can wu wei zun

Chapter 165 Meet the Brothers

As one of the great powers in the Warcraft world, the Tiger clan naturally provoked many enemies. In other words, he can establish a changeable and frightening force in Zhongzhou, a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Naturally, he will step on countless bones under his feet.

Hu Ben saw that the handsome man could come to the door of the two people silently. This skill inevitably made him vigilant. When he sensed that the other party was also a human warcraft, the first reaction in Hu Ben's mind was that this person came to trouble him.

When the handsome man saw Hu Ben asking a serious question, he seemed to be a little dissatisfied. He immediately restrained his smile and looked at Hu Ben, but did not answer.

Hu Ben was originally grumpy. When he saw the man's words, he not only did not answer him, but also looked at himself with an almost provocative look. He was furious. He suppressed his anger and asked again, "Didn't you hear what I said? Which group are you from?"

Hearing Hu Ben's question again, a trace of anger finally flashed on the man's face. Suddenly, he slapped Hu Ben, but his palm had no momentum, and he could hardly feel any spiritual power fluctuation. What's more strange was that there was a faint golden light flowing on the edge of his palm.

This reminded Gong Yi of the confrontation between Hu Ben and Li Wunian a few days ago. At that time, Li Wunian had a faint halo in his palm, but although it was a little strange around his palm when he made a move, the man was very different from Li Wunian.

Compared with Li Wunian, the golden light in the man's palm is more eye-catching, and it is not like Li Wunian's halo, but divided into several channels without interference.

Seeing this situation, both Gong Yi and Hu Ben were shocked. First of all, he did not expect that this man would dare to take action first when his own number of people were dominant. Although this was a common thing for Gong Yi, he was not used to others to do it in front of him. Second, the man showed no less cultivation than Li Wunian, which was also unexpected by the two.

But even if the man showed amazing skills, Hu Ben was not afraid, and also aroused the fierce fighting spirit in his heart. In these days, he came to the Zhu family's power. Although he competed martial arts with Gong Yi every day, how could the competition between friends be like the real pain of fighting with the enemy? At this time, there was a battle with the master in front of his eyes. Almost, how can Hu Ben miss it easily? What's more, both of them are from the Warcraft race, and Hu Ben also wants to see the real strong man in the Warcraft group.

Hu Ben's right palm greeted the other without fancy. The palms of the two were patted together in an instant, surprisingly without causing any noise, but Hu Ben knew it. At the moment of contact with the other party's palm, he seemed to feel that there was a chance to pierce his palm like a needle, making his whole right arm slightly Slightly numb.

Hu Ben pulled back and patted his left palm on the table. The two huge axes on it were shaken by his palm. His hands copied and wanted to hold both axes in his hand. However, I don't know if the reason for the right arm was damaged just now, it was a line slower than the left hand, and the huge axe that should have landed on Hu Ben's right hand. But he was firmly grasped by the other party's unreturned hand.

Such a result made Hu Ben feel ashamed. He roared and swore his left axe towards the other party. He has been immersed in this pair of axes for a long time, so there is no difference in which hand to use.

Gong Yi was also shocked by the handsome man's eyes and hands. Seeing that Hu Ben was losing, he was about to come forward to help, but he heard the tiger roar. Gong Yi knew that Hu Ben was really angry and wanted to find his face, so although he had been on guard, Gong Yi did not go. The front helper was just a sideline, and the handsome man did not seem to be afraid of Gong Yi's secret action from beginning to end, fighting against Hu Ben with all his strength.

Bow Yi can feel that the man is also war-willed at this moment, but he has no murderous spirit at all. He muttered to himself: Is it a special trip to fight against Hu Ben?

"Haha" saw Hu Ben's axe split against him, and the man laughed loudly: "Although I never use weapons, since I was lucky enough to get this axe, let's play with you on the weapon."

The man's words were extremely harsh in Hu Ben's ears, "Luckily got the axe", which made Hu Ben feel that the other party was mocking him. Therefore, it adds some strength to the hand.

At this time, Gong Yi frowned and thought in his heart: "Why is this voice so familiar? Do I know this person?" It was the first sentence that the man came here to say, but it was this sentence that made Gong Yi affirm that the familiar breath he felt when the person just arrived was definitely not an illusion.

After meeting Hu Ben, Gong Yi also learned that Warcraft does not necessarily have to reach the realm of true martial arts to form a human. By some coincidence, the panacea can also make the weak Warcraft get rid of the beast. Gongyi believes that Hu Ben will not get it wrong. The other party must be a human warcraft. Who will be the warcraft that can make him feel this familiar? Gong Yi suddenly thought of a person, or rather a bird. Thinking of this, he paid close attention to the man and wanted to find evidence to prove his thoughts in him.

The sparks of the collision of two axes splashed in the narrow room. The man and the tiger seemed to be deliberately competing and did not use any martial arts at all. It was just that you came and went on the axe. The man wanted to prove that although he had not practiced weapons, I could also beat you. However, Hu Ben could not tolerate the axe method he had practiced for many years to be defeated by a person who used the axe for the first time.

The fight between the two is getting faster and faster, and gradually the man obviously can't stand the unpredictable axe of Hu Ben. Just as Hu Ben suppressed the man with little power to counterattack, the man suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a hot flame, attacking Hu Ben's head.

Hu Ben was caught off guard, shouted and hurriedly dodged away, but it looked extremely embarrassed, giving people a feeling of rolling and crawling. He has been wandering around the world for many years, but he has never seen anyone spit out flames. Is this person a legendary mythical figure? But Hu Ben was frightened, but on the surface, he refused to accept it and said, "It was agreed that there was only an axe. Why did you spit fire?"

The man was amused by Hu Ben's words, and then said, "Who told you that you are only allowed to use an axe, not other martial arts?"

Hu Ben thought about it, and the other party did not say this, but the two had been competing, but they seemed to be competing monotonously. He was speechless for a moment and couldn't speak.

Seeing that the two finally fought because of a flame. Gong Yi also smiled, because after seeing this flame, he had confirmed the identity of the handsome man in front of him. He said slowly, "Brother, do you still want to hide it from me?"

"Cut, who hid it from you? It's you who didn't recognize me. Who's to blame?" The man made a contemptuous gesture to the bow game.

This surprised Hu Ben and wondered, "Do you two know each other?"

"Haha, Brother Hu, let me introduce you. This is my good brother, Pu Yang, the son of the patriarch of the Bodhi clan. Just call him Yangzi." Gong Yi hurriedly introduced it to Hu Ben.

"I was offended just now. Brother Hu, please don't pay attention to it." Pu Wei arched his hand. After leaving the customs, he naturally learned about the recent situation of Gong Yi, so he also learned that Gong Yi had a relationship with a tiger youth. Therefore, when he first arrived here, he felt the warcraft atmosphere of Hu Ben and roughly guessed Hu Ben's identity, but Hu Ben frowned at him and made him compare with Hu Ben. Measure your thoughts.

"It turns out that you are Pu Yang, the one of the Bodhi clan who is closest to the blood of the Bodhi ancestor. Please forgive me for your rude words just now."

Hu Ben and Pu Yang are both bold people, so they naturally won't care about what happened just now. Gong Yi was relieved to see that the two of them looked at each other with a little appreciation. He then asked, "Yangzi, when did you become a human?"

Pu Yang took a look at Hu Ben and smiled, "I have to thank the tiger clan behind Brother Hu for this matter."

Gong Yi was puzzled, because as far as he knew, the tigers and Bodhis seemed to have never come back, but Pu Yang actually said that he had turned into a human to thank the tigers, which made him very strange.

At this time, Hu Ben nodded, indicating the default.