long candle

Chapter 24 Ice Painting

I saw that the huge hole above my head leads to the ground, but it seems to be more than 100 meters deep, and we can't climb the surrounding hole wall. If we want to get out of here, unless we have a helicopter, we can't help but be very disappointed.

Nobita took a deep breath and said lyricly, "This fresh air is sweet, sweeter than the fucking sugar gourd. We are now a frog at the bottom of the well, and I don't know if this hook moon can reflect a month and a half under our feet."

After saying that, he looked down at the ice and was suddenly stunned.

I saw that his expression was different, so I asked him what was wrong. He grew up and couldn't speak. He hesitated for a long time before he pointed to the ground and said, "This...what is this!"

I said something that scared you Wang Daring like this. I hurriedly looked down. Oh, my mother, I sat down directly and said, "This...this is...fuck me!"

Xie Yuting also looked at the ice with a pale face and squeaked his mouth repeatedly, "This is impossible. How can there be such a thing in the world..."

The ice under our feet is very transparent, only about two or three meters thick. The moonlight passes through the ice and shoots into the water under the ice, and there is a huge thing in that water.

I can only say that it may be an animal, nearly 100 meters long, black as a whole, and looks like a huge snake, but we saw something like feet in its abdomen, a total of four.

My first feeling is that this is a dragon, but it seems to be much worse than the dragon, because this guy only has a one-horn on his head, and his head is as flat as a crocodile.

Is this the legendary dragonfly?

What shocked us most was not this dragon-like thing, but something wrapped around its body. It was a huge metal disk. The metal skin reflected strange light in the moonlight. Because I couldn't see it clearly across the ice, but from the two holes in the middle of the plate, this thing should It's the kind of disk we saw before, which is called the god of the Chinese...

We were all stunned and speechless. The things in front of us were strange and shocking, a little overwhelming.

I feel that the ice under our feet is so fragile. If that thing is alive and wants to rush out of here, the ice surface can't be stopped at all. In front of this giant beast, I felt that human beings are so small for the first time... After looking at it for a while, there was a sense of fear in my heart. Human beings thought they were familiar with the earth. Now it seems that there are too many strange things in the world. Human beings are like an ant.

After a while, Daxiong said, "Look, there seem to be some lines on the ice, as if they were artificially depicted."

I saw that it was true. I couldn't see the traces of carving at all when I was on the side just now, but now when I came to the middle of the ice, I saw a superb picture engraved on it. The mountains and rivers were vivid.

After a while, I found the order of these pictures, from west to east, showing the major events that had happened to the Chinese people.

The first picture is a large mountain with dense trees. Many animals such as sika deer and elephants live in the woods, which are vividly portrayed.

The picture below shows two groups of people holding spears and axes rushing in from both sides of the forest. One of them is covered with spears and wearing a strange smile mask, while the other is wearing a feathered crown and tiger mask.

I know that this depicts a tribal war. The hairy people should be the Wei people, and the tiger-faced people opposite should be the ancient ethnic minorities in Sichuan, probably the ancestors of the Yi or Tibetans.

(Note: The content of this article is not available, and there is no intention to insinuate or belittle any nation.)

The third picture is a tragic battle picture. Many people were cut off or pierced, bleeding into rivers, and both sides were killed and injured.

I was really surprised when I saw the fourth picture.

The picture is still a scene of blood flowing into a river, but a tall Chinese with a coral stick stood up. I noticed that his mask was slightly different, and there was a huge gem on his eyebrows. It reminds me of the golden mask I saw in the room before.

The tall Chinese pointed to the sky, and a huge shining object appeared in the sky, shaped like a disk, with two symmetrical holes in the middle.

The content of the next picture is two rays of light from the huge disk, covering the dead lying on the ground, and many of the dead slowly got up from the ground.

I took a deep breath and said to myself, is this the legendary comeback, and doesn't that disk look like a UFO that often appears in the news? Is the god of the Chinese people a civilization from outside the earth?

I continued to look and found that the following pictures were getting more and more strange.

Those who were resurrected did not retain their original appearance, but their necks became extremely long, with ferocious faces.

With the coral stick of the man with the golden mask pointing, the strange people with long necks rushed to the enemy. They were so powerful that they directly tore the other party, and some of them dug out their internal organs and ate them.

Soon, the enemies of the Wei people were completely destroyed, and then the huge metal plate landed on the ground, and the long-necked monsters entered the metal plate from a hole.

Seeing this, the three of us looked at each other, and Nobita scolded first: "This is so fucking mysterious. It's inhuman for alien little green people to use our human ancestors for biochemical experiments!"

I shook my head and said, "I think the content of this painting is not necessarily true. The ancients like to be pompous. At that time, human beings were very ignorant. Once they encountered an unexplained phenomenon, they made it up. Look, the generals who fought in the past will use demons as long as they are powerful, making them look like heavenly soldiers and generals..."

Xie Yuting looked at me seriously and said to me, "What is the long-necked monster we saw in the cave?"

As soon as he reminded me, I suddenly remembered the horrible monster. Isn't it like the dead resurrected in the painting? Thinking of this, my face suddenly turned white, and I thought it was true?

Daxiong said, "This Chinese is so awesome, why did he die inexplicably later? Don't stop you two. Let's keep looking down.

The next picture shows the man wearing a golden mask sitting on a huge stone chair, surrounded by many strangely dressed people, some with animal skins in their hands and shells and jewelry, all of which look like submission.

The pictures below are all about the lives of collective hunting, singing and dancing. The last picture is the scene of the man wearing a golden mask standing high in the city-state overlooking the slaves carrying boulders and building houses.

Seeing this, Nobita scolded: "Is this comic strip over? I didn't mention anything about the huge disk and this dragonfly under the ice!"

I laughed and said, "You don't know that, do you? The ancients' murals have a theme. I think the pictures on the ice are mainly to praise virtue. To know how their civilization is lost, maybe we have to look elsewhere..."

Daxiong scratched his head and asked, "Where can I find it?"

Before I spoke, Xie Yuting pointed to a stone hall at the end of the square with a flashlight and said, "We have arrived at the place. This should be the Weiguo Temple... All the mysteries are here."

Following the light of the flashlight, I saw that it was a primitive and rough stone hall in architectural form. It was said to be a stone hall, but in fact, a facade was built. Most of the hall was in the mountain. As soon as I opened the door, I entered the belly of the mountain.

The structure of the facade is also very simple, that is, two huge stone pillars top a triangular boulder, and a stone gate between the two stone columns, with more than a dozen steps leading from the square to the stone gate.

Daxiong carried the unconscious Liang Qian on his back. The three of us walked carefully on the ice to avoid slipping. There was a huge cave and a ethereal starry sky above our head, and there was a mirror-like ice, and a huge unknown creature under the ice. If this scene is overlooked in the air, it is definitely a spectacular spectacle, which makes people feel small. The feeling.