long candle

Chapter 26 A Lot of Gods

But after waiting for five minutes, there was still no movement outside the door...

"Did you give up that thing?" Nobita asked me.

I said, "I don't know. Why don't you go out and have a look?"

Nobita shook his head and said, "I'm tired. Tell him to wait for me to rest for a while!"

We waited for a few more minutes, but there was still no movement. At this time, the three of us couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and sat down against the stone gate.

After slowing down for a while, Xie Yuting had the strength to turn on the flashlight to carefully check around.

The four walls of this secret room are also made of black stone, but there are two lamps on the walls on both sides of the east and west, which should be the long bright lights for the deceased, which have now been extinguished.

The sarcophagus in the middle is similar to the one we saw when we first entered the hole. The gray coffin has some auspicious clouds and lonely crane carvings, and the lines are very simple.

is different from the tomb of the Central Plains that both ends of the sarcophagus are of average size, like a box.

I think this may be a national difference, or it may be that what we see is just a coffin with a hole in it.

I'm not a grave robber and never do anything to open the coffin, so I don't have much interest.

However, Xie Yuting next to him lit up and kept staring at the coffin.

I know that this has nothing to do with greed. Xie Yuting's family must be very rich, and his cultivation and temperament are also top-class figures.

But when the tomb robber saw the coffin, he wanted to open it, as if the sweeping lady had won five million yuan. When he saw the garbage on the street, he couldn't help but want to pick it up. This is also a kind of professional ethics, I understand.

But I also know that even if he is itchy, it's useless. Now we are full of those metal dishes, which are deadly.

Daxiong squatted on the ground for a while, a little impatient, and muttered, "It's really aggrieved. Just because of this mother-in-law's words, we are cowardly. Shit, it's better to fight here than to die like this!"

After saying that, he grabbed a metal plate next to him and smashed the coffin angrily.

I was about to stop him when it was too late. I saw him walk through the pile of dishes like a river, then jumped on the sarcophagus and shouted to us, "Comrades, the team to resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea has crossed the 38th line. Let's liberate the south* and show the sticks a little color!"

I saw that he was fine, and I was relieved. I picked up a plate and looked at it carefully.

This metal dish is very cold. It looks like copper and non-copper. It has a red luster in gold yellow. The whole is very hard and the appearance is very smooth. Now it must be processed by machine to polish it so standard. During the Warring States period more than 2,000 years ago, this piece was made by hand. If you want to make it so perfectly It will take at least a year, and hundreds of dishes on the ground are extremely engineering.

Looking at the two small holes in the middle of the plate, I always thought it was two holes, but now that I feel it is only two dark spots. Because the two holes on the front and back are in a symmetrical position, and the surface of the plate is protruding, it is easy to give people the illusion of two holes.

I thought that if the surface of the huge plate on the ice painting is also two spots, how did those long-necked ghosts enter the plate?

Is this really something like a spaceship? This hole is a hatch that can be opened when necessary.

I was thinking about it when Xie Yuting next to him said, "The dishes here are dead..."

He said this reminds me of the dish we saw in the hut of Weiguo Ruins. It looks the same as it is now, but it has a heartbeat, and there is something like blood when it is broken, much like some kind of animal.

And the plate in my hand now has no sign of life, so Xie Yuting said that they were dead.

Maybe it's because the dish is dead that it won't hurt us?

But the more I think about it, the more confused I am. Although creatures like shells also live in a completely enclosed space, they will still open when they want to breathe.

But now the thing in hand is perfectly closed, and the two holes previously thought to be non-existent, so how does this life survive?

Think about the huge hairy disc on the ice painting, no matter how you look at it, it looks like some kind of aircraft. Is it true that the dish itself is not a creature, but an alien life in it?

I told this doubt to the other two people, and Daxiong said to me, "It's not easy. Open it and you will know!"

He looked on the ground and saw that the plate he had thrown out had broken a hole, so he jumped off the sarcophagus and picked it up.

When I took a flashlight, I took a breath of cold air.

I saw that the plate was dropped from the copper skin on one side by Nobita, revealing what was inside. It was actually full of hair, and there was a dead unknown animal in the dense hair, but because it was too old, it was impossible to see what it was.

Nobita curiously touched some hair with his fingers, but something unexpected happened. Those hairs stood up like small snakes and bit Nobita's fingers. Nobita scolded, "Damn it, what the hell!" Shake your hand in a hurry.

Xie Yuting was even more surprised. He grabbed Nobita's hand and pulled off the black hair. Because of too much force, he actually ripped off a layer of skin on Nobita's fingers.

I was stunned, because the hair bit Nobite's finger for only a second and could take root so deeply. If it was later, wouldn't these strange hair get into his body?

Xie Yuche threw the broken plate far away, and his face was very white and almost humane.

I saw that he was so abnormal and asked him, "What's wrong? Have you ever seen this kind of thing?

Xie Yuting nodded and said, "My cousin once met a friend in a cave in Si Girls Mountain. Although I don't know what it is, it will kill people if it is attached to us. Let's be careful."

Nobita sucked his fingers and said, "Don't think about it! I think there must be a clue from the old man lying in this coffin. Let's open the coffin and get rich!"

The three of us picked up the flashlight and came to the edge of the sarcophagus to observe for a moment. Xie Yuting said to us skillfully, "This is a coffin, and there is also a layer of coffin in it. It seems that this person is not an ordinary civilian. The coffin is a stone function and needs to be pulled out from the soles..."

Xie Yuting personally walked to the foot of the coffin and said to us, "You two retreat a little. There may be a mechanism."

We retreated three or four meters away from the coffin, and Nobita did not forget to stretch out his neck to look.

Xie Yuting groped under the coffin board for a moment and said, "Yes!"

I knew that he had found the mechanism that could be held underneath. I saw him pedaling his legs on the ground and pulling back hard. The stone letter made a strange sound and was pulled away nearly half a meter away by him.

He immediately pulled out the evil knife and jumped back to distance himself.

The three of us were very wary of looking at the piece of Shihan being pulled out, and we dared not act rashly.

It was not until a minute later that Xie Yuting greeted us around.

A faint fragrance came out of the stone letter, which made people much more refreshed. There is also a layer of black wooden coffin in the stone letter, which is made of camphor wood, and what we smell is the smell of camphor wood.

I have heard that gloomy wood is the best material for making coffins in ancient times, followed by camphor wood, and the identity of the person in the coffin must be acceptable.

Xie Yuting took a flashlight to take a picture of the camphor coffin inside and found that the texture was hard, but the shape was very simple and there was no carving.

He completely kicked down the lid of Shihan, revealing a complete camphor coffin.

He looked at it and said to us, "There is no anticorrosive lime. Maybe the rice dumplings in it have rotten into dead bones."

I said that's great, so there's no way to cheat the corpse!

Xie Yuting held the evil knife in his hand and said to Daxiong, "But for the sake of safety, you clean up the copper disk on the ground. In case of fraud, we can also run away!"

Nobita hummed, kicked and kicked, and kicked the copper plates leading to the door to one side.

At this time, Xie Yuting removed the copper nail on the lead coffin with the evil knife in his hand. The nail was already rusty. He wasted the power of nine cows and two tigers before pulling out the copper nails in key positions.

Then he took out the broken shovel from behind, stuck it into the crack of the coffin and began to pry it.