can wu wei zun

Chapter 86 Find a trial

When the collapse of the He family became more and more obvious, the two people from Fengshenzong looked at each other, as if there was a message in their eyes, and then the two retreated and left the war circle. In their eyes, there are many forces like the He family that are attached to the Fengshen Sect, and they can't work hard for a small He family. Seeing that the situation is unfavorable and choose to leave, this is what they have agreed for a long time. Moreover, after receiving information from Boss He about Gong Yi, they did not want to catch Gong Yi, so they will not be punished for their decision to return to the clan at this moment.

When the "bastard" saw the two retreat, He Yitian cursed in anger. His usual awe of Fengshen Sect had long been forgotten at the critical moment of the family's life and death, and the empty Xue Muren and Tian Qinghan's uncle also came to attack He Yitian with Di Niansheng. In a moment, He Yitian died tragically in the joint hands of the three. Under.

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Gong Yi said goodbye to Xue Muren without any obstruction. Gong Yi continued to move forward overnight according to the original route.

This encounter in Lin Cang County made Gong Yi's heart unable to calm down for a long time. He accidentally met Zhao Yaner, which made Gong Yi have another responsibility, because he vaguely felt that there seemed to be a big hand pulling him, and Zhao Yaner's situation may be worse since then, but Gong Yi believes that he will be there for a while. A mysterious master won't do anything to her.

Gong Yi doesn't know what tasks he will receive from the Youlong Gang, but he believes that it will not be simple or even related to his own secrets, but how to deal with it at that time?

Gradually, the eastern sky turned white, and Gong Yi was still walking on the road. For a martial artist like him, it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep for a few days. After another day, you will leave the boundary of the Huangquan faction and reach the jurisdiction of Fengshen Sect.

"Get out of here, a good dog won't stand in the way." Several horses galloped, led by a man slightly older than the bow game. The whip was raised and hit the bow game.

Gong Yi was extremely angry. This man raised the whip and beat him indiscriminately, which was really too domineering. Gong Yi had never been so bullied. He grabbed his horse whip directly with his right hand and shook his body and fell off the horse.

"I*, son of a bitch, I'm looking for death." The gray-faced man became angry and cursed. At the same time, several attendants behind him also strangled the horses together, which seemed to be well-trained. Naturally, several people saw that the bow game was not easy to provoke, and hurriedly protected their brother in a ring. He looked at Gong Yi with a wary look.

Gongyi didn't pay attention to such a powerful prince. When he saw several lackey-like people standing in front of him, he despised, ignored several people, and turned around and continued to move forward.

"What are you waiting for? Kill him." The prince roared at several of his men. Several of his men were also quite sensitive to this almost idiotic little master. At this moment, they could not enter or retreat, nor were frozen in place.

Gong Yi swaggered and walked. Suddenly, a strong palm came from behind. He slipped around and dodged the sneak attack behind him. At first glance, he was a man in his thirties, with an obvious birthmark on his left cheek. But the cultivation seems to be not as good as Bow Game.

This is just a small town, not as big as the Blackstone Town that Gong Yi passed by from Tiantaizong to Los Angeles, so the two brothers are used to being domineering here, but this pair of frogs sitting in the well and watching the sky will be unlucky today.

"After bullying my brother, do you want to leave? I'm afraid it's not that easy. The middle-aged man snorted coldly, and the people who passed by him took a detour for fear of offending the local king.

Gong Yi instantly understood that in this small place, "there is no hero in the world, and the vertical can become famous". Such a person is simply not worth mentioning in his eyes. Just as he was about to attack, he suddenly thought of something. Then the corners of his mouth smiled and his body flashed. The man only felt a flower in front of him, and the sight of Gong Yi disappeared. Zhong was a little scared. With a wave, he hurriedly took his brother home and ordered his servants to be strictly defensive these days.

Gong Yi did not leave the town, but found an inn to rest for a while. He was not in a hurry and decided to have a good time with the two brothers tonight.

The sky finally faded, and the dark street, several figures rose and fell, and disappeared.

"It seems that someone went there just now," a passer-by said to his companion.

"No, you're dazzled. Why didn't I see it?" The companion categorically denied it, and the man had to shake his head without paying attention to it. For such ordinary people, Gong Yi's figure is undoubtedly incomprehensible, and their eyes are difficult to keep up with the speed of Gong Yi.

Gaofu, a middle-aged man with a birthmark is walking back and forth in the room. Naturally, this person is the person who raided behind Gong Yi and the number one hegemon in the town - Gao Xing. Tonight, he was restless and always felt that things were strange during the day, but he subconsciously thought that the young man during the day was not his opponent. In his eyes, no matter how powerful he was, his cultivation was limited. How could he be compared with him, the first master in the town?

A few crows hovered on an old tree, adding a little strangeness to the dark night.

"Fuck, that's unlucky." A guard of Gaofu cursed uncleanly.

"Don't talk nonsense. Be careful of being heard by the master, and we will have bad luck." One person hurriedly stopped, obviously afraid of the Gao brothers.

Suddenly, there was a man in black in front of them. This man seemed to appear out of thin air. He did not make any noise before. His hands were wrong and hit their heads. Before they could shout, they fainted to the ground.

The man in black is naturally Gong Yi. He has explored the residence of the two brothers during the day and knew that they were hated in this town, but everyone had nothing to do with them and had to swallow their anger. And he came here tonight to verify the power of swallowing spirit. He had roughly judged that the cultivation of the man he was playing with was slightly lower than himself during the day, and this role was the best choice he tried.

Bow Yi gently pushed the door open and jumped forward as if he had shrank inch to the front of the bed. At this moment, ** was sleeping alone, and it was the little bully who wanted to draw the bow with a whip.

Bow game was ruthless. He pressed his right hand directly on his head, and the swallowing skill ran at a high speed. The spiritual power in the little bully's body was not deep, but at this moment it also merged into the body like a stream like the bow game ocean. The little bully's eyes were wide open, but he couldn't say a word. In less than a moment, he was exilated. Looking at the little bully's face full of wrinkles in an instant, Gong Yi was also secretly shocked by this, but he didn't expect the skill of swallowing spirits to be so domineering. But he didn't have any pity. After going out, he walked to Gao Xing's room.

This time, he did not follow the wind, but walked slowly in the courtyard of the Gao family.

"Who is it?" The two guards standing at the gate of Gao Xing saw Gong Yi from afar and shouted loudly. Gong Yi did not answer and sneered a few times with his left hand. The two guards only felt that their legs were numb, and they lost consciousness in an instant and fell to the ground. I watched Gong Yi coming, but there was nothing I could do.

Gong Yi stretched out his hand and pushed the door open and saw a person sitting ** in the room. It was Gao Xing.

"You're really here." Gao Xing said slowly that he couldn't sleep this night, and his heart was worried. At this moment, when he saw the arrival of Gong Yi, his heart was much calmer.

"It seems that you are waiting for me." Gong Yi smiled and then sat on a teacher's chair in the room.

"Did you kill my brother?" Gao Xing asked.

"I just want him to wait for you on the road." Gong Yi said slowly that killing people seemed to be for the sake of the other party. Anyone would feel unhappy when they heard this tone.

"You are so sure to kill me. I, Gao Xing, have been able to cross this place for so many years, not by mouth. Don't steal the chicken and put your life here.

"Brother Gao, don't worry about this. In fact, Gong didn't come here just to take your life." Gong Yi showed a harmless smile.

"Oh?" Gao Xing looked blank and didn't know what Gong Yi meant.

"Actually, I'm looking for you to try." Gong Yi's face suddenly became cold.