long candle

Chapter 28 The Book of King Wei

We watched the burning ancient corpse rush to a position not far in front of Liang Qian, and then suddenly turned into countless sparks, drifting away, and the ashes and smoke disappeared...

The secret room suddenly quieted down, and only the blue flame on the camphor coffin was still slightly lit.

After a long time, Nobita swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked, "Chuanzi, did you... see it?"

I also looked stunned and nodded to him.

"This is really strange. Why do I feel that the king wants to hug Liang Qian? Does it really have anything to do with them?" Nobita scratched the back of his head.

I said I didn't know. I turned my head and saw that Liang Qian was still there, as if she was scared, so I went over to help Liang Qian up.

Unexpectedly, Liang Qian suddenly stood up, stared at me nervously, and said, "It's not good... I'm going to go quickly!"

After saying this, she turned her head and pushed open the stone door and drilled out.

"Hey! It's dangerous outside!" I didn't have time to catch her, so I had to run out with her.

Nobita and Yuting shouted twice in the back and also chased after him.

The corridor is still the same corridor. There are dark stone walls on both sides, which are so dark that they can't see five fingers. Liang Qian's thin figure quickly disappeared into the dark. I turned on the flashlight, but I couldn't see her anymore.

My physique is not good at all. I've been so tired that I've almost only one breath left these days. My legs are like two noodles. I can't catch up after running two steps. Daxiong and He Yuting quickly caught up.

When they saw that I couldn't run, they stopped and looked panting.

Looking at the two of them, I knew that the three of us were scared these days and didn't even sleep well, and we were almost to the limit. If there is a mirror now, I guess I will be similar to those mummified corpses.

Daxiong next to him supported his knees and gasped and said, "I... Shit, if it hadn't been for the hero... I'm hungry, I must catch this girl back and ask if the king is her ancestor..."

I said, "You... Come on, you're still thinking about it."

Xie Yuting also said, "I... Let's not chase her. This woman is not with us in the first place. Now the three of us meet some goblins and ghosts. Not only can we save people, but we have to explain it."

I nodded and said, "That's all. Go back and rest for a while, and then make a long-term plan..."

Both of them agreed, so the three of us dragged back to the secret room like defeated veterans.

The fire of the coffin has been extinguished, leaving only a pair of bare stone, which is black smoke. Even if there are any treasures, they will probably be burned.

Xie Yuting said to me, "Have you noticed that the place has not changed this time."

I nodded and sat down against the wall with my eyes a little straight. I asked Xie Yuting for a cigarette, lit it, and then began to think about where the mystery of the corridor was.

So I began to assume and began to use what I knew to assume a situation to convince myself. In the past, when someone asked me something I didn't know, I could always make up some explanations that I thought were very reasonable to convince the other party, and then I thought it was right. But now, I don't even have a hypothetical idea, and I feel that my brain is about to explode.

Xie Yuting next to me smoked a cigarette, took out a flip mobile phone with his left hand, and played with the black and white version of the snake eating eggs, but his eyes were free. I know he is also thinking about the mystery.

Nobita seemed to have a little strength left, asked us to disperse, and then pushed hundreds of pounds of stone to the door to block the door.

He clapped his hands and said, "It's fucking hot, but now it's much safer and you can have a good sleep."

I said to him, "This door is externally open. You can't push the door in, but you can still pull it open. What is this safe?"

Nobita said impatiently, "Alas! Comrade Xiaochuan, stop talking and go to bed quickly. If you don't sleep, my 'big bear' will become a giant panda.

My face was covered with stains, and the dark circles on his already dark face almost extended to his temples. He laughed and said, "You are already a giant panda now, and you haven't taken a shower for several years."

Daxiong actually ignored me, cleaned up the copper plate on the ground, lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Xie Yuting was playing with his mobile phone and said to me, "You can also sleep. I'll watch."

