can wu wei zun

Chapter 157 Mother-Child Reunion

At this moment, in the living room, these people who can be called by Shang Cheng are naturally the core members of the merchants, and they all know the identity of Gongyi. Shang Longyi wanted to escape the shame of being killed by Gongyi in the past, and he no longer wanted to give Gongyi a majesty. Unfortunately, he could not beat the fox and provoke a lot of coquettishness. On the contrary, Gongyi shocked the hearts of the merchants.

Seeing Gong Yi's performance, Shang Cheng was very satisfied, nodded slightly and said loudly, "My grandson's cultivation is really outstanding among the young generation, and he is famous. No wonder you have made such a great reputation in Zhongzhou in the past two years."

Gong Yi said modestly, "Grandpa is flattered. How can your grandson's little ability enter the eyes of your family and everyone?"

Gong Yi's words are inherently impeccable, and they are also extremely useful in the ears of Shang Cheng and some people present, but these two words are obviously a great irony to them in the hearts of Shang Long and those merchants who have had fight with Gong Yi. Shang Long snorted coldly and did not say hello to his elders. He turned around and left.

Shang Cheng frowned. Although he did not say anything, this small detail had been captured by many people. Some people who were closely related to Shang Long also complained. I'm afraid that Shang Long's various performances today have destroyed his own good future.

At this time, a man and a woman came in from outside the door. Both of them were middle-aged. After the man entered the hall, he hurried forward to salute, while the middle-aged woman turned a blind eye to the crowd. Her eyes stared at Gong Yi, as if she had seen a priceless treasure.

Gong Yi also noticed this woman. Although the years have left some wind and frost on his face, he still can't hide her beautiful face. She has a refined temperament and an arrogant posture. This middle-aged woman gave Gong Yi a sense of déjà vu.

Suddenly, Gong Yi finally remembered where she had seen this woman, that is, in the fantasy he entered when he practiced the art of swallowing spirits, this woman held her still in her infuriating place, but she was younger and more beautiful at that time.

Bow Yi's eyes were a little wet. He practiced martial arts for nearly ten years. His initial motivation was to see his mother one day, but today this wish has come true. His efforts have not been in vain and have finally been rewarded.

Gong Yi did not admit his mistake. The middle-aged woman standing in front of him was indeed Shang Ziyi. Now she looked at Gong Yi little by little, and tears in her eyes came out. Before coming, her brother Shang Zifeng had told her the purpose of this visit. At first, she didn't believe it, but when she came to the hall, the first time she saw Gong Yi, she had A feeling of blood connection. This made her think without a doubt that the young man in front of her was her son she had not seen for nearly 20 years.

"Xiaoyi, you're finally here." A few short words have exhausted Shang Ziyi's expectations for many years. Over the years, she has been looking forward to such a day all the time, and now, this wish has finally come true.

Hearing his mother's voice, Gong Yi couldn't stand it any longer. Two lines of tears slowly left in his eyes. He knelt to the ground and choked, "Mother, the child is late. I've been waiting for a long time."

No one else in the hall spoke. They silently looked at the scene in front of him and watched Shang Ziyi lift Gong Yi from the ground. The mother and son hugged each other and cried bitterly. This situation made everyone feel sad and sighed.

Suddenly, Shang Ziyi asked, "Xiaoyi, your father was killed by the people of the Star Hall?"

Hearing this, Gong Yi thought of his tragic father, his eyes were tearing and gritting his teeth and said, "Yes, my father was killed by the horned wood dragon and Kang Jinlong in the Star Hall, and they also killed dozens of people in my Gong family. One day I will completely destroy the Star Hall. If I don't avenge this, I will swear not to be a human being.

Although she had heard the news for a long time, Shang Ziyi's tears still gushed out like a spring again. How could she not be sad?

Shang Cheng's face has no joy or sadness, and he can't see any emotional changes, but in his heart, it is also the same. He once again felt the taste of this family affection. This is the second time today and the second time in many years, and these two times were brought to him by Bow Game. He has doubted whether he did something wrong in the past. Looking at his daughter and grandson crying for a long time, Shang Cheng did not stop him or say anything, so he watched quietly. It took a long time for the mother and son to find that everyone was watching them.

Shang Ziyi still regards these people as air, including her father. But Gong Yi was a little embarrassed and bowed to Shang Cheng and said, "Thank you for reuniting my mother and son. I just lost my temper. Please forgive me."

When Shang Ziyi heard this, she looked at Gong Yi and Shang Cheng with a suspicious look, but did not speak.

Shang Cheng smiled and said, "What does my grandson say? It's just human affairs. In those years, I forcibly separated your parents. Now I think it's really my fault. Let your mother and son separate for nearly 20 years. I hope you can forgive my past mistakes."

Hearing what Shang Cheng said, Gong Yi naturally had no resentment for him. After all, it was completely impossible to see his mother so soon without Shang Cheng.

At this moment, Shang Ziyi had tears in her eyes and said softly, "Father."

This father almost made Shang Cheng burst into tears. He has not talked to him for many years, and today's father has shown that his daughter has forgiven him. Shang Cheng sighed and sighed in his heart that maybe today's decision was right.

Shang Cheng quickly calmed down and said loudly to the people in the hall, "Everyone knows the identity of Gong Yi. He is my grandson. From now on, no one in my business is allowed to hurt him, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless. In addition, the matter of Gong Yi is the business of our merchant. Our merchant will do its best to protect Gong Yi and prevent anyone from hurting him in the future.

"Hahaha" Shang Cheng's voice just fell, but he heard a burst of laughter, which came from far to near. When the laughter disappeared, a crane-haired childish old man appeared in front of everyone. The old man's face was ruddy and looked very good. The feather fan in his hand shakes gently, and it looks like a fairy.

Shang Cheng, a "Nanhai immortal" slowly spit out these five words. At this time, his face was a little ugly, because he did not expect that the old man was still alive and suddenly appeared in the merchant. I don't know what this old man wants to do.

Today's young practitioners are naturally extremely unfamiliar with the immortals in the South China Sea, but they are not unfamiliar with the old man like Shangcheng. When Shangcheng told the origin of the old man, some of the merchants in the hall took a deep breath.

A few decades ago, when these old people were still in their prime, the immortals in the South China Sea were already like this. At that time, he led the monks in the South China Sea to invade Zhongzhou, but was later repulsed by the Zhongzhou forces. But since that time, the name of the immortals in the South China Sea has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of Zhongzhou practitioners.

In that war, there were countless masters in Zhongzhou who died in the hands of the immortals of the South China Sea, but he retreated every time when he was in danger. His body was so fast and his martial arts skills were so strong that he was the best at that time.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's faces, the Nanhai Immortal seemed to be extremely useful. He gently shook the feather fan in his hand and said, "You have some eyesight." Then he looked at Gong Yi and said, "Kid, did you kill Wang Zhang?"

Only then did the people understand that this old immortal came for Gong Yi. It seemed that Gong Yi killed someone related to him and let him go out in person. Some of the merchants looked at Gong Yi with a little resentment, because they were afraid that the immortals in the South China Sea would go crazy and implicate them. And the expressions of those merchants who had once had a fight with Gong Yi turned out to be a little gloating at this time.

"Yes, I killed that rubbish." Gong Yi met the eyes of the immortals in the South China Sea without any fear.