can wu wei zun

Chapter 123 Sword Armor

Gongyi's fighting spirit was high, and his strong self-confidence rose at this moment. This time, he first fought with Liu Feihong, but in a moment, Liu Feihong fled, and then he fought with Hu Ben in the blink of an eye. At this moment, one-to-three is the moment to verify his cultivation. Gong Yi has no sense of being at a disadvantage. On the contrary, in his knowledge, this battle will be won.

The breeze was coming, which should have made people refreshed, but the reputation and another person inexplicably burst into a chill. The reputation was secretly surprised. They occupied the right place and people. They were ambushed here in advance. The number of people were dominant and they were waiting for easy work. Will they still be defeated in the hands of the bow game?

"Today, none of you want to leave here alive." Gongyi's words are extremely arrogant, but in the hearts of Manyu and others, they vaguely feel that Gongyi's words are not exaggerated, and the most calm person at this time is Liu Feihong, who once fled in the hands of Gongyi.

Liu Feihong lost his memory, and the information he got was only told by full reputation: Gong Yi is his great enemy, and he wants revenge. Gong Yi's self-confidence or fear has no impact on him at all, because all he has to do is kill Gong Yi regardless of everything.

"Haha, several rats also want to stop me." Hu Ben was also heroic at this time. Two huge axes held the three people and protected the key points. There was no defeat at all. And every time he met the other party's weapon, the other party couldn't help taking a step back. The three were deterrected by the power of the tiger and became more and more unable to let go, resulting in a retreat.

"Brother Tiger, how about you and I compare who solves our opponents first?" Gong Yi said loudly that he actually regarded these people as chips for the game.

"Brother Bow has such elegance, and Hu should accompany him." Hu Ben said without showing weakness.

Several people were furious when they heard their words. The clay figurines were still angry. The two looked at them as nothing. How could they not make these young masters angry? Manyu took out his famous weapon from behind. It turned out to be an iron claw as long as the palm of the hand, which was unusually sharp on the hook. He slowly put the iron claw on his right hand and said coldly, "Arrogant thing, today I will let you taste the power of my reputation?"

"Full reputation? You are indeed a full family." Gong Yi snorted coldly. When Gong Yi suddenly took action against him at first, he vaguely heard him say a word "full". Unexpectedly, not long after talking with Hu Ben, the Man of the Man family took the initiative to come to him.

"Yes, it's useless to be afraid now, because I have decided to kill you no matter what." Man Yu said with fierce eyes.

After listening to Manyu's words, Gong Yi sneered and then said, "I came to Zhongzhou, and I made a lot of enemies, but you have ever heard me say the word fear. It's really funny." Gong Yi turned his head to another person and said, "Who are you? Let's sign up."

"Chu Shaoqing."

"Well" Gong Yi nodded and said, "Come on, let's go together."

"Arrogant" shouted loudly, and his right hand iron claws grabbed Gongyi. At the same time, Chu Shaoqing also pulled out a soft sword to kill Gongyi, while Liu Feihong jumped and rushed to Gongyi like a big bird.

The three people had a good grasp of the position. They were famous for attacking the front of the bow game, Chu Shaoqing attacked the rear, and Liu Feihong's palms were staggered and patted the head of the bow game. In their opinion, the way to Gongyi has been completely sealed. However, they did not see even a trace of fear from Gong Yi's expression. On the contrary, Gong Yi was still the disdainful smile.

Just as several people's offensive was about to work, Gong Yi's body rotated rapidly, and his feet were like a drill. Most of his body actually drilled into the soil, which made all the attacks of the two before and back be free, while Liu Feihong still came slowly towards Gong Yi's Slap your head.

While Gong Yi's body height dropped, he scratched the evil in his hand against the top repeatedly. Unexpectedly, Liu Feihong was not forced back by Gong Yi, but trembled with the long sword of his left hand and Gong Yi. In the blink of an eye, his left hand was bloody, revealing his white bones, but his right hand was also about to pat the sky of Gong Yi. The spiritual cover.

