can wu wei zun

Chapter 139 Cave Talk

Gong Yi finally woke up. He found himself in a cool but not wet cave. With a slight movement, he felt the pain in his internal organs. Li Wunian's palm made him suffer a great loss. The hard blow of the strong man of Gao Wu was indeed unbearable for people under Gao Wu, even if Gong Yi was like this. The peak of Zhongwu is also not good.

But although Gong Yi was seriously injured, he was still conscious. He clearly remembered that he fell on the bank of the river. Who saved him?

There was only one Gong Yi in the empty cave. He did not get up, but only a little spiritual power, recovering from the internal injury at an extremely slow speed. At the same time, his heart was sad again, and he remembered Lin Hai, who died because of him. If he hadn't been big, maybe Lin Hai would not have died. Gong Yi deeply blamed himself, but he also knew that except for killing Li Wunian to give Lin Qiu in the future, everything else was useless. But it's not easy to talk about this. Not to mention the power behind Li Wunian, even fighting alone, he is definitely not Li Wunian's opponent at this moment, and he doesn't even have the power to protect himself. Suddenly, a crazy idea broke out in Gong Yi's mind, and then a meaningful smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" An old voice sounded abruptly in the cave.

This voice was not particularly familiar, but it impressed him deeply, because this person was the most cultivated person he had seen so far. He hurried to get up, but he was unable to do so, so he had no choice but to say, "Thank you for your help. Please forgive the younger generation for not getting up and showing courtesy."

"Secular etiquette, why do you have to pay attention to it?" The old man doesn't care about this at all, and he is the legend of the Tiantai sect, Yu Feilong, known as the "one-armed flying dragon". If it weren't for this senior to appear, it would be hard to imagine that Gong Yi wanted to break his head. It was even the Zen suzerain Master Puzhi who would call a senior. The man saved himself. Has it been the senior who has been secretly following me? As soon as this idea flashed, it was rejected by Gong Yi. If this senior has been following him, how could I be injured by Li Wunian? But is there really such a coincidence that it happened to be encountered by the senior?

Seeing Gong Yi lying on the grass mat and his eyes turning around, Yu Feilong laughed and said, "Do you doubt that I might have met you?" Seeing that what was on his mind was exposed, Gong Yi smiled and showed his acquiescence.

Yu Feilong saw this and continued: "Actually, I have been paying attention to the trend of the Youlong Gang. Recently, I found a trace in the boundary of Fengshenzong. I was investigating myself, but I heard about Li Wunian's leading people to surround you and kill you. I didn't want to interfere, but I was curious and wanted to Look at your little guy's cultivation recently. You were chased and killed by Li Wunian. I didn't expect you to be so useless. After saying this, Yu Feilong did not forget to despise Gong Yi.

This made Gong Yi feel very wronged and said in his heart: Try to be surrounded and beaten by nearly 100 people with similar cultivation as you. Can you still say such a thing? But in front of this person who could pinch him to death with one finger, Gong Yi could only rot this word into his stomach and echoed, "The junior's skills are low, which makes the seniors laugh."

"En" Yu Feilong didn't seem to think that Gong Yi was against his will. He actually nodded and agreed, which made Gong Yi feel like crying or laughing, and Yu Feilong's next words made Gong Yi a little unacceptable: "Actually, I was able to save you without damage at that time. Do you know why I didn't take action?

After listening to this, Gong Yi opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. If he scolded this senior, let alone said that he did not have the courage. Even if he had this courage, it was unreasonable. After all, it was people who saved his life, but if he thanked him, Gong Yi could not say anything and could save himself, not only not save him, but also here. Don't you feel angry?

Seeing Gong Yi's expression, Yu Feilong naturally understood that Gong Yi was contradictory at this moment and even wanted to scold his mother. He ignored Gong Yi and continued, "I just want to see if you can survive. If you can't even escape from a small Li Wunian, then I don't need to save you. In addition, A little setback is not necessarily a bad thing for you.

