long candle

Chapter 34 Statue

"Don't look back, don't look back." My hands began to tremble, and I secretly warned myself.

But at this time, I felt a little itchy on my neck and felt something fluffy climbing up my neck.

I felt that my neck was about to break by me, and my eyes couldn't help girling aside.

At this time, I felt that my scalp was about to explode. Behind me was a mass of raised hair, wrapped in layers like a human-shaped thing. In the gap between the hair, there was half a pale face, and a one-eyed eye was staring at me coldly.

And this "man" has stretched out his black-haired left hand and put it on my neck.

At this time, I didn't know where the courage came from. I looked up and bit the thing's hand fiercely, making its hand bone click.

At the same time, I saw the hair on its hand pricking me quickly, but I was ready to quickly let go of its hand.

Seeing my release, the thing gave a muffled hum and quickly withdrew its hand.

When I saw this opportunity, I ran and rushed up the opposite stone steps in three or two steps. Looking back, I found that the thing did not keep up, but slowly lowered and finally turned into a flat land.

I sat on the top of the stone steps and gasped for a while and found that the group of people opposite did not follow, but stood on the hair bridge and stared at me.

I just ate a mouthful of hair, and now I spit out a few mouthfuls of water and laughed, "You bastards are coming here! Uncle, I'm free now. Come and catch me again!"

After a mockery, several people quickly took out their guns.

jumped up in horror, hurriedly took two steps, climbed to the top of the cliff, and remembered a few shots behind, all of which hit the stone wall.

I didn't dare to look back at them. I ran forward in the dark and went deep into the darkness.

After a while, I faintly saw a huge black shadow in front of me. The shape was the huge stone tablet I saw before.

I guess it will take a while for that group of people to catch up. I remembered the box that the woman left on her head, so I decided to climb up and have a look.

But my hand has been tied back, and it is very inconvenient to climb up, so I learned to act in the TV series, found a sharp nail piece on my body, and spent a lot of effort to grind the nylon rope on my hand.

I moved my already numb arm. I tried to climb up the huge head carefully and quickly found what the woman left on the head before.

Since it is almost dark around, I can only judge from the feel that this is a box made of plastic. It is quite large and the surface is very flat, but it seems that there are several buttons on one side.

I pressed the side button a few times, but the box did not respond, so I continued to grope. On the other side, I felt a round protrusion, which seemed to be the lens of the camera.

I scolded in my heart: Shit, isn't this a projector? Why, baby! As a handyman in the Academy of Sciences, I often help others adjust the projector. What I have in hand should be a new portable projector, which uses a rechargeable battery as energy. The working time is about five hours. It has a recording function, and the volume is very small and easy to use in the field.

This high-tech projector is not available in the outside world, mainly because it has the functions of video and broadcasting, and is a precision instrument belonging to the field work of the Academy of Sciences.

So I guess that this thing should have been left by Grandpa's investigation team. There must be some confidential content recorded in it, but now that there is no power, I can't broadcast it.

I decided to take this thing with me. It has a leather strap that can be carried on my body, and it is quite heavy. It can also be used for self-defense at critical times.

I carried the projector on my back and stood on my huge head. Suddenly, I was stunned.

I looked around, it was dark everywhere, the visibility was extremely low, and the fog here was thick and scary. I could almost feel the resistance of the fog by grabbing it in the air casually with my hand. I have a question in my mind now, that is, where does the air come from in this huge space under the earth? There should not be so much air in such a confined space deep underground.

I shook my head and said to myself, "Damn, the key now is to find grandpa and others, otherwise everything will be empty."

I think since this projector was abandoned here, Grandpa and they should be not far away. After entering this ancient ruins for so long, they finally saw a glimmer of hope to save people.

Looking at the depths of darkness, I gritted my teeth and walked into the darkness in the direction of my tail. I didn't take a few steps forward, and there were gunshots and curses behind me. Obviously, the group of international thieves and the monsters in their hair had already fired.

Although the monster in the hair is weird, in my opinion, it is flesh and blood and should not stop them from shooting. Now if I catch up with them, I have to scratch me like an eel, so I can't help but speed up my pace secretly.

The road was surprisingly smooth. Although it was dark around, the road was very flat and the surroundings were also very open. I was hit by no stone walls or glaciers at all.

From time to time, I use a lighter to check the terrain, but it can only illuminate the surrounding distance of half a meter. The ice fog is terrible, and sometimes it is difficult to breathe.

The further I walked, the colder the air I felt. I had no choice but to stop my footsteps and keep rubbing my hands. I felt that my eyebrows and beard that I had not been shaved for a few days were frozen together, and my whole face was unconscious.

According to the book of the dead ghost king, the colder the place is, the closer it is to the so-called ghost eye.

That ghost eye can destroy a powerful race, which is obviously an extremely horrible existence.

I'm not afraid of death. To be honest, there are three reasons why I still move forward.

The first is curiosity. Human beings are a strange animal. Many people ignore life in order to know a secret, such as ghost eyes. If you don't let me see what's going on, I think I will die.

The second reason is that Grandpa and they are likely to be in front of them. They probably knew the existence of the ghost eye for a long time, so they came all the way here.

To be honest, it's really hard to say how many secrets my grandfather knows. It's not easy for a group of old, weak, sick and disabled researchers to come here through many dangers.

The third is to live. I know that I absolutely can't go back. If I find the ghost eye, there may be a chance to escape.

About ten minutes later, when I lit the lighter again, a huge shadow appeared in the fog not far ahead.

At first, I thought I had met some giant monster in the latrine again, but when I approached, I found that it was a huge stone sculpture about three meters high.

This stone sculpture is made of ordinary gray rock and depicts an unknown general with scales all over his body. He is powerful and straight with a steel fork in his hand, but his facial expression is distorted and very disgusting.

It stretched flat forward with one hand, wrapped in a rusty thick chain on its wrist, and its palm stood up as if it wanted to block something.

I followed his hand and looked forward. In the hazy fog on the opposite side, I saw another palm stretched out. Obviously, there was also a sculpture opposite.

I don't understand the beliefs of the Wei people, but I estimate that these things are like the bull's head and horse's face of the Han people, as a symbol of deterring evil spirits and exorcising evil spirits.

These two huge ancient statues stand in the vast dark world and are eroded by the dark spots, which are particularly strange.

I took two steps forward and was surprised to find that two similar statues appeared in front of me.

I suddenly understood that the place where I am now should be a Shinto, which is common in mausoleums and ancient ruins.

The purpose of the * sculpture on Shinto is to suppress evil, and to show the dignity of the nation or the owner of the tomb.

As I walked forward, I was stunned by the number of these statues. At this time, there was a sudden sound of chain dragging behind.

The crisp sound is particularly harsh in an absolutely quiet environment.

I stood still. Although it was freezing, the sweat on my forehead suddenly came out.