can wu wei zun

Chapter 175 Masters Gather

Zhu Feifeng naturally did not expect that there would be a total of 20 strong men from the Golden-winged Dapeng and Jiutian Phoenix, including two masters of the real martial arts realm, who would return. When he learned the news, he couldn't believe his ears. Of course, along with this news, there were also emergency documents from the counties on the night of the incident.

Yu Feilong killed the Jin service in seconds, but he hurriedly left after talking to the crowd. He has seen through Zhu Feifeng's tricks. Zhu Feifeng deliberately released the news that the people of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan went to deal with Pu Yang and killed the Youlong Gang in this county in order to make the Youlong Gang and the Golden-winged Dapeng clan conflict, while Zhu Feifeng enjoyed the success. However, he did not expect that this news attracted Yu Feilong, who had a grudge against the golden-winged roc clan, to destroy the group sent by this group.

This night, the six counties under the jurisdiction of the Zhu family were completely sleepless. The young army of the Youlong Gang blossomed everywhere, with high morale and strong fighting power. Each county was almost as powerful as a broken bamboo under the leadership of two to three high-level martial arts in the gang. In particular, because Zhao Weiyang had killed Zhu Kun in advance, and with the help of four strong warriors such as Gongyi, the Youlong Gang had hardly encountered any effective resistance, and has easily occupied the stronghold of the Zhu family.

That night, Zhao Weiyang's palms flew over and met the disciples of the Zhu family without mercy. He was followed by the three brothers Gong Yi, Xue Muren and other three strong men of the Youlong Gang. After losing the stronghold of Zhu Kun, how can he withstand the toss of these wolf-like characters? In the face of Zhao Weiyang like Shura, the disciples of the Zhu family were completely scared and fled around, while Zhao Weiyang tried his best to kill him. It seemed that only in this way could he release his long-buried resentment. At the moment when the stronghold was occupied, Zhao Weiyang looked up to the sky and roared, his voice was like thunder, shaking all over the field.

The news quickly spread to various forces in Zhongzhou like wings, which is tantamount to losing a heavy bomb on the calm water. Zhongzhou has not had such a battle between top forces for nearly a hundred years, but in just a few years, there have been two wars between the Qin family and the Tang family. Now it is another battle between an emerging force and an old family. The eyes of all forces were attracted by the battlefield of the Zhu family.

However, in addition to the outbreak of the war, everyone was also surprised that the strength of the Youlong Gang was so strong. Although they thought that the gang was not simple, at this moment, it seemed that they still underestimated this mysterious organization. But everyone knows that the real confrontation between the Youlong Gang and the Zhu family is yet to come.

Gong Yi and others are no longer in the inn at this moment, but live in the original stronghold of the Zhu family in this county. The environment here is obviously much more comfortable than the inn. Zhao Weiyang has mixed feelings. He did not expect that one day he could actually live in the stronghold of the Zhu family, which was so fast for him. Gong Yi saw it in his eyes and thought that his mission might be completed soon.

"Wong Shaoxia, do you have something to tell me?" Gaichuan Valley's voice came from outside the door. Gong Yi opened the door and invited him into the room and asked, "I don't know what the senior has to tell you?"

"The master has an order. All the gangs who have reached the high martial arts level must arrive in Yongfeng County, 100 miles away from the headquarters of the Zhu family within three days. It seems that this is the real confrontation with the Zhu family."

"All? Who will guard the strongholds of the counties? Gong Yi asked. He knew that if all the strong martial arts gathered in Yongfeng County, it would be impossible for the remaining group of martial arts practitioners to defend these strongholds.

Gaichuan Valley seems to disapprove of Gong Yi's words, but still achieves: "The stronghold is dead and people are alive. It can be seen from the strategy of the Zhu family. If you can follow the rules, you can't abandon it. The purpose of our attack on the stronghold is only to build momentum, and the battle with the headquarters of the Zhu family is the key to victory or defeat.

After listening to Gaichuan Valley's words, Gong Yi nodded and immediately said, "My master and I should go. As for my two brothers, I have to make a determination after asking."