I watched the snake eating egg game on his mobile phone. The snake had grown so much that it almost occupied the whole screen and was not dead, and his eyes hardly looked at the screen. He said to himself that this boy was really a master. It seemed that he was really not very sleepy.

As soon as I thought of this, there was a sudden purr in his nose, and he fell asleep with his eyes open, which made me laugh and cry.

And most importantly, he didn't forget to press a pause before he fell asleep.

I saw that Nobita also snored, and the boundless sleepiness also hit him.

But I still cheered up and looked at the porcelain pillow in my hand.

Since I have experienced too many changes in this relic, I have formed a sense of crisis. I always have a feeling that if I sleep like this, there will definitely be something wrong with this porcelain pillow. The things hidden in it will pass me forever, so I must open it now to see what's going on.

So I turned on the flashlight, pulled out his portable dagger from Xie Yuting's waist, and began to pick up the wax in the cracks of the porcelain pillow.

After picking up the wax, I pulled a small hole on the right side of the pillow and pulled out the whole drawer.

I took a photo with a flashlight, which contained a roll of silk silk books and a jade raft!

I took out the jade raft first and took a look. On the front was written "Shaoqing Liang Yugong of the Lingyu Temple of the Tang Dynasty", and on the back was painted with an animal totem that looked like a snake, not a dragon or a dragon, with a unicorn.

Wat is the sign held by ancient officials when they met the emperor. Different materials represent different identities and status. Yuwat is the highest among all the rafts. It can be seen that this king had a high status in the court at that time.

The official position of Shaoqing was from the fourth grade in the Tang Dynasty, but what department is this Lingyu Temple?

I know that the highest judicial organ of the Tang Dynasty is called Dali Temple, which specializes in reviewing cases and Hongyu Temple, which specializes in diplomatic reception, but I have never heard of Lingyu Temple.

Then I went to look at the silk book. Because there were a few tulip leaves in the pillow drawer for anti-corrosion, now the silk silk book is very well preserved, and it is still brand-new, and the traces of ink on it are still faintly visible.

The silk book has no title, and it is full of dense small words. At the beginning, it is like this: "I am the thirteenth kings of the country, named Liang Yebo, Sui Daye three years, divination in Zhaotai, the candle god enlightenment, saying that the world is subverted, the king of Qin king in the world, sent me to help him, and then the world returned First, the Tang Dynasty established, the King of Qin set up a spiritual imperial temple, and Chunfeng Gong was the minister of the temple, and I helped him..."

I read it once, which generally means that this king's real name is Liang Yeba. He was inspired by divination and used the divine power of "Candle God" to help Li Shimin establish the foundation of the Tang Dynasty. Later, the Tang Dynasty established the Lingyu Temple and let Li Chunfeng serve as the supreme officer. Liang Baiye assisted Li Chunfeng in his work.

The department of Lingyu Temple is a department that specializes in eliminating ghosts and catching demons. There are hundreds of warlocks. Once there was a huge reed in the Yanze area of the Western Region. Li Shimin sent Liang Ye to remove demons in front of the demons. Liang Ye led 30 people to fight against the giant fly. Finally, he caught the fly alive and brought it back to Chang'an. The emperor remembered his great achievements and gave him a great man to the general. Later, he Because of this incident, I changed my name to Liang Yu.

I know that Li Chunfeng is a famous fengologist and astronomer in the Tang Dynasty. He hides wonders and has always been very mysterious. *, written by him and another astronomer, Yuan Tianang, is a very intelligent prophecy that has successfully predicted many disasters and scientific progress in China's future generations.

Yanze refers to Lop Nur, and the dragonfly actually refers to a kind of water snake. According to the "Record of the Strange Story": "The water dragonfly has been a dragonfly for 500 years." It can be seen that the anthus is the infancy of the dragon, but it is not yet a dragon.

Seeing this, I thought that the huge monster we saw under the ice outside could not be the cox, right? I can't imagine how these people moved such a big thing to Chang'an and why they are in Sichuan now.