can wu wei zun

Chapter 170 Weiyang's narrow victory

Zhao Weiyang and Zhu Kun confronted each other, while Gongyi automatically retreated. They knew that what Zhao Weiyang wanted to do at this time was to kill the other party with his own strength to find a strong confidence in revenge in the future, so the three had no intention of taking action.

Zhao Weiyang, like the other party, has been promoted to the realm of Gaowu for many years. Although it is limited to qualifications, it cannot be compared with Sima Dewei, who saw Gongyi some time ago, but it is definitely more than Gongyi, who are better than those who are good at high martial arts.

On Zhao Weiyang's hands, his spiritual power is looming, which is because he runs his spiritual power to almost every inch of skin, meridians and blood vessels in his palm.

The three Gongyi looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes. After all, this degree of control of spiritual power is far better than Li Wunian's halo and Pu Yang's golden line flowing in the palm. This made Hu Ben, who saw Master Gongyi for the first time, also admired Zhao Weiyang. While the three were shocked, the two finally collided.

The initial match between the two did not have the intention of testing the reality of the other party, but tried their best to kill the enemy. Of course, this is impossible.

There was a loud sound, as if the air had shaken. Both of them stepped back a few steps, their palms were numb, and the spiritual power in their bodies showed some signs of disorder. Fortunately, the two were skilled and experienced. They quickly adjusted and prepared to have another war.

Gong Yi, who was watching the battle, did not expect that the preliminary battle between the two would make such a big noise. He asked himself that he would never have such a momentum when fighting with others. Although Gongyi has seen more than one master of Zhenwu or even Shengwu level, it is impossible for him to see those people fighting. Therefore, in Gaowu, it is possible to inspire him in a more powerful existence battle than him. Zhao Weiyang and Zhu Kun are undoubtedly such people at this time.

Zhu Kun suddenly stamped a foot in the void, and then his body gave people a feeling of nothingness, swaying with the wind, and his robe sleeves seemed to grow and brushing towards Zhao Weiyang. The seemingly weak robe sleeve actually contains much spiritual power. Pu Yang, who watched the battle, also rubbed his right palm with his left hand, and the palm of the other party's loss was still slightly painful at this time.

Zhao Weiyang was not Pu Yang. He did not press his palm directly on the sleeve of the other party's robe, but turned his palm into a knife and split it out in the air.

Zhao Weiyang's palm knife was mixed with the sound of breaking the air and attacked the other party. However, the sharpness enough to cut gold and jade cut into Zhu Kun's sleeve, but it seemed to cut on the cotton, and there was no harm at all.

"It's not good" Zhao Weiyang shouted in his heart. He instantly judged that the other party was a false move, and the real killing move must be behind him. His feet were connected in the air, and his hands drew an arc in front of him to resist the opponent's attack.

Between the virtual reality, Zhu Kun took advantage of the fact that it was difficult for the other party to see his reality in a short time, and attracted Zhao Weiyang with a full blow. Then his body shot at Zhao Weiyang like an arrow from the string. With a wave of his right hand, a strong force surged towards Zhao Weiyang.

At this time, Zhao Weiyang was like a boat in the sea, shaking left and right in the strong wind, in danger of overturning at any time. Zhao Weiyang finally failed to resist the opponent's attack. He was beaten and flew out backwards in the air and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Haha, the remnants of the Zhao family, die!" It was almost dawn, and Zhu Kun seemed to see the dawn of victory, so his tone was also full of excitement. In his opinion, with his full palm, the other party has no strength to fight with him, but he is not a good person. When this opportunity, he will naturally kill the other party on the spot without any future problems.

Bow Yi and others were nervous at this moment and stared at the two people fighting in the field without blinking. Although they were worried about Zhao Weiyang, they could not come forward to help at all. After all, it is not enough for many people to work now.

At this time, Zhao Weiyang had blood stains on the corners of his mouth. His clothes were hunted by the wind, and a pair of eyes only stared at each other, like a frog staring at a moving mosquito. Zhu Kun, like a big bird, was full of spiritual power on his palms and grabbed Zhao Weiyang's head.

