long candle

Chapter 6 First See Zongzi

As soon as I asked this, the sound of the fingernail sliding under the coffin became more violent, just like smashing the coffin made of stone.

"Yes!" Liang Qian nodded and jumped off the coffin.

I also ran over to see what was going on.

Liang Qian first pushed the dead person next to her aside, and then went together with me to push the coffin lid.

The sarcophagus was black in color, and I don't know what material it was made of. The coffin cover was very heavy. We were so tired that we sweated a little and pushed the coffin away.

To be honest, although it was the first time to open the coffin, I didn't think so much about it in order to save people. I picked up the flashlight and took a picture into the coffin.

As a result, I was shocked when I saw it inside.

Liang Qian was obviously also shocked. She touched her chin and said, "Daxiong seems to have lost weight."

I nodded and said, "Well, I'm not only thin, but also white. No, my hair, beard, chest hair and leg hair are all white."

We saw a man in coarse linen lying in the coffin. He was extremely thin and almost thin. He lay flat in the coffin, and his hands with sharp black nails were constantly waving.

Looking at the man's face again, I feel even more incredible.

Mask! The man wore a white jade-like mask on his face, his eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth were raised, bending out an extremely strange arc.

This mask looks like it is smiling, but it laughs so strangely that it makes people feel extremely disgusted.

There is another strange thing about this guy, that is, there is a thin layer of white hair on his neck under the mask, which looks like the feathers of some kind of bird.

Look at the white fine hairs on the back of the hands and legs.

I suddenly remembered something. The book talked about zombies.

General zombies are black and white. These two zombies have a layer of fine and tough hair all over their bodies.

So I finally knew what I was seeing now. I was immediately scared to the top of my head, took two steps back and said, "It's not good. Nobita has become a zombie so quickly, and it's still white!"

At this moment, the white-haired Nobita suddenly sat up and made a strange sound: "cluck" in his mouth.

Liang Qian also realized this and hurriedly took a step back and held the shotgun in her hand.

It was too late. At that time, the white-haired Nobita had stood up from the coffin and began to smell the surrounding him with his nose, which looked like a large Chow Chow.

However, its appearance does not make people feel cute, but makes me sweat white.

Liang Qian's face was pale and she said in surprise, "Why doesn't my anti-evil bronze furnace work? Isn't this guy Zongzi?

She knew that I couldn't answer her, so she hesitated for a moment and pulled the trigger without hesitation before the guy started to go crazy. I heard a loud bang in my ear, and the fire tongue erupted, and the white-haired guy was beaten out.

It turned out that the long gun in Liang Qian's hand was a shotgun, and the killing power at close range was very horrible.

Then it roared like crying crazily, stood up quickly, sniffed hard, and forced it towards us.

Liang Qian sweated coldly and fired two shots in a panic.

And the white-haired guy seemed to treat the two bullets as tickling. After being bombarded, within three seconds, he immediately got up and quickly approached us with his teeth and claws.

When Liang Qian pulled the trigger again, the gun was out of bullets, and at this time, we didn't have time to change bullets at all.

Liang Qian had to swing the shotgun like a stick, knocked the guy to the ground, then retreated to me, shook her hand, and scolded, "This thing is harder than the iron sheet of Dongfeng truck!" Let's go back to a spacious place and find a way to deal with it.

With that, she pulled me back, but we were soon dumbfounded.

At the original corner, I don't know when a stone gate fell down and blocked the intersection tightly!

My heart sank, and my heart said that it touched the mechanism when the lid of the coffin was opened?

We didn't allow us to think too much about it. There was another strange cry coming out of our throat, and the guy rushed up again like crazy.

It's the first time I've seen the power of zombies. They are extremely powerful, copper drums and iron, and they can't be beaten. If I were myself, I would definitely die when I met this kind of thing.

Liang Qian scolded, took out a pistol from her waist, took two steps forward, and said to me, "I'll help you block it for a while. Go quickly."

Although she asked me to run, I knew that there was no way to escape and was forced to a dead end. Instead, I was not so afraid, so I picked up the long shotgun on the ground, held it in my hand, and said in my mouth, "Let's die together. Even if we are bitten to death by it, we will become zombies and bite back. At that time No one is afraid of anyone."

Liang Qian looked at me. Obviously, she didn't expect me to have this temper, and her face was a little surprised.

But at this time, he had no time to talk anymore, because the thing had rushed in front of him.

Liang Qian fired two consecutive shots without hesitation and kicked the guy out. But those things immediately got up again with a strange scream and rushed up again with an angry scream.

"I can't!" Liang Qian actually burst into a grubus. She threw the gun aside, then fixed the cloth belt in her hand with her teeth and said, "Get ready for hand-to-hand combat!"

hand-to-hand combat? Although I know that this is the end result, I really can't accept it at this time. With my physique, I will definitely end up being caught in half by zombies.

While I was thinking nonsense, I watched Liang Qian fly directly by the white-haired zombie, and then was thrown aside by a huge force and fell on the wall with a bang.

My heart was cold, and my whole body was wet with cold sweat.

He said in his heart, "Don't you, the old monster, don't you know how to pity the jade!"

Watching the white-haired zombie rushing towards me, I hurriedly lowered my body, dodged, and then jumped behind the coffin and squatted down.

I held the gun in my hand tightly and trembled violently all over my body.

didn't allow me to breathe, and the zombie rushed up again.

I suddenly stood up and wanted to learn to beat Liang Qian with the butt of a gun, but a man knocked down and hit the zombie on the shoulder. Not only did I knock it down, but the gun in my hand was shaken away.

At that time, I felt like I had hit a galloping train, and my whole hand was about to break.

I felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth and flew out upside down by the strong anti-shock force. My head just hit the protruding part on the rock behind me, and I felt dizzy with a buzzing sound in my ears.

However, this time, the zombie just flew empty, and their two hands grabbed the stone hard together, grinding out a string of sparks.

I said in my heart that if this fucking catches me, it will be ten transparent holes!

The zombie finger inserted into the rock fiercely and pulled it out, but it couldn't be pulled out for a moment, making an extremely unpleasant cry, as harsh as a night owl.

I reached out and touched the back of my head and felt that it was sticky and full of blood. I knew that the injury was not bad, but I wanted to stand up, but I felt dizzy and couldn't use any power at all.

It was dark in front of me, and I knew that I was about to die. I only heard the rock behind me click. Maybe the zombie couldn't pull out his finger and inserted it hard to see if he could insert the rock.

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a little funny. This zombie can't be Nobita, because no matter how simple Daxiong's brain is, it can't be so stupid. So where is Nobita? I suddenly miss him a little.

Thinking of this, I sighed and looked at Liang Qian in the distance with the light of the flashlight that fell on the ground. I saw two big blood holes in her neck and her face was blue. It seemed that she was not far from death.

I suddenly felt a little sad. It's really useless for an old man to let a woman work hard for himself.

At this time, I heard the stones above my head click and began to crack. I knew that the general trend had gone. When they scratched the stone, my death would come...

Finally, the stone overhead made a strange noise and fell a lot of gravel. The zombie was relieved and quickly pulled out his hand from it. Without hesitation, he grabbed it on my forehead.

I can almost imagine my skull being scratched and my brain burst, so I have to close my eyes...