Gong Yi didn't understand what Yu Feilong meant and asked, "What does this mean? Is injury still good for me?"

"Since you came to Zhongzhou, although you are in adversity, you have not suffered too many major setbacks. Confidence is a good thing, but everything has a degree. After that degree, self-confidence has become arrogant. It's the same. If you hadn't been blindly confident, how could it be? And if you suffer some blows, it can change your mind, and you will be restrained in the future, and you will not underestimate the heroes of the world because of arrogance.

After listening, Gong Yi was also silent. He imagined that during the past period, he was indeed too smooth. In his subconscious, he even thought that he could do anything. He was not afraid of anyone. As Yu Feilong said, he underestimated the heroes of the world. If it hadn't been for this blow, maybe he would have continued like this. Maybe he would insist on doing so. Next time, it would be more than just injury. Looking at Gong Yi falling into meditation, Yu Feilong did not disturb him, but sat silently.

For a long time, Gong Yi said to Yu Feilong, "The senior taught me a lesson that the younger generation has been taught."

"Very good, if you know your mistakes, you can correct them, but you can't be good." Then Yu Feilong turned around and asked, "How do you plan to save Zhao Yaner?"

Gong Yi has learned from Elder Zhao that the two have met, and with Yu Feilong's many years of connections in Zhongzhou, he naturally found out that Gong Yi had joined the Youlong Gang and understood his intention. Therefore, I want to know the intention of Bow Game.

Gong Yi did not dare to hide it and said, "You Long helped me get the Zhu family's Cinnabar Palm, and the younger generation wanted to exchange it for Miss Zhao."

"It's not easy to get the Cinnabar Palm. Even if I have a chance of success in person, it is very slim." Obviously, Yu Feilong is not optimistic about this.

Gong Yi does not say anything about Yu Feilong's words. Which of the three sects and four schools and ten families in Zhongzhou does not have a profound background? If the unique knowledge in the door can be easily obtained, it will be a strange thing that will be rare in a hundred years. But after the master told him fraud, he had some confidence in it, so he also told this idea in front of Yu Feilong.

Yu Feilong listened to the plan and said slowly, "This matter is too risky, but there is also hope of success."

Gong Yi continued: "I have entrusted several major forces to help investigate the powerful enemies of the Zhu family or those who have been expelled from the family in recent years, and see if we can infer the identity of the leader of the Youlong Gang. But the Huangquan faction didn't get anything.

Yu Feilong also knows nothing about the identity of the leader of the Youlong Gang. He only knows that he is so powerful that he dares not underestimate him. Although there are few people with such cultivations in Zhongzhou, he still can't determine his identity, and this time he can find the traces of Youlong Gang. It is also a coincidence that it has been possible to hide a figure like Yu Feilong for so long, which also shows the mystery of the Youlong Gang.

"Do you know that the current Zhongzhou is because of the ups and clouds again." Yu Feilong changed the topic again.

Gong Yi secretly said in his heart: Isn't this nonsense? He has been in a coma and naturally has no idea what is happening in Zhongzhou at this moment.

Listening to Yu Feilong's story, Gong Yi gradually understood that the major forces in Zhongzhou were searching for him, and also knew that all the 23 young masters who followed Li Wunian died overnight. But Yu Feilong didn't know that what Gong Yi didn't expect was that his master also went to the Li family to vent his anger on him.

This middle-aged man who dares to challenge the south branch of Lijiacheng alone is naturally Zhao Weiyang, the master of Gongyi. Since he learned that Gong Yi was besieged and killed by Li Wunian, his life and death were unknown, and his whereabouts were unknown, he left the Bodhi world and traveled all the way to the Li family without any delay. What he wanted was to teach the Li family a lesson.

At this time, facing the slightly fat old man in front of him, Zhao Weiyang was absolutely sure to win the battle. Once again, he slowly raised the hand that had just smashed the door and patted the old man.