Gong Yi was shocked. Even though he had experienced hundreds of battles, he had never seen such a fierce man. He was also a little afraid of this madman. His head turned to the right and his left shoulder sank down.

Although Gong Yi's reaction was fast enough, he still did not completely avoid Liu Feihong's palm and was hit on his left shoulder. Gong Yi only felt that his left arm was extremely painful, but at this moment, he didn't care so much. Taking advantage of the old gap of several people's moves, he rose to the sky, bringing dust and blocking the sight of the three people. A sword stabbed out Liu Feihong's chest, which had just fallen to the ground. Gong Yi did not have any pity and pulled out his sword with a little effort. A blood arrow spewed out, and there was an additional transparent hole in Liu Feihong's chest. His lips moved slightly and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't even have the strength to speak, so he could only fall to the ground with his eyes wide.

While Gongyi pulled out his sword again, he did not stop and stabbed Manyu. As soon as Manyu shook the dust with his sleeve, he saw Gongyi's sword coming like a spirit snake. He did not dodge. His right hand's iron claws suddenly stretched forward and directly grabbed Gongyi's blade. At the same time, he turned his claw into a fist, grasped Gongyi's sword, and his hand Add strength and turn your wrist to break the sword.

Bow game also did not expect such a change. It is a taboo for the soldiers' blade to be caught in the hands. At this time, the vast majority of people will choose to withdraw their weapons in a hurry. If they are not as strong as the other party, they will temporarily abandon it. But Gong Yi did not do this, and his hands did not use force, but did not let go. Let the prestigious iron claws do it.

Chu Shaoqing looked at the scene in front of him, which was also unknown, but he was just a little stunned and continued to attack Gong Yi's back with a soft sword. Chu Shaoqing's soft sword suddenly turned left and right in the air, making it difficult to grasp his specific attack point. Gong Yi turned around and seemed to be stunned for a moment. At this moment, Gong Yi had exposed his chest under Chu Shaoqing's sword. Chu Shaoqing was very happy and faster. He wanted to take this opportunity to directly stab Gong Yi to death. That's a great achievement for him.

Chu Shaoqing is just a disciple of an inconspicuous sect in Zhongzhou. If he can kill Gong Yi, he will definitely be looked at by Li Wunian in the future. He is very likely to become a celebrity in Zhongzhou.

However, when the soft sword in Chu Shaoqing's hand stabbed the chest of Gong Yi, there was no situation of penetrating into the body like Liu Feihong just now, but the soft sword was incredibly curved. At this time, the spiritual power surged around the bow game, and the soft sword broke with a "pong". At this time, Gong Yi's right hand finally exerted its strength. , a sudden retreat. Brush", Manyu's right hand iron claw was actually cut by the sword of the bow game, and even the five fingers of Manyu's right hand were directly cut off.

"Ah" Manyu let out a pig-killing howl, but his voice has not stopped yet. Gong Yi's sword has pierced Chu Shaoqing's throat and said at the same time, "I'm sorry, I have silkworm armor."

Chu Shaoqing's eyes changed from disbelief to a relief, and then gradually faded.

With the help of the sharpness of the sword and the toughness of the armor, Gong Yi finally grasped the absolute initiative and ignored Chu Shaoqing, who fell to the ground like Liu Feihong, but stared at Man Yu. At this time, Man Yu finally felt that his life was seriously threatened. He hated his careless and should not be in a hurry to achieve it. He knew that It is difficult for his own strength to compete with Gong Yi, and in another place, one person has been killed by Hu Ben. Knowing that the general situation had gone, he said hurriedly, "Gong Yi, you can't kill me. I'm not easy to mess with."

"Only if you are allowed to kill me, are you not allowed to kill you?" Gong Yi asked, "What is the whole family in my eyes?"

"You" was speechless for a while. He also knew Gong Yi's "ferocious name" and would not let himself go because of his few threats, but he didn't want to die. He must find a reason to let Gong Yi let him go. Suddenly, a light suddenly appeared in his mind and hurriedly said, "Gong Yi, you have left, but we are still ambushed here. Don't you want to know why? Don't you want to know who leaked the news to us?"