"Ah," Zhao Weiyang shouted, startling the three people who watched the battle. Pu Yang muttered, "It seems that many people have this problem."

Zhao Weiyang raised his palms and "banged". The palms of the two collided again. After the loud noise, Zhao Weiyang's body fell sharply. After falling to the ground, he submerged his spiritual power and transmitted his own power to the earth.

Several cracks appeared on the ground without surprise, and Zhao Weiyang also coughed a few times. Then his body could not support it and fell to the ground. Gong Yi's hands were quick-eyed, and he hurriedly reached out to hold Zhao Weiyang, took out a healing elixir for Zhao Weiyang to take it, and at the same time watched with caution the direction Zhu Kun was hit by Zhao Weiyang. .

After Zhao Weiyang took the elixir, his face seemed to be softened, but he was obviously weak. He whispered, "Let's go. Don't worry about the dead man?"

"Okay" Gong Yi agreed, and then reacted to what Master said. He looked at him in surprise and said, "What, Master said that Zhu Kun is dead."

Zhao Weiyang didn't seem to want to talk any more, but nodded feebly. Seeing this, Gong Yi also hurriedly motioned Hu Ben and Pu Yang to leave with him, leaving the stronghold of the Zhu family.

Zhu Kun and Zhao Weiyang's hard encounter was after he had made a move with all his strength, which was not as good as before in terms of speed, strength and momentum, but he didn't know that the blood spit out by Zhao Weiyang was just an illusion, because Zhao Weiyang just retreated along his offensive. Although he suffered a little internal injury, but It's far from as serious as Zhu Kun thought. The last blow given to Zhu Kun was Zhao Weiyang's momentum, which is why Zhao Weiyang is confident that Zhu Kun is dead. However, Zhao Weiyang's tough fight was also seriously injured. If it hadn't been for Gong Yi and a few people who knew that he would be rescued as long as he didn't die, he would not have used such a trick to kill 1,000 enemies and lose 800 himself.

These were not known until Zhao Weiyang's injury was mostly healed on the third day after this night. This encounter also made Gong Yi once again realize the importance of Pu Yang's identity. It seems that the Proud Sword Alliance has already ordered to help the Golden-winged Peng clan capture Pu Yang regardless of life and death. Originally, he wanted to persuade Pu Yang to go back, but thinking that since Uncle Pu Wei was willing to let his precious son come out to practice, there was naturally a truth that others did not know, Gong Yi did not mention this matter.

And just as Gong Yi was planning what to do next, many young masters poured into the city. Gong Yi keenly found that these young people were in groups, and the lowest cultivation also reached the integration of Zhongwu. He instantly thought of three words, Youlong Gang.

Sure enough, someone came to visit in a few days. This time, not only Diqing and Tian Qinghan came with them, but also Diqing's father Di Niansheng, master Xue Muren, and Tian Qinghan's uncle Gai Chuangu. Although among these people, Tian Qinghan and Gong Yi did not have a good impression on others, he had to pretend to be very happy because of his love. At the same time, he sighed that the difference in strength is accompanied by different treatment. If he is still in the realm of Zhongwu at this moment, I'm afraid that Di Qing and Tian Qinghan will come today, but now he has been promoted to the realm of Gaowu. Naturally, there are strong people who come here to visit. Gong Yi fantasizes in his heart: If there is One day I reached the legendary realm of Shenwu, which has disappeared for a long time. I'm afraid that the Lord of the Youlong Gang is not qualified to come here in person.

But Gongyi naturally knows the difficulty of this kind of thing. I'm afraid it doesn't have to make it much easier for men to have children. He shook his head helplessly and sighed. His sigh made everyone in the room feel strange. Pu Yang gave him a big white eye and said, "What, are you disappointed in love?"

Pu Yang's words made everyone laugh, but think that if such a person reaches the realm of the Bodhi ancestor in those years, is there any heavenly reason?