"It's so good" Gaikawa Valley said happily, "Please ask as soon as possible. We will leave early tomorrow morning."

Bow game is just a formality. Pu Yang and Hu Ben, two battle maniacs, will not refuse such a once-in-a-a-century war at all. Hearing that such a grand war is coming, both of them are happy and dancing. If he hadn't known the two of them a long time ago, Gong Yi would have suspected that they were of the same race.

In the early morning of the next day, after Gaichuan Valley's opponent gave instructions, he went to Yongfeng County with Gong Yi and others. The county seat of Yongfeng County is very small, so it is not prosperous at all, but in the past few days, more than a dozen strong martial arts have come, which can be said to be a gathering of masters. This made the county, which was rarely seen by monks who were originally integrated with China and martial arts, boil. These people of the Youlong Gang are extremely high-profile and do not hide their whereabouts. It seems that they are demonstrating to the Zhu family in this way.

Gong Yi and others came here and had someone to arrange accommodation for them. In a wide courtyard, Gong Yi saw an old acquaintance - Zuo Hufa Sima Shu.

"The younger generation visits the left guard." Although Gong Yi has broken away from the Youlong Gang, he still respectfully salutes the left guard. For nothing else, it is appropriate to do so just because of his relationship with the Sima family.

"Young Master Bow is alluin's good." The left guard still has a cold face and a gentle voice. At this time, a middle-aged man came to the two. The man arched his hand slightly to Gong Yi and said, "It turns out that this is a young warrior in Zhongzhou. I have been looking forward to him for a long time."

"Who is this senior?" Gong Yi cast a questioning look at the left guard.

"Right Guardian." Sima Shu slowly spit out three words.

Gong Yi's heart was shocked. No wonder he couldn't see the depth of this man's cultivation. It turned out that he was a person named with the left guardian. Thinking that his cultivation was not under the left guardian, he quickly saluted and said, "The younger generation will visit the right guardian."

The right guard's face condensed and was a little angry. This bow game is also from the Youlong Gang. Why don't he claim to be subordinates and claim to be juniors? Except for a few people, no one knows about the agreement between Gongyi and the leader of Youlong Gang. The right guardian has not heard of this matter, so it is normal to have such a reaction.

Seeing that the right guard's face was not good, Sima Shu slowly said, "The right guard doesn't have to be like this. Gong Yi has already left this gang and is not under our control."

"What? Break away from this gang? Just like the Youlong Gang, you are the Youlong for life. How can you enter and get out as soon as you want? The right guard is angry.

Bow Yi suddenly lacked a good impression on him and didn't want to stay here and turned around to leave.

"stop" and the right guard shouted, "If you don't make it clear now, you can't leave so easily."

Sima Shu said impatiently, "Right Guardian, you have to think about it. The Gong Yili Gang was personally agreed by the master. If you have any objection and don't have to compete with a child here, you can directly go to the master. I think he will give you a satisfactory answer."

After listening to Sima Shu's words, the right protector took a breath of cold air and did not dare to say much. How horrible the master's cultivation was. As long as you stand in front of him, you can feel it. Even if you lend him courage, he dare not question the master's decision.

Gong Yi snorted coldly and left slowly, but the right guard did not block it this time. The reason was very simple, because he did not dare.

The second day after Gongyi came to Yongfeng County, the masters of the Youlong Gang have arrived one after another. In addition to the four gangs of Gongyi, the Youlong Gang has a total of 17 masters above the high martial arts level, and naturally the two left and right who have reached the realm of true martial arts are the highest, but these two do not seem to have organized people to discuss. And they seem to be waiting for a person, a more powerful existence than them.

Another day later, an old man came here. Everyone looked at the light in his eyes and knew that he must be a top master. Is this the most mysterious master who has never appeared? But Gong Yi knew in his heart that this person was not the master that everyone thought.

The two guardians of the "Zhongbo" knelt on one knee and were extremely respectful to the old man. At this moment, the remaining 15 people of the Youlong Gang are looking at each other and don't know what to do.