long candle

Chapter 37 separately

Xie Yuting refused to follow up with him.

Everything happened between electric flint, and I felt that it was just a few seconds. These two people had completed a fierce fight, which made me dumbfounded.

After a long time, I said to Nobita on one side, "When did you get so accurate shooting!"

Nobita was still fiddling with the gun and scolding, "Don't fucking mention it. The gun was crooked just now!"

I was speechless for a while, and the grandfather on my back coughed violently and gasped, "Quick... chase, take back the picture, or it's all over!"

At this time, Daxiong looked up and said, "Please stop for a while, old man. It's still thinking about the picture. It's a problem that you can't escape now."

As soon as he finished saying this, the whole ground suddenly shook violently, and a roar resounded throughout the cave hall.

Many huge stones fell from the top of the cave, and one of them was the size of a basin hit my feet, which scared me to shrink my feet.

Nobita didn't stand still, threw a dog to eat shit, got up scolding, took my hand and said, "Let's go!" Otherwise, it will be too late!" After saying that, he pulled me and ran out.

However, the grandfather behind me patted me hard and said, "Save people! Save people..."

Daxiong stopped and said, "Sir, forget it. These people don't know whether they are alive or dead. You are like this again. The three of us can't save them at all."

Grandpa didn't listen to Nobita. He struggled to climb down from my back and said, "I can't leave them... Xiaochuan, run away."

I knew I couldn't leave my grandfather. I took a look at Nobita and followed him helplessly.

Daxiong stamped his foot and said, "Come on, let's die together!" I took two steps forward and was about to catch up with Grandpa, but at this time, the ground suddenly vibrated violently, stronger than last time.

I didn't stand still and sat down. I only heard the click on the top of my head, and something huge was cracked.

Then there was a huge roar not far ahead. The ground was smashed by ice, and the flying debris scratched my arm in several places.

I didn't have time to care about the pain in my hand. I opened my eyes in a hurry and was immediately stunned.

It turned out that the vibration just broke the huge Buddha's hand on the top of his head, and the whole palm fell down, completely crushing the well mouth where the ghost eye was located, and Grandpa and others happened to be pressed under it.

This huge Buddha's hand weighed down, and Grandpa and they have no chance of surviving. If I took a few more steps just now, I would have been crushed into meat mud.

A strong sadness surged up, and I felt my head buzzing and blank.

Grandpa died, and the person who loved me the most since I was a child died. Grandpa, who rode me as a horse when I was a child and brought back a lot of toys every time I went out for an inspection, died like this?

I really can't accept such a fact for a moment. I blame myself for not stopping him just now. Grandpa's death is my fault.

Then, I rushed to the pile of rocks in front of me like crazy and shouted hoarsely.

"Grandpa! ..." I just ran two steps, the ground shook violently again, and the Buddha statue above my head made a click again.

Daxiong was obviously stunned by his grandfather's death at first, but now he seems to have finally reacted and shouted behind his back: "Comrade Nie Chuan! Look at the top of your head. The whole Buddha's body is about to fall. If you don't leave, you have to explain it here!"

I watched many flying stones hit the surrounding ground and said disheartily, "Go quickly. Grandpa is dead. I will bury him."

I really thought so at that time. That was the first time I was frustrated with life. I felt that I had lost the most important thing in my life.

Since I was a child, I have regarded Grandpa as my idol. When I was a child, I often advocated to my grandfather as a famous scholar in the Academy of Sciences. Later, when I became sensible, I took Grandpa as my goal in my life. I studied paleontology under Grandpa's guidance and studied biology in college. My whole life was in Grandpa's shadow. Growing up under the sound.

"Fuck, you have to force your grandpa, don't you!" Daxiong stepped up and grabbed me. He put me under his armpits like catching chickens, and began to run wild against the rain of rocks.

I was 1.8 meters old and was caught by this guy. I didn't react for a moment. After a while, I felt that this posture was really shameful and began to struggle.

Nobita's big hand is like a steel pliers. No matter how I twist it, I can't resist him.

My heart was mixed with grief, despair and anxiety, and I didn't care so much. I used a woman's trick and bit Daxiong's stomach fiercely.

Daxiong shouted and scolded, "Daunt, this is the second bite. When I go out, I have to find a ** mother Tibetan mastiff and put you and it in a cage to avenge this blood."

I thought that this move was too bad. I recalled that I had also bitten him when I was tossing before, and then I felt a little guilty when I thought of him saving me countless times along the way.

I know that this life is not only my own. Nobita sacrificed his life to save me many times. I haven't had time to repay him. I'm so sorry for him to die like this.

Although I don't know what Grandpa has spent his whole life secretly studying, now that he is dead, I have to help him fulfill his last wish. The most important thing is that I'm still a virgin and I can't die yet.

After thinking about this, I said in a low voice, "Let me down, I won't die."

Nobita stared at me, thought for a long time, and said, "I don't believe it, unless you smile."

. I scolded, "When the hell are you still in the mood to flirt with me? Hurry up!"

Nobita saw that I was in the mood to scold him. He didn't laugh angrily. He put me down and said, "This is our Comrade Xiaochuan!"

I'm not in the mood to talk to him more. I followed him silently for a while and asked, "What do you mean that the giant covex is coming out?"

Daxiong's fat meat is trembling all over his body, but he still runs fast. Such a huge and agile fat man is also the only strange thing I have seen in my life.

He said breathlessly, "This is a long story. Let's start from King Wei's tomb. At that time, we were separated from you. I reconciled with Yuting and came to another place where we could dive under the ice. We encountered Liang Qian underwater. She took something from the giant colossus, which caused that thing. Now I'm tossing around underwater, and the whole hole will collapse by it sooner or later. As for the details, I'll tell you slowly later.

I frowned, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Can we go back now?" Daxiong replied angrily, "How can you know if you don't try!"

Thinking of the headache maze, I was extremely desperate, and even if I walked out of the maze, in front of it was the ruins of the national residence and the dark river.

The water in that dark river is so rapid that our boat can't go up against the current! Now the only expectation is to see if the maze can lead directly to the outside, and many times the door can appear in the space leading to the outside?

As I thought, I looked at the "people" kneeling on both sides of the road. They were completely ignorant, with dull expressions, like a walking corpse, which made me give up the idea of reminding them to escape.

Soon, Nobita and I had run out of the crowd, through layers of fog, ran through the huge pit, and returned to the platform where the blood lotus coffin was located.

Because the blood lotus coffin was so strange, we had to stop and turn on our flashlight to check the following situation.

I was stunned at a glance, because the blood lotus coffin tied by a chain in the middle somehow broke away from the chain, and the coffin board fell to one side, surrounded by wood chips and was in a mess.

I scolded, "Damn, this group of international thieves are so fierce that such an evil coffin has been stolen by them!"

Nobita stared at me and said, "Steal fart, look over there!"

I looked in the direction of his finger and saw a few more piles of hair on one side of the coffin, like several piles of hay, each of whom was tall.

Thinking of the pile of hair raised from the ground before, I was a little creepy. I thought to myself, "Are those international thieves wrapped in their hair?

Where is the ancient corpse in the coffin?

I was thinking about it when I saw Nobita pull me. He whispered, "Look... Zongzi..."