avoiding their pursuit, with the help of the space channel, I came here several times. Later, I met Elder Xue, who recommended me to join the Youlong Gang.

"You are ambushed, do you know who those are?" Gong Yi didn't know who would dare to plot many disciples of Tiantai Sect so boldly.

Zhao Yaner shook her head and said, "Those people in black have not said a word from beginning to end, and they have deliberately hidden their martial arts skills, but they are well-acted and are definitely not small forces."

Bow game sighed secretly: It seems that there is no peace everywhere in the world. Zhongzhou is the same, and so is the eastern part of the mainland. Then he asked, "Is that boy Lin Hai all right?" Do you know where he went?"

"We are separated, and we haven't heard from him in the past two years."

Gong Yi sighed and said, "What are you going to do in the future?"

"Plant? I just want to work hard to improve my cultivation and return to Tiantai Sect one day. Zhao Yaner suddenly became firm and seemed to return to her previous self-confidence. She looked at Gong Yi and asked, "What about you? Have you also joined the Youlong Gang?

"No," Gong Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know about the people here, and I don't know what they want to do. I don't want to get involved in their struggle."

"Well, to be honest, I don't know the details of this Youlong Gang, and I don't even know who the leader is. This gang reveals mystery everywhere. I feel that there must be a big man behind it. And when we joined the gang, we have explained to us that if we enter the dragon gang, we will be a dragon for life. Those who betray the gang will be hunted endlessly.

"Then you don't have freedom?" Gong Yi said in surprise.

"How can we talk about freedom if you are taken in?" Zhao Yaner's face showed a bitter smile, giving birth to a sense of loneliness.

"I have decided to join the Dragon Gang." Gong Yi suddenly said.

"Why? Didn't you just say you didn't want to join? Are you doing it for me?" Zhao Yaner was puzzled.

"Yes, I must help you get out of the pain, but don't worry, I will negotiate with them and get the freedom to do things by myself." Gong Yi said confidently.

"Don't want Gong Yi. It's not worth taking such a big risk for me. You can't beat them." Zhao Yaner dissuaded.

"Haha, I haven't seen any scene in Gongyi. I'd like to see if they are real dragons or soft snakes?" Gongyi's words revealed a kind of domineering, which made Zhao Yaner suddenly feel that Gongyi had changed and was no longer the previous little boy. He had grown into a person who could be alone. The momentum he exuded was no longer immature, but a convincing temperament.

"Okay, I won't stop you, but you must be careful and never expose a trace of horsefoot."

"Don't worry, I vaguely feel that I must be of some value to them, and they will definitely give me privileges." Gong Yi had a hunch before he came. His identity and the secrets he had must be of interest to this organization. They will definitely try their best to let him join, and this is the capital of his negotiation and an advantage that is different from others.